tanzania coral reefs

Tanzania’s extraordinary biodiversity extends beyond the land and into the marine realm. They are reds and brown. If you’re in the mood to get more than your feet wet, you can dive down to encounter the diverse, colourful marine-life that glides over the coral reefs they call home. Tanzania is the only country in Africa where blast fishing, (fishing with explosives), still occurs on a large scale. “Our study shows that while warming waters may devastate surrounding reefs, this area could become an incredibly important sanctuary where marine species big and small will flock to find refuge from climate change,” he said. Scientists in east Africa have discovered a rare ocean refuge for coral where species are still thriving despite the accelerating climate crisis impacting other nearby reefs. Chumbe Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Coral reefs are highly complex and productive ecosystems, second only to tropical rainforests when it comes to biodiversity. The coastline has the highest density of dolphins in east Africa, and coelacanths, fish once believed extinct, swim in its deep waters. Eels are some of the most fascinating predators found in the ocean. Coral reefs cover about 2/3 of Tz continental shelf. In Tanzania, coral reefs are essential for both ecological and socio-economic reasons. They are full of fish, lobsters, prawns, crabs, octopuses, mollusks, and sea cucumbers. Governance of Africa’s Resources Programme Tanzania is the only country in Africa where blast fishing, (fishing with explosives), still occurs on a large scale. Marine biologists are scouring the ocean to find and protect coral refuges – areas where reefs have the best chance to survive the climate crisis. Pemba Island is not as easy to access as Zanzibar, but making the journey can be quite worthwhile. Scientists have discovered a climate crisis refuge for coral reefs off the coast of Kenya and Tanzania, where species are thriving despite warming events that have killed their neighbours. Scientists are scouring the world’s oceans to find and protect them,” said the study’s author and lead WCS coral scientist, Dr. Tim McClanahan. Tanzania Coral reefs are well developed in many places. For example, the 1997-1998 global coral bleaching event caused mortalities of up to 80% in some of Tanzania's reefs. Surveys of coral reefs in northern Tanzania were cond ucted in 2004/5 with the aim of comparing them over an 8-year period during a time of increased efforts at fisheries management and the 1998 El Nin ˜o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) coral mortality e vent that caused 45% mortality in northern Tanzania and Close to the mainland there are fringing and patch reefs along much of the coast to the north of the Pangani River, with a wide lagoon with only occasional patch reefs further south around Dar es Salaam. Coral reefs off Tanzania's coast are being destroyed, most beyond repair. Box 668, Zanzibar Executive summary Studies dating to the 1960s revealed that the marine environment and its resources are over-exploited and in need of management. Tanzania's Pristine Coral Reefs. For example, the 1997-1998 global coral bleaching event caused mortalities of up to 80% in some of Tanzania’s reefs. Tanzania is the only country in Africa where dynamite fishing still occurs on a large scale. 176 Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2004 Potential and actual climate change threats are particularly important, but are outside the management control of local and national MPA authorities in Kenya and Tanzania. Copyright © 2021 Blane Perun's TheSea. Kenya and Tanzania are among eight countries in the Western Indian Ocean region that will benefit from a study assessing the vulnerability of coral reefs ecosystem. McClanahan said he has found three potential coral sanctuaries in the western Indian Ocean, but only for this one is the available scientific evidence “pretty strong”. The North Horn of Pemba is known for shark viewing and can feature hammerheads, grey whaler sharks, silver tips and many other species as well. The challenge. Chumbe Island is a small coral island in East Africa just west of the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Scientists have discovered a climate crisis refuge for coral reefs off the coast of Kenya and Tanzania, where species are thriving despite warming events that have killed their neighbours.. McClanahan, the lead scientist for the Wildlife Conservation Society, who lives and works in Mombasa, Kenya, said he had an “epiphany” when he realised why the reef was so rich in wildlife. governance in Tanzania mainland: their potential and limitations for achieving conservation and livelihood goals. Some good news in gloomy times.”. , Coral reefs are well developed in many places. The east African marine fishery production, estimated at 1.4-4.9 tonnes per km super(2), is principally a result of artisanal fishing. Coral reefs are very important in providing coastal protection and stabilisation. So the stress killing corals does not penetrate. 17,500-17,900 km2. Mike Corey is off the coast of Tanzania, exploring a coral reef that scientists say could be a game-changer for some species threatened by warming seas. “I’m very excited about it,” McClanahan said. Rare discovery of reef cooled by channels formed during creation of Kilimanjaro is ‘something to hope for’, say scientists, Last modified on Tue 15 Dec 2020 10.55 GMT. Unsustainable fishing continues, and there are future plans for coastal development, including a port in northern Tanzania. STATUS OF CORAL REEFS IN EASTERN AFRICA: KENYA, TANZANIA, MOZAMBIQUE AND SOUTH AFRICA DAVID OBURA AND CONTRIBUTORS – LOUIS CELLIERS, HAJI MACHANO, SANGEETA MANGUBHAI, MOHAMMED S. MOHAMMED, HELENA MOTTA, CHRISTOPHER MUHANDO, NYAWIRA MUTHIGA, MARCOS PEREIRA AND MICHAEL SCHLEYER ABSTRACT Eastern African coral reefs were … Seascape: the state of our oceans is supported by, Deep-sea ‘gold rush’: secretive plans to carve up the seabed decried. Recent study by TAFIRI (2016) revealed that catch and fishing effort levels in the octopus fishery vary spatially in coastal waters of Tanzania. Coral Reefs and Their Management in Tanzania Greg M. Wagner Faculty of Aquatic Sciences and Technology, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Part of his research was to examine whether – if fisheries are better managed – the effects of global heating could be mitigated in the ocean. It adjoins the Northern Monsoon Current Coast ecoregion to the north, and the Bight of Sofala/Swamp Coast ecoregion to the south. These reef formations are accompanied by stable water temperatures of around 25 degrees C (77 F) all year round, plenty of sunshine and good water clarity, being an excellent place for huge corals, as well as parrotfish, barracudas and potato cod – among many other fish species – to thrive. Unfortunately, however, the climate crisis is not the only threat to the area’s biodiversity and the newly discovered refuge. “It turns out there is a long stretch from Kenyan waters into Dar Es Salaam where these warm water events like El Niño don’t penetrate. The East African coral coast is a marine ecoregion along the eastern coast of Africa. Besides killing and injuring fish, the blasts cause irreversible damage to coral reefs, destroying the habitat of many reef species and threatening the country’s reputation as … By The Conversation | … Tanzania is the only country in Africa where blast fishing (fishing with explosives) still occurs on a large scale. These reef formations are accompanied by stable water temperatures of around 25 degrees C (77 F) all year round, plenty of sunshine and good water clarity, being an excellent place for huge corals, as well as parrotfish, barracudas and potato cod – among many other fish species – to thrive. “It gives us something to hope for. It extends along the coasts of Kenya, Tanzania, and northern Mozambique, from Lamu in Kenya to Angoche in Mozambique. For example, the 1997-1998 global coral bleaching event caused mortalities of up to 80% in some of Tanzania's reefs. Spinner dolphins are among species that seem to be thriving in the newly-discovered coral sanctuary. Whilst recognised for its unmatched concentrations of large herbivores, the remarkable diversity of habitats from coral reefs to montane forests all combine to make Tanzania one of the most biodiverse and natural resource rich nations in Africa. Stable temperatures of over 26C and clear waters with visibility of more than 25 meters are what made possible the development and continual thriving of this beautiful underwater paradise. Is coral along Tanzania’s coastline being affected? Besides killing and injuring fish, these blasts cause irreversible damage to coral reefs, destroying the habitats of many reef species, shattering the natural barriers that protect Tanzania’s coastline from erosion andRead More “I thought ‘why are all the animals here?’ And I realised it was because of Kilimanjaro,” he said. 4. This illegal practice is extremely destructive to the surrounding ecosystem, as the explosion often destroys the coral reef and local habitat that supports the fish. Their roles in island building and coastal protection are often underestimated, they are also important fishery habitats and major tourist attractions. Tanzania is endowed with a scenic, diverse and resource rich coastal area (coral reefs, beaches, estuaries, sea grass beds & extensive mangrove stands). Sea surface temperatures were 2°C higher than average (over 30°C). The coral refuge, which stretches from Shimoni, 50 miles south of Mombasa, in Kenya to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, is fed by cool water from deep channels formed thousands of years ago by glacial runoff from Kilimanjaro and the Usambara mountains. Coral reefs … Yes. Close to the mainland there are fringing and patch reefs along much of the coast to the north of the Pangani River, with a wide lagoon with only occasional patch reefs further south around Dar es Salaam. THE STATUS OF CORAL REEFS IN THE DAR-ES-SALAAM MARINE RESERVES SYSTEM AND THE STATE OF REEFS IN OTHER MARINE PROTECTED AREAS OF TANZANIA Christopher A. Muhando and J. Francis Institute of Marine Sciences, P.O. Tim McClanahan, the author of a study on the refuge published this month in Advances in Marine Biology, has been looking for coral sanctuaries in the west Indian Ocean for more than a decade. McClanahan put temperature gauges along the coast and used satellite data to monitor them. This worldwide bleaching event was caused by elevated sea surface temperature due to El Nino. The Establishment of a Marine Eco-Park to Conserve Reefs and Support Environmental Education in Tanzania. Outside that area, the corals are bleached and dying. But inside the area, of around 400 sq km [150 sq miles] they retain their colour and their health. “If well protected, this key transboundary marine ecosystem will remain a jewel of biodiversity for the entire east African coast.”. Prior to the El Niño and coral bleaching in 1998, coral reefs in Mafia were healthy and robust, with coral cover levels upwards of 50% on most reef areas, and a count of 46 scleractinian genera. The coral sanctuary is a wildlife hotspot, teeming with spinner dolphins and boasting rare species, including prehistoric fish and dugongs. Is coral along Tanzania's coastline being affected? “This area off the coast of Tanzania and Kenya is a small but vibrant basin of marine biodiversity. They are also important for fish and marine transport sector. Coral reef off the shore of Tanzania, where scientists have discovered an area where cool water is protecting marine life. Yes. This study intend to validate the hypothesis on how the levels of fishing effort related to the ecosystem sensitive in particular coral reefs environment. So, how is it possible for this coral refuge to exist when nearby reefs are suffering from coral bleaching events due to warming waters? Location. 1. They provide valuable resources for communities along the East African coast and in turn these communities have a significant impact on marine life. ENVIRONMENTAL conservation experts in Zanzibar and Pemba are concerned about increased sightings of a predator to coral reefs that is risking the livelihoods of millions of people. WCS’s marine conservation work currently focuses on sharks and rays, coral reefs and marine mammals. Coral reefs are widespread along the east African coast and Seychelle islands. Government of Tanzania had established the Mafia Island Marine Park as the first multiple-use marine protected area in Tanzania. Researchers believe its location in a cool spot in the ocean is helping to protect it and the surrounding marine life from the harmful effects of the climate crisis. Tanzania has some of the world’s richest fishing grounds but stocks are being depleted. The cool water appears to protect the corals from episodic warming events like El Niño. Kilimanjaro. My research partner likes to call them: ‘happy corals’.”. Finally, the Mafia Archipelago with its large island and several smaller islands plays host to some of the healthiest and most diverse reef formations in Tanzania. “Coral sanctuaries are regions where reefs have the best chance to survive climate change. Any species of fish in the Anguilliformes order. Coral cover is highly varied, with estimates on different patch reefs varying between 1 and 80 percent. The continental shelf covers appr. In addition, coral reefs are one of the major tourist attractions in Tanzania. The answer, believe it or not, is Mt. Tanzania coral reefs are known for their beauty and remarkable, pristine condition. The coral refuge stretches 50 miles south of Mombasa, in Kenya to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, which is home to the famous Kilimanjaro and Usambara mountains. The atolls found in the Zanzibar archipelago are particularly known for the large number of reef fish species they support (more than 600 recorded species), as well as for being a nesting place for threatened green turtles, supporting three species of dolphins and being a hotspot for larger sea creatures like humpback whales and whale sharks. There is far more to see than meets the eye when it comes to the most beautiful Tanzania coral reefs, and places like Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia island are only some of the locations where you can find the most stunning, untouched underwater worlds to explore. Then, when there was a warming event, which occur only every few years, he got into the water to see its effects for himself. Is coral along Tanzania's coastline being affected? Tanzania coral reefs are known for their beauty and remarkable, pristine condition. Yes. Coral reefs shield coastlines from major waves, storms and floods. Famous for places like Zanzibar – where the Mnemba atoll is one of the most famous diving sites in the country, featuring stunning corals, huge sea turtles and majestic manta rays – the peaceful Fundu Lagoon and the vibrant Mafia archipelago, Tanzania is home to beautiful and diverse atoll and fringing coral reef formations that, through the stable habitats they support, house many endangered and rare species of turtles, fish and sea mammals. All rights reserved. Box 35064, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Key words: coral reefs, threats, management, recent initiatives, Tanzania Abstract— Coral reefs are very important in Tanzania, both ecologically and socio-economically,