tenderfoot first aid requirements answers

The Wilderness Survival program feature helps Scouts learn how to stay safe, warm, and dry when the unexpected happens during an outdoor adventure. Tell what you can do while on a campout or other outdoor activity to prevent or reduce the occurrence of injuries or exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b4d. 5a. Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Have the person sit down leaning forward. c Tell how each item in the kit would be used. 13. A Scouts BSA Troop PLC can plan a whole month of activities incorporating a backpacking theme. At the end of your merit badge workbook should be a section that recaps the first aid requirements for Tenderfoot through First Class. First aid for more serious emergencies including choking, stopped breathing, serious bleeding, poisoning, rabid bite… Present yourself to your leader, prepared for an overnight camping trip. Poisonous or hazardous plants c d Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. First Aid is a huge badge. My first aid kit has _____ 7. ___ Wash it with soap and water. Show first aid for the following:Simple cuts and scrapesBlisters on the hand and footMinor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first-degree)Bites or stings of insects and ticksVenomous snakebiteNosebleedFrostbite and sunburnChoking4b. First aid for bites or stings of insects and ticks. Tenderfoot Requirements by Scouter Rob 1a. Week 2 Court of Honor. Joining/Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Camping Know How I Camping Know How II Citizenship I First Aid: The Basics I Fitness I Fitness II Forming the Patrol I ... scouts have completed all first aid requirements. Learn how your comment data is processed. First, stay calm and think. 72 CARDS IN ALL … SCOUT RANK (8), TENDERFOOT (16), SECOND CLASS (28), FIRST CLASS (20)You can download the Flash Cards here: Tenderfoot Requirement 4a "Show first aid for the following..." _____ Name (Choose 1 correct answer) Simple cuts and scrapes (page 125) 1. First aid baseball is a fun way to review first aid skills with Scouts BSA and Webelos. The best way to avoid problems is to avoid poison ivy. Change socks if they become sweaty or wet. Wearing work gloves can help lessen the chances of developing blisters on your hands when you are working outdoors.If you do develop a blister, don't pop it. Answer: Always pack these items handy: First aid kit. Master the following skills: 1. Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class requirements can be worked in parallel so if you didn’t add the clarifying text saying that a conference is required for each rank, someone could play the system and have one conference and say that they satisfied the Scoutmaster conference for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. First aid for minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first -degree). Never have a flame in a tent! Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scouter Mom with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Describe the signals of a broken bone. 1b. Correct blister treatment can prevent further irritation. We're talking about wood or glass, and it's something you can see. Tenderfoot Requirements Worksheet Scout Name _____Troop____ No. I did this with my previous Webelos den and they really enjoyed it. Tell how each item in the kit would be used. First aid for minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first -degree). Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. . Required fields are marked *. Show the right way to pack and carry it. There are instructions for the game and a set of question cards included in the printable file. The skills needed for proper first aid cannot be learned alone. answer Treat a superficial burn by holding the injured area under cold water or applying cool, wet compresses until there is little or no pain. Your email address will not be published. Displaying Tenderfoot - First Aid Skill.ppt. map … Here is a way they showed us at a Pow Wow a few years ago. Knowing exactly what to do first to help a person What you must do immediately Page 3 of 23. The first aid requirements for Tenderfoot cover a variety of situations a Scout might encounter on a campout, especially first aid for nature related injuries. Demonstrate how to care for someone who is choking. This site is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. If the scout joins a troop around March or April, he should try to earn this first rank advancement by completing the tenderfoot requirements before August or September. The focus of the First Aid troop program feature is learning to assess an emergency and practical first aid skills. _____ 12. b. 4a. 5a. Scouter Mom is a participant in affiliate programs and generates revenue by advertising and linking to Amazon and other affiliate sites. Treat a superficial burn by holding the injured area under cold water or applying cool, wet compresses until there is little or no pain. Assess the situation. To help prevent blisters on your feet when hiking, wear shoes or boots that fit well and that have been broken in. Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. In this game, players pretend they are wounded and go to the hospital to get fixed up. Remain calm and move beyond the snake's striking distance. The requirements for Tenderfoot introduce the youth to the skills he or she needs to get started in Scouts BSA. The first aid requirements for Tenderfoot cover a variety of situations a Scout might encounter on a campout, especially first aid for nature related injuries. The requirements for Tenderfoot introduce the youth to the skills he or she needs to get started in Scouts BSA. Tell how each item in the kit would be used. Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Most of the answers were taken from the first six chapters of the … What's a good item to have in your first aid kit to remove a splinter? While most tick bites won't cause more than minor irritation, if treated incorrectly complications can occur. Which items should be quickly accessible in your backpack? Scout Books. Summertime activities in the outdoors are great, but watch out for poison ivy. Scouts BSA working on their Tenderfoot rank need to learn about poisonous plants. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. First aid for blisters on the hand and foot. December Week 1 F5 Bring in a community leader to talk to scouts about their roles as US citizens. First-aid requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks encourage you to practice treating certain . To complete the 11 requirements standing between you and your new rank, you’ll need to learn about camping, personal fitness, first aid, citizenship, and more! FirstS6b Aid Hurry Cases Sept Outing Court of Honor – Tenderfoot done F4a Map and Compass II S2f-g, F3a-d Knots and Lashings II Oct Outing T7a, S8a-b, S9a-b, F9a-b, F10 Citizenship F7a First Aid Bandages Nov Outing F7b First Aid Rescues F7c First Aid CPR Dec Outing Court of Honor – Second Class done Jan Outing Feb Outing Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. First Aid Program Feature for Scouts BSA Troops, Nature and Environment Troop Program Feature for Scouts BSA Troops, Wilderness Survival Troop Program Feature for Scouts BSA, Scouts BSA Tenderfoot Rank Helps and Documents, First Aid Baseball Game for Scouts BSA and Webelos. Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. First-aid requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks encourage you to practice treating certain injuries and ailments. Tell what you can do while on a campout or other outdoor activity to prevent or reduce the occurrence of injuries or exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b. Cheers, Run Ons, and Audience Participation, Program Ideas by Holidays both Serious and Silly. Your purchase of items through this website helps pay the bills to keep this site running. It could even save a limb or a life. * Show first aid for the following : Simple cuts and scratches Blisters on the hand and foot Minor burns or scalds (first degree) Bites or stings of insects and … When you are doing first aid instruction, it is best to demonstrate it as much as possible. The Tenderfoot requirements may be worked on simultaneously with the requirements for Second Class and First Class; these ranks must still be earned in sequence though. The Nature and Environment theme focuses on plants, wildlife, and how we interact with nature. Show the personal and camping gear you will use. Clean and rebandage wounds each day. First aid for blisters on the hand and foot. Show first aid for the following: Simple cuts and scrapes Blisters on the hand and foot Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first degree) TF4-Show first aid for minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial or first degree) The requirements for the Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks must be earned in sequence. The list of requirements, which is long enough to begin with, is nearly doubled by the inclusion of requirement 1: "Satisfy your counselor that you have current knowledge of all first-aid requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks." Earning the First Aid merit badge will help you understand that emergency medical treatment is a set of clear action steps. 4a. Change socks if they become sweaty or wet. ___ Wash it with water, but don't use soap. Blisters are a common injury for outdoor and physical activities. Tenderfoot requirement 4c (2016) Tell what you can do while on a campout or other outdoor activity to prevent or reduce the occurrence of injuries or exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b. Tenderfoot is the rank a Scout can earn after Scout. . Do the following: a. Tell how each item in the kit would be used. The Scout also learns how to avoid these injuries. 6. Emergency medical care should be obtained as soon as possible. Wash scrapes and minor cuts with soap and water. Alternative requirements for the Tenderfoot rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Scouts BSA Requirements book. Describe common poisonous or hazardous plants; identify any that grow in your local area or campsite location.Tell how to treat for exposure to them.4c. Find resources for these requirements below. Printable helps for requirements: 4d. Breaking a blister increases the chances of infection by bacteria. 5 of 14 4. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. What do you do after an accident? Tell how you practiced the Outdoor Codeon a campout or outing After the splinter has been removed, two first aid steps to take: 1. Alternative requirements for the Tenderfoot rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book. If your Webelos or Scouts BSA are working on first aid requirements, you can add in some fun by making a fake wound on a "victim" or two. 1c. I’d like to help you to answer each of these, but there are more than 20 topics that should be covered, which would be too much to include in this guide. This backpacking program feature offers the opportunity to learn more about hiking and low impact camping. Earning the Tenderfoot rank is the first real obstacle in a scout’s journey to Eagle. Satisfy your counselor that you have current knowledge of all first-aid requirements for Tenderfoot, 12. a. 4d. Tenderfoot is the first rank earned as a Boy Scout. Tenderfoot Rank Scout's Name: _____ Tenderfoot Rank Workbook Page 5 of 10 •Nosebleed •Frostbite and sunburn •Choking •Poisonous or hazardous plants d Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. Hint: Running water: _____ 2. Earning the First Aid merit badge will help you understand that emergency medical treatment is a set How do you treat a small cut before putting on a Band-Aid? The Safety feature teaches Scouts to "Be Prepared" for hazardous situations in their homes, on the street, and while out in the woods with their troop. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Show first aid for the following: The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Achieving Tenderfoot rank is an important step on the Boy Scout Trail. The questions which follow cover the Tenderfoot Requirements. Tenderfoot Review Questions Tenderfoot Question Answer Time Scouting for Tenderfoot Answers. © A2ZWare LLC and Scouter Mom, 2021 . Tell how each item in the kit would be used. These are old Tenderfoot requirements. First aid for relatively minor emergencies including minor cuts and burns, blisters, bites, nosebleed, frostbite, sunburn, poisonous plants, eye injuries, and heat exhaustion; bandgage ankle, head, arm, and collarbone (see Tenderfoot requirements 11 and most of Tenderfoot requirement12b, part of Second Class requirement 6c, and First Class requirement 8b) 2. Ask the person to pinch the nose firmly but gently, and apply pressure on the upper lip, just below the nose. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. The program feature includes some general information and some more specific ideas for meetings: What is the best way to treat a knife cut? See the 2016 requirements. Being able to identify hazardous plants will help all Scouts who are in the outdoors, so this knowledge is not just for rank advancement. 4d. Learn blister first aid. Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future campouts and hikes. This article from Boy's Life magazine explains how to stop the bleeding, clean the cut, and dress the wound. The Scout also learns how to avoid these injuries. 2. ___ Make it bleed; blood flow will wash out any dirt. To help prevent blisters on your feet when hiking, wear shoes or boots that fit well and that have been broken in. Thank you! Filed Under: Emergency Preparedness, Nature. This will set him well for reaching his First … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Your email address will not be published. What is First Aid? exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b. If a blister forms on your foot while hiking, apply a piece of moleskin cut slightly larger than the blistered area. Tell how each item in the kit would be used. First Aid requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class Scout's Name: _____ First Aid - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Leader Date and Initial Page 5 of 5 12b. Scouts like to get outdoors, but in many areas that brings the danger of tick bites. 2. Answer: Battery powered lamps and flashlights are the only approved illumination devices allowed. By following the steps every time injuries and ailments. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Site Contents. 1. Apply triple antibiotic ointment and cover with a dry, sterile dressing or an adhesive bandage to help prevent infection and protect the wound. All opinions expressed belong to Scouter Mom and her readers. Show first-aid procedures for handling fractures (broken bones), including open (compound) fractures of the rain gear. First Aid - Venomous Snake Bites If a person is bitten by a snake, it's important he or she remains calm, immobilizes the bite area, and removes jewelry or tight clothing. 4c. exposure listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b.