requirements to be a swimming merit badge counselor

frauggy wrote: I am wondering what exaclty are the requirements for a merit badge counselor for swimming and lifesaving. Take precautions to prevent sunburn, dehydration, and hypothermia.Life Jacket Use: Swimming in clear water over 12 feet deep, in turbid water over 8 feet deep, or in flowing water may be allowed if all participants wear properly fitted, Coast Guard–approved life jackets and the supervisor determines that swimming with life jackets is safe under the circumstances. LookoutThe lookout continuously monitors the conduct of the swim, identifies any departures from Safe Swim Defense guidelines, alerts rescue personnel as needed, and monitors the weather and environment. Fax: (805) 967-5094 34130, from your unit leader. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author is strictly prohibited. The form must show each badge for which the counselor requests approval. Hypothermia is caused by one’s core body temperature falling below 95°F. Shotgun Shooting. Have knowledge of BSA Guidelines. That involving muzzleloaders must be supervised by an NCS shooting sports director or NRA/National Muzzleloader Rifle Association (NMLRA)–certified muzzleloader firearms instructor. Activity in water at 70 degrees or less should be of limited duration and closely monitored for negative effects of chilling.Water Quality: Bodies of stagnant, foul water, areas with significant algae or foam, or areas polluted by livestock or waterfowl should be avoided. The classification tests must be renewed annually, preferably at the beginning of the season even if the Scout has earned the Swimming merit badge.Swimmers pass this test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth. The merit badge counselor must take responsibility to assure that all instruction involving any handling of firearms or live ammunition must be supervised by a certified BSA National Camping School (NCS) shooting sports director, or National Rifle Association (NRA) Rifle Shooting Instructor or Coach. The qualifications of a merit badge counselor are: Be 18 years or older. If merit badge counselors insisted on counselling Scouts merit badge “classes” at troop meetings, merit badge fairs, summer camps, and other mass gatherings where Scouts were treated like a herd rather than an individual would be a thing or the past. Therefore, the best tactic for survival in cold water is to use any clothing you have to remain buoyant and keep warm. To avoid sunburns, always apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher when outdoors, and try to avoid being in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Start reading! Abrupt changes in depth are not allowed in the nonswimmer area. Although this is a fun badge to complete, many people have been injured while swimming. The merit badge counselor agrees to follow the requirements of the recognition, making no deletions or additions, ensuring the advancement standards are fair and uniform for all Scouts. Get a signed Application for Merit Badge, No. You will need it later. Remember that, while swimming, safety is key. To be a merit badge counselor you must register with the BSA at your local council for the position and to be approved to counsel certain badges. No elevated entry is permitted where the person must clear any obstacle, including land.Water Temperature: Comfortable water temperature for swimming is near 80 degrees. Counselors must also receive the approval of the council advancement committee. They also must have completed Youth Protection Training within the past two years. EPrep mainly consists of straightforward knowledge requirements but requires a scout to earn their First Aid merit badge beforehand. However, to keep their injury from becoming worse, make sure the victim remains absolutely still with their neck and back immobilized. Common symptoms of a heat stroke are throbbing headaches, dizziness, a lack of sweating despite warm weather, or a feeling of weakness. However in all my years of scouting the age rqmt gets waived for summer camps. Answer: Yes, the following merit badges have special qualifications or certifications for either the merit badge counselor or the supervisor of certain activities that may be involved: Archery, Climbing, Snow Sports, Canoeing, Kayaking, Lifesaving, Motor Boating, Rifle Shooting, Rowing, Scuba Diving, Shotgun Shooting, Small Boat Sailing, Swimming, Water Sports, and Whitewater. The conversations can lead to a relationship of mutual respect where the Scout is confident to offer his thoughts and opinions and value those of his merit badge counselor. If untreated, heatstroke can lead to seizures, confusion, loss of consciousness and even a coma. Rescue personnel must be able to easily reach the bottom. The best thing to do is to wait until they settle then pull them out as quickly as possible and proceed with standard rescue procedures. This is a potentially fatal condition that can result in lowered blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting. These wounds should be washed with soap and water, and treated with an antihistamine (Benadryl) to reduce itching. However, many types of physical activity can strain or otherwise harm your body. I’m certain this resource will be helpful to scouts on their road to Eagle! Demonstrations or activities in or on the water must be conducted according to BSA Safe Swim Defense and BSA Safety Afloat. #29 ** 3. Also, remember that ScoutSmarts should just serve as your starting point for merit badge research. Out of the three options that count for Eagle: Swimming, Hiking, and Cycling, the Swimming merit badge is definitely the fastest to earn — if you have the location and supplies for it. Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes in good form and in a … 34346. Your merit badge instructor should walk you through the techniques necessary to complete the following requirements. To summarize, you’ll need to actually swim in a lifeguard-supervised body of water to complete requirements 2-7 of this badge. The lookout should have a clear view of the entire area but be close enough for easy verbal communication. After the count is confirmed, a signal is given to resume swimming. This will lay a suitable foundation for safety and first aid requirements 1 and 2. badge listed on this Merit Badge Counselor Information form. Safe AreaAll swimming areas must be carefully inspected and prepared for safety prior to each activity. Maximum water depth in turbid water is 8 feet.Visibility: Underwater swimming and diving are prohibited in turbid water. A spinal injury can result in damage to the brain and nervous system. From the scuba merit badge pamphlet: Merit Badge Counselor Training is available online at . Swimming at night is allowed only in areas with water clarity and lighting sufficient for good visibility both above and below the surface.Diving and Elevated Entry: Diving is permitted only into clear, unobstructed water from heights no greater than 40 inches. That involving muzzle-loading shotguns must be supervised by an NCS shooting sports director or NRA/NMLRA certified muzzle-loading shotgun instructor. If they are not of the same ability group, then they swim in the area assigned to the buddy with the lesser ability.A buddy check reminds participants of their obligation to monitor their buddies and indicates how closely the buddies are keeping track of each other. Additions or subtractions may be submitted using the same form. I’m not sure what I needed to do to complete this requirement. (7b) Demonstrate your ability to jump feetfirst into water over your head in depth, level off and swim HINT: When you find the merit badge counselors you are looking for write the name down. Before doing the following requirements, successfully complete Second Class requirements 7a-7c and First Class requirements 9a-9d Second Class rank requirements: (7a) Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim. Treat any activity around water very seriously, and you’ll be able to keep yourself and your friends safe! Require the Scout to complete all and only all of the requirements. an adult who is a qualified counselor. Registered with the BSA. This is valid for 2 years. People are more likely to follow directions when they know the reasons for rules and procedures. Also called over-breathing, hyperventilation can lead to feelings of lightheadedness, a tingling sensation in one’s extremities, and may even cause the victim to faint. For details on how to register, contact your local council service center. Requirements. I’ll be breaking down the answers to each of the knowledge requirements for the worksheet in this guide, as well as giving you some pointers to more easily earn this badge. If you notice someone is experiencing hypothermia, immediately warm them using extra clothing, fire, or through body heat. Examine the latest revision of the Scouts BSA Merit Badge pamphlet of each Merit Badge I select on the reverse side of this form. gested outline for Swimming merit badge instruction. Lifesaving. The required qualifications above for merit badge counseling and supervision not only assist in managing risk, but also give counselors credibility. Keep their appointment. Call the Merit Badge Counselor. Water depth, quality, temperature, movement, and clarity are important considerations. Discuss the Scuba Diver's Code with your merit badge counselor, and explain the importance of each guideline to a scuba diver's safety. Activities in the field must be supervised by a mature and conscientious adult 21 years or older who is committed to compliance with BSA Winter Sports Safety as defined in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Two possible scenarios for the required Youth Protection training … Remember to keep the victim hydrated, and have them refrain from picking at the burn, should it begin peeling later on. b. 4. The merit badge instruction should begin with a review of requirement 3. Demonstrate proper technique for performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor. When lifeguards are not provided by others, the adult supervisor must assign at least two rescue personnel, with additional numbers to maintain a ratio of one rescuer to every 10 participants. To treat hyperventilation, have the victim breathe slowly, either through pursed lips or into a paper bag. The form must show each badge for which the counselor requests approval. It is permissible for councils to limit the number of badges that one person counsels. 30931, for further details on shooting sports. Merit badges are symbolic, inert little bits of cloth; identical, mass produced, products. If you notice someone is hyperventilating in the water, try to give them something buoyant to hold on to. If they exhibit any of these symptoms or have fallen from a height above their own head, assume that a head, neck or back injury has occurred. This reduces the likelihood of any accidental strains. Before completing requirements 3 through 6, earn the Swimming merit badge. If you’re confident in your ability to not drown, the Swimming merit badge might be perfect for you! This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. Whitewater. If you’re still set on completing the Swimming merit badge, keep reading! #29 Counsel the Scout to: a. Have an ability to work with Scouts. All participants should know, understand, and respect the rules and procedures for safe swimming provided by Safe Swim Defense guidelines. Office: (805) 439-2885. You must have another person with you at each meeting with the merit badge counselor. It is acceptable for a counselor registered in one council to approve merit badges for Scouts in another. With Scouting meetings going virtual, it can be tricky to think of fun and engaging socially-distanced troop activities. Copy of certificate will be submitted Now that you know what you’re getting into, let’s dive (haha :P) right into answering the requirements so that you can start earning your Swimming merit badge! The qualified supervisor, the designated response personnel, and the lookout work together as a safety team. Thanks for reading along! Junior Member; The new merit badge list will be sent out shortly. Training as BSA climbing director or instructor is highly recommended. I'm constantly writing new content because I believe in Scouts like you! Shooting must be supervised by an NRA-certified Range Safety Officer. The area must be clear of boat traffic, surfing, or other nonswimming activities.Bottom Conditions and Depth: The bottom must be clear of trees and debris. CPR instruction, wherever it is required, must be taught by instructors currently trained by a nationally certified provider. While these spasms tend to subside in a matter of minutes, they can cause significant pain and impairment. It is strongly recommended that all units have at least one adult or older youth member currently trained in BSA Aquatics Supervision: Swimming and Water Rescue or BSA Lifeguard to assist in planning and conducting all swimming activities. Are ** 3. A merit badge counselor does not have to pay a registration fee, but must complete an Adult Application for position code 42, fill out this form, and complete BSA Youth Protection training. They also must be registered as an adult BSA leader and apply for the position of merit badge counselor (position code 42). Information for Merit Badge Counselors (Click Here for a printable version). These types of injuries can be life-threatening to the victim and are impossible to treat in the field. 1. Snow Sports. Merit Badge Counselor (Swimming, Lifesaving, Canoeing, Rowing, Small Boat Sailing, Whitewater, Water skiing, Water Sports, Scuba, Motor Boating and Kayaking) must have current Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense training (available online) All phases of scuba instruction—classroom, pool, and open-water training—are limited to instructors trained and sanctioned by one of the following agencies: Professional Association of Diving Instructors, National Association of Underwater Instructors, Scuba Schools International, International Diving Educators Association, Professional Diving Instructors Corporation, or Scuba Diving International, or be a member of the World Recreational Scuba Training Council. In order to meet the basic requirements to serve as a Merit Badge counselor, you must be at least 18 years of age; be of good moral character; have some education, background, expertise, or experience in the subject or subjects you choose to counsel; and have the … a. The merit badge counselor must take responsibility to assure that all instruction involving any handling of firearms or live ammunition must be supervised by a certified NCS shooting sports director or NRA Shotgun Instructor or Coach. Merit badge counselors must submit the Merit Badge Counselor Information sheet, according to local council practices. The merit badge counselors will be listed with the closest counselors first to the farthest away. Be warned, Lifesaving is more difficult to earn than the Swimming merit badge Shooting Sports Merit Badge Counselor Requirements and Registration Section Qualifications of Counselors, in the 2015 Guide to Advancement (BSA Publication 33088 - SKU 620573) has specific special qualifications or certifications for either the merit badge counselor or the supervisor of certain activities that may be involved with the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge, as follows: Sunburns are caused by prolonged sun exposure. 34124 or No. Note that commercial shooting ranges may provide RSOs.