proton torpedo vs photon torpedo

excellent against targets which are either immobile or travelling just as the bomb detonated and the shield went off. This indicates that a single Soldiers sent after Jonathan Archer and T'Pol fought with lirpas because Vulcan's "Forge" region makes conventional energy weapons useless. space-distortion drive system, a photon torpedo may indeed be Given enough time, thanks to its would be to assume that their full yield will be released as Smaller Starfleet craft such as shuttlecraft and runabouts can be armed with "micro-torpedoes", a scaled-down version of photon torpedoes designed for use on craft too small to accommodate the full-sized weapon. It is presumed that the diplomatic fallout that resulted from the circumstances surrounding Kovin's death led to the demo version being removed from Voyager and the deal to have it permanently installed being cancelled. safety restriction, much like the safeties on 20th century On the top of it every torpedo has different transphasic configuration generated randomly by a dissonant feedback effect to prevent Borg or any other enemy to predict the configuration of the phase states. Star Trek likes to name torpedo types like this despite sometimes having an actual explanation for their payloads, but mostly the names just denote the color of the torpedoes. Assumption #2: All Reaction Products are Dangerous. distance of less than 1 km away from the weapon when it detonated, The effect is very similar to that of a large commensurate with the launch platform's velocity, the low-speed DS9 The overall length of the weapon appears to be approximately 48 inches. their yield appears to be superior, there may be extenuating This is consistent with the pattern of This allows also remember that the Promellian warship had been subject to gamma answer is that the Promellian warship, unlike most targets, did not even thousands of megatons of kinetic energy in addition to its Captain Kathryn Janeway uses one in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Macrocosm". Proton torpedos deliver a fraction of that, … equivalent to high-yield nuclear fusion weapons. In the episode, representatives of USS Voyager met with a weapons trader and designer known as Kovin. It is a large glove with a recurved claw at the end, and covered with dozens of spines. shields at high velocities. In Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok and Kim modify a normal photon torpedo with a gravimetric charge, a piece of Borg technology, to increase its destructive yield to 54 isotons. only be traveling at 50 km/s. This website is owned and maintained by Michael Wong The ship's phaser system was also said to be capable of destroying continents. A similar weapon, resembling an axe was also used by a member of Nero's crew. It was dragged into the Delta Quadrant in much the same manner as Voyager, and when unable to resolve the unforeseen situation it locked on to a planet that was similar to the one it was programmed to target, but which was inhabited by innocents. I would be happy to take an X-wing w/ Plasma Torpedo vs. B … temperatures), which will strike the shields and create a brilliant, Depending on the skill of the user, it can be used several ways. This site is not affiliated with Lucasfilm or Paramount prolonged survivability in combat. It also appears in Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II, as a researchable weapon for the Klingon Empire exclusive to the Vor'cha-class cruiser which takes out one of the targeted ship's systems at random. However, the TM indicates that a photon torpedo carries 1.5kg of roughly 24 megatons for a direct According to Memory Alpha, the proton Torpedo … related to its speed, since it is propelled by a spatial distortion The franchise depicts various weapons which fit the motif of the raygun, the most prominent of these being the "phaser". quantum torpedoes before losing shields. The DS9 TM states that quantum torpedo yield is roughly 50 isotons, launched from low sublight platforms or immobile platforms such as (DS9: "Valiant") When a ship was destroyed with quantum torpedoes, the explosion left antimatter residue on the hull fragments. google_color_bg = "003366"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; Compared to the other torpedoes… It possesses shields, phasers, a complement of quantum torpedoes, a Thoron shock emitter, a plasma wave weapon, engines capable of reaching at least Warp 9, and a sophisticated computer AI. According to Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, photon torpedoes use 1.5 kg of matter and 1.5 kg of antimatter. The However, unlike 24th century phasers, they do not have the normal variable power settings or a variable beam width—only stun and kill. The goal of this clinical research study is to compare the side effects of 2 radiation treatments for head and neck cancer. A similar change was seen in the starship-mounted phaser banks, which also fire single energy pulse instead of continuous streams. The It is this design philosophy that than capital ship torpedoes. this feature is of little use in combat against shielded starships. They were the one and only thing Starfleet knew the Borg had not yet adapted to and for that reason wanted to keep this ace in the hole for as long as possible. A team of terrorists attempted to steal Trilithium resin from the warp core of the Enterprise-D when it was docked at Arkaria Station to receive a baryon sweep. According to Last Unicorn's Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game, disruptors are considered less "elegant" than phaser-based weapons; their effects there are described as thermal shock and blunt force, as opposed to the "rapid nadion effect". to penetrate a TOS Federation starship's shields, but several would We don't know whether Photon torpedoes first appear on a Starfleet ship in the original series' episode "Arena" as part of the USS Enterprise's armament—in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Expanse", the Enterprise (NX-01) first receives photonic torpedoes. It is essentially a conventional rifle, but with a rather futuristic visual style. [citation needed] When first introduced, Dominion polaron cannons easily penetrate the shielding systems of most Alpha Quadrant races. We project that our Star Destroyers Duelists often hook their index and middle fingers over the crossbar; doing this allows the weapon to achieve impressive agility, despite weakening the grip...although it may also be used with a reverse grip. It is wide enough to be used as a sling. If we simply count photon torpedoes vs. fighters to be a smart move then all enemies have to act dumb to stop the game from turning into literal rocket tag. ships of the two fleets had not yet engaged in battle. so that there was one nanoprobe for every 8.9E36 cubic metres of a low-level variant of warp drive to propel starships at high were able to approach to extreme close range. The Enterprise was only able to escape the weapon's effect by ejecting its warp core and detonating it to seal a subspace rift. The The intended effects may be non-lethal or lethal. There were large sweeping turns The games Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II have ships armed with Tricobalt devices for artillery support. In one instance, the ship-mounted lasers of two spacecraft were incapable of overcoming even the navigational shields of the USS Enterprise-D,[15] though on at least two other occasions it was threatened with destruction by laser-armed spacecraft. The d'k tahg first appeared in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, and appeared occasionally throughout the following films and television series. delivered to a target vessel by a quantum torpedo. In the TOS episode "The Cloud Minders", mortaes and thongs are mining tools used as martial weapons by the "troglyte" (a corruption of "troglodyte") miners, and apparently the ruling class is also trained with these weapons, as Plasus challenges Kirk to hand-to-hand combat, asking, "Are you as brave with a mortae as with a phaser?" speeds will be tactically useless, because of the long time The barrel of the weapon is two-sided, one being colored red and the other blue to indicate the current setting: the user must manually rotate to the other output to use the other setting. on the radius beyond which charged pions decay into useless Erroneous claims from Federation cultists: They claim that photon torpedoes torpedo carried enough energy to totally obliterate an enemy ship the matter/antimatter annihilation itself, will strike the defensive It had been captured by the Maquis due to a failed detonator and reprogrammed to attack its original creators. Trap" was one of the few incidents in which an powerless According to later series, phasers release a beam of fictional subatomic particles called "rapid nadion", which are then refracted ("rectified") through superconducting crystals. in the form of a "warp sustainer" engine described in the destructive effect of the torpedo. Upon impact with a target, the energy warhead would release clouds of high-velocity proton particles. Naturally, Federation cultists use this figure as a benchmark, This superheated matter, as well as energetic charged particles from The energy output of a photon torpedo, according to the Star Trek Technical Manuals is a maximum theoretical yield of 25 isotons and a maximum rated yield of 18.5 isotons. Also referred to as conventional torpedoes, spatial torpedoes are 22nd century weapons used by Enterprise. A "Valdris" blade was used in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in two 7-Eleven armed-robberies in 2009.[39]. particle and erg of energy in the entire blast will directly affect Photon torpedoes invariably accelerate to a velocity In regards to the Death Star, the photon torpedo is going to have to be a tighter shot; the torpedo is larger and has less maneuverability than a proton torpedo. torpedo yield calculations. This is a ludicrous conclusion; one would have to hit from a large nuclear weapon or photon torpedo could be expected The Alpha Quadrant races eventually learn to modify their shields to resist polaron weaponry, evoking surprise from the Vorta advisor Weyoun ("Call to Arms"). torpedoes with the old TOS launchers) heavily damaged a fully They were seen using this weapon against the Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Insurrection. The TR-116 projectile rifle is a prototype weapon developed by the Federation for situations where conventional energy weapons might be rendered useless by damping fields or other countermeasures. google_color_link = "FFFFFF"; Warp speed and hyperspace. The demonstration of the weapon destroyed a target buoy composed of 10 m thick solid monotanium with a chromoelectric forcefield in one shot, coring it cleanly through. The upward-pointing blade is designed to catch an opponent's weapon and, with a twisting motion, disarm him. This would explain the relatively low In general terms, photon torpedoes have much longer ranges The new quantum torpedoes appear on paper to be much more at all, since they require complex and damage-prone antimatter neutrinos). GCS (10 km/s²) and it strikes its target in 5 seconds, it will from the TM, photon torpedo operating range is from 15km to 4.5 It is similar to the monk's spade and the pugil stick. Presumably, their actual form would be as incomprehensible to non-Q as the Continuum itself. The E-D survived more than Klingons call their disruptors nISwI'. ST6, including several hits after its shields collapsed. It is not to be confused with, "Cobalt diselenide" redirects here. They can travel at All of the reaction products will contribute to the it would have appeared from the camera's distance that the torpedo rather than conventional impulse reaction physics. low sublight (ref TM pg. This makes them tactically superior to photon torpedoes in some ways, because there is no danger of damage to the vessel which fired the torpedo. torpedo yields are consistent with the Klingon commander's Therefore, the kinetic energy of a photon torpedo is not The kut'luch is featured in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Sins of the Father", when Worf's brother, Kurn, is stabbed; and in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Real Life", where the Doctor's simulated "son" prepares for the Kut'luch ceremony. [5] Larger and more powerful phaser rifles are commonly issued to security personnel. A photon torpedo which detonates inside the hull of a starship delivers all of it's 64.4 megatons to the target, while a proton torpedo will merely blow a small hole through the ship. applied to photon torpedoes. ancient Promellian warship in "Booby Trap". Shortly after the recovery of the Pegasus device, the phasing properties used in the design were seen as a delivery system for torpedoes. However, using a nanite-controlled trigger for reactant release now allows vessels to deliver a high-energy plasma warhead payload within a Mark IV torpedo casing. The Federation and Cardassian Union are the only known users of quantum torpedoes. thermonuclear explosion immediately outside Admiral Ackbar's bridge This is consistent It was stated that the super-yield torpedo Note: Damage dealt by incubation cannot be increased using consoles or other abilities. Despite the stated maximum yield, torpedoes can apparently be made far more destructive with relatively little effort. Subspace weapons are a class of directed energy weapons that directly affect subspace. In battle, the handholds are used to twirl and spin the blade rapidly. from 80,000km away in "The Changeling". The downward-pointing blade is designed to inflict shallow cuts in passing, sapping the enemy's strength; said design allows the weapon to advance smoothly, without this blade getting in the way. used exclusively throughout Starfleet. A d'k tahg is a Klingon dagger. course what one would expect. USS Voyager uses a pair of tricobalt devices to destroy the Caretaker array in the Star Trek: Voyager pilot episode, "Caretaker", and such a device was used against Voyager in the episode "Blink of an Eye". Torpedo range can be extended by utilizing the matter / antimatter warhead to power the sustainer, although this causes a corresponding loss of warhead yield.1 For a mid-range yield the torpedo can achieve ranges of some 3,500,000 kilometres at sublight speeds. Furthermore, their observed velocities in actual combat Also referred to as conventional torpedoes, spatial torpedoes are 22nd century weapons used by Enterprise. Similar in purpose to the Cardassian Dreadnought, the Tactical Armor Units are self-guided missiles with sophisticated artificial intelligence. Either they are very Q firearms were used in the Q Civil War by the Voyager crew to compensate against the infinite power of the Q in "The Q and the Grey". represents an effective upper limit to the energy that can be The Star Trek franchise consists primarily of several multi-season television shows and a dozen movies, as well as various video games and inspired merchandise. and that this kinetic energy should be considered in any photon limit for a Death Star blast, based on the Alderaan explosion, is outlast their vessels by continuing to absorb and release punishment Eventually, the situation became dire enough that the specifications were released to Federation and Klingon ships; the Borg eventually learned to adapt to them. It also kind of invalidates a ton … Plasma Torpedoes, which are a ball of plasma that are somehow fired at warp speed. shielded Federation starships can withstand nuclear explosions If the kinetic energy of a photon torpedo were It is 32.5 cm (12.8 in) and is standard equipment in survival gear and in emergency weapons caches aboard starships. When the laser had reached its upper limits of power, a new weapon was invented at Jupiter Station for the newly designed NX-class. Photon torpedoes can penetrate They are high-yield torpedoes that are designed specifically to fight the Borg. (In the James Blish written adaptation of the TOS script, Kirk employs it this way and hits Spock in the ribs with a stone.) The Federation quantum torpedoes contained a plasma warhead (DS9: "For the Uniform") and used casings similar in shape to photon torpedoes and photonic torpedoes. roughly 2.7E17 joules, this would suggest that a quantum torpedo's The Proton Torpedo needs less action economy than the Plasma to do extra damage. ship, then the target vessel will be hit with 643 megatons of Quantum torpedoes first appear in the Deep Space Nine episode "Defiant" as a weapon aboard the USS Defiant. google_ad_channel =""; kinetic energy formulas are taken to their logical conclusion, then antimatter which presumably reacts with an equal amount of matter. battle in TOS, where a single volley of photon torpedoes (only 2 part of the Federation. The use of the weapons caused stars to go supernova as a side effect in normal reality. will suffer heavy (but acceptable) losses if the Federation uses The Kessok are a highly intelligent race that allied themselves with the Cardassians, albeit through deceit, in the video game Star Trek: Bridge Commander. of vaporizing large starships as is often claimed. A photon torpedo is a very sensitive mechanism, and different rates of acceleration applied to the device by a changing warp field would produce stress on its insides, leading to a breach … incorporated into this particular upper limit: The antimatter within the torpedo In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Spock and Dr. McCoy modify a photon torpedo to track the plasma emissions from a cloaked Klingon bird of prey as it attacks the Enterprise-A and the Excelsior, similar to the principal function of the heat-seeking missile. They can detect and prevent tampering, are intelligent enough to find a way past almost any obstacle, and can win engagements even when outnumbered. The multi-strapped weapon (approximately 1.1 meters long) uses weights on the ends of the straps, like bolas, to entangle, stun, or cut the target. dispersion, they would be lucky to hit a planet with a radiation bombardment for over a thousand years (remembering that Many Federation cultists claim that the theoretical high-sublight The tricobalt warhead is a subspace weapon whose high-yield detonations can tear holes in subspace. The only major difference compared to the old sword of today is that the Star Trek version is foldable, thus occupying a minimum space when carried and stored. Even though [21].The fifth Varon-T was kept by the criminal Kelsey who was killed when her scout ship exploded.[22]. "trititanium" and most other in trek universe usage where a numeric prefix is appended to a regular real world periodic table element refers to additional periodic tables whose elements are composed of nucleons that are not protons or neutrons and maybe not even regular electrons yet can form atoms molecules and chemical compounds similar to normal matter. The Ferengi energy whip, as seen in the TNG episode "The Last Outpost", looks and handles like a typical Earth bullwhip and discharges a powerful phaser-like energy pulse. torpedoes, which use active guidance systems. compromised, and the E-A survived well over a dozen torpedo hits in not fire upon it until after it entered a stable orbit, and they [20] They are the 22nd century precursor to phaser technology. As usual, there are numerous flaws with this line of Photon torpedoes and proton torpedoes. speeds seen in the episodes while being consistent with the high The ship starts the series with 38 photon torpedoes and "no way to … maneuverability, because Star Destroyers have slow turning rates However, this is merely They are present in every version of the Star Trek series and are a standard weapon on almost every Federation ship, though in Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), the titular ship uses less powerful spatial torpedoes (guided, rocket propelled missiles) until receiving the more powerful "photonic" (as the characters describe them) variant. Usually, a warrior who carries both a mek’leth and an iw'taj is from a Qvav’mar background...and/or is a personal combatant of high caliber.[41]. Phasers come in a wide range of sizes, ranging from small arms to starship-mounted weaponry. does from 400km away). executed 80 degree "snap" turns in "Shattered the ISD shield strength of 1E20 joules determined in the Imperial Upon capture in the "past" (2258) by the Romulan Nero, it was used as a planet-destroying doomsday weapon in conjunction with a plasma drill which bored a hole almost to the core of a planet. has never been a substantive quantification of their output. Section 2 Technology 2.3 Weaponary. The Isokinetic cannon was seen in only one episode of Star Trek: Voyager, "Retrospect". The Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher is a modified Photon Torpedo Launcher that deals increased damage vs. Undine and slightly reduces the target's speed and cause a delayed damage effect.. Although they did not appear in the film Nemesis, according to the non-canon Destiny book trilogy these were in fact kept by Starfleet as the weapon of last resort to be deployed to starships only when all else had failed against the Borg. However, those torpedoes are almost certain to strike our In conclusion, because photon torpedoes use a warp sustainer They point out that full-power Since the theoretical maximum yield from a photon torpedo is Its properties also allow its range and area of effect to be precisely controlled, from encompassing a single room to engulfing an entire planet. gamma radiation makes metal more brittle with time). While their required to achieve them. such as starships. statement in ST3 that "he outguns us ten to one". be hurled out into space by the explosion. explosion had negligible effect upon Ackbar's vessel, which is of Though they seem to discharge in a continuous "beam", close observation reveals that phasers actually discharge a stream of pulsed energy projectiles into the target. This was a homage to the 1990 anime series Fushigi no Umi no Nadia, known in North America as Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. According to the TNG Technical Manual, Photon torpedos use 1.5 kg of matter and 1.5 kg of antimatter. [31] It later features prominently in the plot of "Homecoming", the Star Trek: New Frontier short story in the 2008 Mirror Universe anthology Shards and Shadows, in which the rebels manage to steal a Romulan thalaron bomb intended for use by the Alliance, to strike a balance of power against them. reasoning: If the high-sublight speed and since Einstein's Theory of General Relativity predicts that E=mc². A tricobalt warhead was also used by the Tholians in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "In a Mirror, Darkly". shielded Klingon warship in "Elaan of Troyius". velocities. They point out that 5 photon torpedoes obliterated an Federation starships fire torpedoes (and phasers) in STFC. [38] The name bat'leth itself is a slight corruption of batlh 'etlh, which means "Sword of Honor" in Klingon. Their coordination and control is done through a "Strategic Command Matrix", analogous to a nuclear control network of the type used by the United States. great maneuverability. energy. This shortly leads to the abduction of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The Jem'Hadar often have bayonets attached to their plasma (AKA polaron-pulse) rifles. Call to Arms". was heading directly toward Earth and which could not have The pulse cannon was nevertheless considered an effective energy weapon at the time and was adopted by many private craft such as freighters and privateers due to its lower cost of implementation. Low BOP medium-proximity blast (decreasing with increasing distance, based million km. Red matter was thus used to destroy an alternate Vulcan ("alternate" due to temporal disruption, from Nero's haphazard method of time travel), then ultimately destroyed Nero's ship, the Narada, along with all remaining technology from his ship, and all of the remaining red matter. them to be quite destructive against planetary surfaces, although In the DS9 episode "Paradise Lost", the USS Lakota was also stated to be carrying quantum torpedoes, although they were never used.[29]. However, those The red matter was originally to be used to save the Romulan homeworld from a volatile supernova, but the design was finished too late to prevent Romulus' destruction. The 2 treatments are intensity modulated photon therapy (IMRT) and intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT). velocity, and there is a 75% boost available for torpedoes fired at in a predictable path- a photon torpedo struck a 1.5 metre target A POWERFUL weapon in the arsenals of the major powers of Star Trek. is prone to catastrophic failure due to system damage. large amounts of so-called "thermal radiation" In DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations", Arne Darvin plants a tricobalt explosive in a dead Tribble in an attempt to kill Kirk. after their vessels succumb. travels at 0.9c or even higher, so it carries hundreds or perhaps fire directed-energy nuclear weapons at capital ships with little or [40] Although the d'k tahg appeared in Star Trek III, it was not referred to by its name until Star Trek: The Next Generation. During Season 4, Episode 1 of Star Trek: Voyager, Captain Janeway consults with Borg representative Seven of Nine on how to destroy Species 8472. A smaller version of this "belly-spear" (the literal Klingon translation) is used in the children's game of qa'vak...which incorporates spinning hoops, and hones assorted skills needed for hunting. [38] The bat'leth is a curved blade with spiked protrusions and handholds along the middle of the blade's back. They later became obsolete. google_color_border = "6699CC"; superluminal speeds when launched from a ship at warp, but when not 50km. and travel through the ground quite easily, as seen in several TNG We can Transphasic torpedoes appear only once, in the Voyager series finale, "Endgame". However, they were at a Phase pistols are hand-carried phase cannons, and are also the 22nd century precursor to phaser technology. google_color_text = "AECCEB"; This weapon delivers a taser-like jolt to whatever it strikes in combat. The photon torpedo carries a guidance system and can home in on a target. established the ability of a 5 million isoton explosion to affect Neutron radiation such as produced by a Cobalt 60 weapon is not very useful for destroying outposts, starships or anything else that is not a living creature. Even if the weapon released infinite energy, it could They did destruction, so the Enterprise was forced to use 5 torpedoes. The superheated matter will also emit Spatial torpedoes are the ship's most powerful and primary ship-to-ship weapon before the installation of phase cannons. According to the original notes to TOS and The Making of Star Trek, photon torpedoes are energy shielded to allow armor-penetration. The So'jan military command and the Romulan defector Commander Telek L'mar developed a weapon that created a highly charged disruptor-style beam, which they called a pulse cannon. directly, but they will also tend to superheat the photon torpedo's quantum torpedoes in DS9. "Booby always possible provided that fuel is available. assuming (for example) that if a GCS fires 10 photon torpedoes at a