proton torpedo vs concussion missile

How did James Potter get his Invisibility Cloak? Imperial 2.1. There is no meaningful distinction between the two. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. So a proton torpedo is likely propelled using the same means as the ship that fires it. And you're wrong about them being closer to aircraft. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Proton Torpedo Battery x1 (Four gunners) Battery of four Proton Torpedo Launchers Atk +12 (-2 vs. modern vessels); Damage 9d10x2 (+1 die for every 3-over AC, max 12d10x5.) Can I use a MacBook as a server with the lid closed? However, in Star Wars, the terms torpedos and missiles are both used for different non-aquatic projectile weapons. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. ST2 concussion missiles were launched from ST2 concussion missile racks, each of which could carry four missiles. Appears as a small red-orange weapon with an energy trail. Weapons manufacturers generally produced both the launchers and the missiles, and sold them as units. @BinaryWorrier That may be so but in the military context, when it comes to weapons, a rocket goes straight once fired. Almost as much as Homing Missiles damage graph. Alpha Class Starwing (with Title) 2.2. Cannons saw a small change in 2.0 with the introduction of range bonuses. So they are torpedoes. The existence of the trope it not up for discussion (nor is this a discussion board) Please direct any disagreement about the trope at those who authored it. Some Vehicles carry guided projectile weapons such as Proton Torpedoes or Concussion Missiles. Proton Torpedo Launcher (Eight-Torpedo Magazine): 1 EP Archaic Ship [ edit | edit source ] The Liberator- class Starfighter (and its Striker-class refit) were top-of-the-line starfighters in their day, designed to go claw-to-claw with Imperial Sith Mark VI and Mark VII interceptors, respectively, and completely outclass them in every imaginable way. These weapons can display incredible maneuverability, such as making a … Double-tap to fire without lock on. I think that's more inherent to aquatic combat (there is nothing else to shoot a torpedo at, only ships), rather than being inherent to the definition of "torpedo". A torpedo is considered to be an underwater missile and therefore, a purely aquatic weapon by definition. An ST2 missile was just over 1 meter long and as powerful as a standard proton torpedo. It is available to be unlocked for all Fighter and Bomber-class starfighters in Squadrons. It is available to be unlocked for all Bomber-class starfighters in Squadrons. Can you cast Call Lightning while submerged underwater? They all just choose to wear shoes in absence of a good reason to not wear shoes. But why do they also call them missiles in Star Wars? Sephiroth0812 1 year ago ... Proton Torpedo’s are energized torpedo’s that carry a proton scattering warhead that releases extremely charged protons over a designated area, which basically causes the atoms within the blast radius to tear themselves apart and then dissipates. The MC-140 Scythe-class features 14 Large concussion missiles and 4 Heavy proton torpedoes which can be utilized to great effect at long range. How does the strong force increase in attraction as particles move farther away? I know that writers probably didn't think/care but I look for explanations in-universe. Why are tar.xz files 15x smaller when using Python's tar library compared to macOS tar? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. A torpedo travels through water or close to the surface of water. A torpedo is a self propelled projectile with a hardened casing for proximity detonation and is powered by a engine/motor for transit. When one explodes, it gives off a powerful concussive blast that disrupts delicate instruments and equipment, causing shock and blast damage to more durable targets. Rebel 1.1. This makes them much more appealing on ships with native three dice attack. In the Trek universe; given that photon torpedo's are powered by the same reaction as a starship (matter/antimatter reaction) the weapons choice of nomenclature is similar. How are projectiles in Star Wars categorised between missiles and torpedoes? Firespray-31 3.3. Proton Torpedo: Stronger than the concussion missile, but slower - it also has a more advanced explosion system which allows it to continue in the event of slight collisions. Concussion Missiles. The limited power of concussion missiles meant they were only useful against enemy starfighters, while the limited maneuverability of proton torpedoes meant they were only useful against large, slow-moving targets such as capital ships and space stations. Can someone explain the SN10 landing failure in layperson's terms? Going by the definition I linked above, a torpedo is an underwater missile. Max Hull: 1200 . Is it feasible to circumnavigate the Earth in a sailplane? These launchers can be unlinked to fire individually. Who started the "-oid" suffix fashion in math? Prolonged exposure to space (or get it) outside the vessel can be deadly (if the sub is currently at depth). Upon impact with a target, the energy warhead would release clouds of high-velocity proton particles. G-1A (with Title) 3.4. Why might radios not be effective in a post-apocalyptic world? Torpedos (outside of the water) are non self propelled targeted devices that lock on a target and are accelerated through a tube or by a casing (like proton torpedos with a huge base section thay never leaves the aircraft and a small warhead with no engines that gets fired). Is there any official/semi-official standard for music symbol visual appearance? In space combat, concussion missiles ranged in potency from anti-starfighter weapons launched from other diminutive craft to devastating warheads capable of crippling massive capital ships that were launched from specialized defensive satellites.Concussion missiles coul… Occasionally, something else (aircraft, for instance, occasionally shore batteries) may launch a torpedo, but only at a ship or submarine (even though there are shore targets torpedoes could attack). But the missiles can do damage with proximity bursts, like many of the air-to-air missiles employed by the American Air Force, which explode near a target, sending shrapnel to shred the flight surfaces, effectively downing the aircraft. They were used by the Royal Naboo Security Forces during the Invasion of Naboo, in which Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation command ship with proton torpedoes. Horton Salm + Proton Torpedo + Extra Munitions Build in re-rolls for blank results and build mini-focus at a discount. In general, proton torpedoes are armed for light targets only, and are only useful for pinpoint attacks on vessels whose shields have already been dropped by capital ship weapons. What is the difference between a phaser and a disruptor? Visual displays of the outside environment are less than useless (both space and the briny deep are inky black). If the target has shields then use Concussion Missiles to take the shields down. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What is the difference between the Unifying and Cosmic Force? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa.…, March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke, Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. Tap the button to drop bombs underneath you. It includes the events of the Galactic Civil War after Palpatine's death at Endor, … Ion Bomb This is pretty much entirely encapsulated by the Space is an Ocean trope. The only main difference I can think of is that proton torpedoes basically shoot charged particles at the target (often in a shaped charge manner) while concussion missiles have "blast" effects (which I assume refers to nuclear "blast" effects, or making it more akin to the Seismic charges we saw from AOTC.) The dogfighting depicted in, @user45623: Not my claim, TV Tropes' claim. It is defined as an. May 7, 2017 @ 8:27pm Torpedos are the best early game weapon for corvettes.. who get a slot with them.. so it's great then (and no one has anti-torpedos available with corvettes).. so that's the main niche with them. Max Speed: 145. Maybe it's the romance, maybe it's the adventure, maybe it's the obvious parallels to the Age of Exploration, but for some reason, when people write about space, they tend to make parallels to the sea, as President Kennedy (himself a former naval officer) did in his "Space is the new ocean" speech. Next steps? YV-666 Rank… The weapon most widely used by Starfleet vessels is the Type 6. While you are correct that these small ships act closer to aircraft (dogfighting), that is not the basis for the trope, which focuses on space. The only exception is e.g. What is the difference between photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Max Shield: 800. a submarine who carries a nuclear, Going by the dictionary definition: "a cigar-shaped self-propelled underwater missile designed to be fired from a ship or submarine or dropped into the water from an aircraft and to explode on reaching a target". The K wing has 2 torpedo slots and 1 missile slot. Attacks with these weapons are resolved just as with any other weapon. It costs 1 Requisition to unlock. If the ship has shield your critical hit is a wasted hit. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. A missile travels through space. Space militaries almost always use naval ranks, as opposed to army ranks or the RAF system, and soldiers stationed in space are usually called "marines", e.g. (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\", \"Sleeping Dogs\", \"Judgme… Even though some are guided, they are not launched and are not self propelled. -For the sake of simplicity (and allowing pilots to fit a variety of weapons to their starfighters without haggling over what will fit where), weapons come in either big (torpedo diameter) or small (concussion missile diameter). In other words, a torpedo is nothing more than a missile that's designed to travel in water, rather than through the air. Science Fiction writers frequently use nautical analogies for pretty much everything in space, and fill in the gaps in their own knowledge about spaceflight with details specific to sea travel. It does about the same amount of damage, but turbolasers have the advantage of longer range, less logistical problems (you can't run out of turbolaser shots the way you can run out of missiles or torpedoes), and not being intercepted (you can shoot down a torpedo before it hits, but not a turbolaser blast). Starship Troopers did not call its soldiers marines though it could be argued that it established the archetype for later space marine forces. Max Acceleration: 160 Deals very high damage, but you have to get close.- In-game Description The Proton Bomb is a Auxiliary component in Star Wars: Squadrons. If the shields are already down or the ship is shield-less then Proton Torpedo to do critical damage. 5. Photon torpedo vs. phasers - what is the use of both in-universe. Fired from anywhere, doesn't matter, you hit fire ans they go wherever the launcher was aimer until fuel runs out (or in space where there is no air resistance u til thwy hit something). "x" is a hit (or a crit), "o" is focus and "-" is blank. It costs 1 Requisition to unlock. Oh I wasn't arguing against the use of naval terms in space; just that the definition of a torpedo is not affected by. Using these missiles, Lando Calrissian breached the reactor core of the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor. Space shuttle cockpit showing how the glass can be useful for viewing the Earth and orienting the shuttle: @user45623: "Space is an Ocean" is listed as a trope and commonly accepted as such, as evidenced by the examples on the TV Tropes page I linked. This weapon comprises an elongated elliptical body some 210 cm long and 76 x 45 cm across. Can a Lan Adapter cause a whole home network to crash? The MC-140 Scythe-class does not feature any point defense, requiring the use of its 2 X-wing squadrons or assistance from allied fighters. Please direct your discussion on the topic towards a discussion board, not a Q&A website. They’re often stated to be cheaper and more versatile to produce than Proton Torpedoes, able to be programmed for a wide configuration of detonations, including airbursts and proximity blasts. Bombs are the rockets but not self propelled. Proton torpedoes were a type of explosive ordnance used throughout the galaxy. One important distinction is that a torpedo is generally fired by ships, at ships, while missiles may be fired by pretty much anything, at nearly any target. Missile torpedoes ignore shields. Thanks, that helps the perspective a lot. Concussion Missiles give the ability to change one blank to a hit... another face down damage card. That does not mean that the definition of a torpedo therefore requires it to be shot at a ship. Space-based combat is much closer to aquatic combat than it is to land combat. The MC-140 Scythe-class main battlecruiser is a Tier IV heavy cruiser from the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars. A powerful concussion missile that delivers a very large explosion, even if shot down, making it difficult to avoid. To some extent, Space Is An Ocean is a Justified Trope: not only was space thought to be some kind of fluid until the turn of the 20th centurynote , but seafarers long ago evolved the organizational techniques necessary to safely operate a self-sufficient vessel in a potentially hostile environment for an extended period of time, and it makes more sense to adopt nautical administrative and logistic features (and the terms for them) instead of inventing everything from scratch. The limited power of concussion missiles meant they were only useful against enemy starfighters, while the limited maneuverability of proton torpedoes meant they were only useful against large, slow-moving targets such as capital ships and space stations. A place to discuss the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game. Spacecraft even have "lifeboats"—generally called escape pods or something similar—despite the concept being largely impractical in case of realistic space travel. The Proton Torpedo is a Auxiliary component in Star Wars: Squadrons. I did a giant math chart. I do want to point out that while on present day Earth we use "torpedo" only for aquatic weapons, there is some logic to using the same term for weapons fired by. "Proton torpedo" is obviously lifted from "photon torpedo", a commonly referenced warhead in the Star Trek universe. What is the difference between a torpedo and missile? Thrawn's Revenge is a large-scale mod for Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. If I wasn't technologically challenged, I'd upload a picture of it. It seems you're missing how the projectiles do their damage. It’s designed to pierce an enemy’s hull and explode. Is it possible to create a "digital seal" to tell if a document has been opened? Ideal vs. Capital Ships. Imperial concussion missiles, like … Launched from ST2 concussion missile racks, they cost 750 credits apiece. The use of "torpedo" for space naval actions, however, goes back to Doc Smith and the 1920s -- it's a very well accepted usage for SF. Commodore, Admiral) and the USS Enterprise itself is named after a naval vessel. The presence of two weapons in single vehicle is usually justified by different targets and uses, say a machine gun for soft targets (infantry) and a main gun for hard ones (other tanks). Therefore, torpedoes can only really be fired at ships, in absence of any other meaningful target. Therefore it would be correct to call a torpedo a missile. Why call them "torpedoes"? Overview [edit | edit source] The Proton Torpedo provides the most non-ion damage of any Auxiliary and is designed for attacking Capital Ships. Missiles and Torpedoes. Even in real life, space explorers are called "astronauts" and "cosmonauts". A missile is mainly propelled by rockets and a torpedo by propellers. They are dropped or lightly ejected. In Earth-speak, the main difference between a missile and a rocket is that the former is self-guided while the latter is generally unguided. TIE Defender 3. This seems to be a case of correlation and mistaken causation. They are set out and can use their own power to change course, but primary thrust is derived feom the initial launch force. xxxx: even between protons and homing+target-lock Rockets are self propelled unguided weapons. A, I have no idea if there is a reason for naming some Star Wars weapons torpedoes and others missiles. Concussion Missile Tubes (696) 16. Of the weapons you named, the torpedoes must strike the target to inflict damage. Reply. Often, it goes far beyond metaphor. If the target has shields then use Concussion Missiles to take the shields down. Actually, the Concussion Missile results in greater expected damage than the Proton, due to converting a Blank to a Hit, vs a Focus to a Crit. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. In space, hovering things have to move up and down slightly. It is unguided, whereas missiles contain a targeting system to guide itself to an acquired target. I want to turn an equality statement into a function. Concussion Missile: Fast warhead with small payload. On focus + TL fire, Concussion Missiles are incredibly more efficient. The missiles were covered with a green energy shield while in flight and had orange exhaust flames. A missile (powered or unpowered) is a weapon, it's something you aim at a target. If you Aim before making an attack with a Missile or Torpedo, it locks on to … It only takes a minute to sign up. All torpedoes are missiles, but not all missiles are torpedoes. Regardless, since it's accepted to refer to space missiles as torpedoes, that inherently means that it's also correct to call them missiles. Concussion Missiles are a traditional, physical missile, generally equipped with an armor-piercing tip. I won't list all examples (that's what the link is for), but some do stand out as commonly accepted space tropes: It even makes more sense when you compare submarines (not just boats) to spaceships: Because it's a common trope to use naval terms for space-travel, due to the similarities. Description. Similarly, just because all basketball players in the NBA wear shoes when playing a game, does not mean that it's a rule that players must wear shoes. The difference between rockets, missiles, bombs, and torpedos is simple. If the shields are already down or the ship is shield-less then Proton Torpedo to do critical damage. (TV Tropes warning!). Is there a difference between Narsil and Anduril? In comparison, during that same period, Earth's Starfleet was still employing the spatial torpedo, although they soon upgraded to photonic torpedoes, the precursors to the photon torpedo. Comparing submarines to spaceships seems a little silly when aircraft are a more direct analogy. TL;DR If you do not take the crit into account, on just TL fire, they are the same. Watching Star Trek I've observed that phasers and photon torpedos are used interchangeably, often seemingly at random. Scum 3.1. Looking up the definition of the word "torpedo" nets the following result: A cigar-shaped self-propelled underwater missile designed to be fired from a ship or submarine or dropped into the water from an aircraft and to explode on reaching a target. They used them extensively on board Raptor-class scout vessels, D5 class battle cruisers, and Birds-of-Prey. A concussion missile carries a warhead containing a compact energy pack. An ST2 missile is just over 1 meter long and as powerful as a standard proton torpedo. M3-A Scyk 3.5. Former PI lists a non-contributor as first author on a manuscript for which I did all the work. Proton torpedoes are described in background literature as missile weapons which can be fired at long-range targets and, upon impact, release clouds of high-velocity protons to damage the enemy. Postdoc in China. TIE Bomber with Ion Torpedoes/Concussion Missiles (or other ordnance) + Jonus The re-rolls should almost guarantee 4 hits 7. From common concussion missiles and proton torpedoes, tactical fusion missiles, and even many of the missile weapons found in various sections of the site (check other sections such as Equipment, as well as the Equipment category in the Starships D6 section, and perhaps in Vehicles too). @Hothie I wouldn't be surprised if it's just to sound cool tbh. I'll use proton torpedoes in this example as you mentioned them, but the same math also applies to concussion missiles just with a blank instead of a focus. What's the difference between a photon torpedo and other fuel-based projectiles? Second, when rolling 4 dice you have a total of 15 possible outcomes. Maneuvering was hampered and shield power was falling sharply, but … What does "on her would-be destroyer" mean? Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! 6. As nearly as he could determine his Lusankya had been hit by over a hundred and fifty proton torpedoes and concussion missiles, but it had lost scarcely thirty-five percent of its combat ability. My friend and I like to do hypotheticals for Epic play and while trying to come up with a 12 ship bomber build for the rebels, we wondered which would be better suited for K-wings: Concussion Missiles or Proton Torpedos? Missiles are self propelled target peojectiles that track a target or are set to hit a target they are not directly aimed at. Their warheads were also armor-piercing. Ships with Cannon Slots 1. That's mainly how the two, as weapons, are differentiated on Earth as far as I am aware. Ideal for damaging targets that keep avoiding your missiles and groups of targets. Looking on advice about culture shock and pursuing a career in industry. Ground forces used them against any fast-moving vehicle. The warhead of the photon torpedo comprises a maximum of 1.5 kilos of antimatter and 1.5 kilos of matter. Well if you own a copy of Haden Blackman’s The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology You will notice that the Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo (one of the most commonly used models) has an optimum range of 200m and a maximum of 600m, where as the Arakyd ST2 Concussion Missiles (Another commonly used model) have an optimum range of 300m and a maximum of 700m. Torps and missiles have no real advantage. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Klingons began using photon torpedoes by at least the mid-22nd century. the "space marines" of Aliens, Doom, Marathon, StarCraft, etc. What is the difference between a general and an admiral? A missile is a projectile rocket propelled by combustion product reaction with a guidance package to steer and traverse to it's destination. They can change direction on their own power and can either seek out and inmact a target or be set to go somewhere. In the X-Wing and TIE Figher series of space flight simulation games, concussion missiles were the fastest and most agile warhead, while torpedoes were much slower and less maneuverable, but packed significantly bigger punch. The torpedo masses 247.5 kilos when not loaded. Concussion missiles are smaller, faster, lock-on more quickly, while proton torpedoes have greater endurance and inflict more damage. Keep in mind that these ships would also have the Extra Munitions and Munitions Failsafe cards. We have the X-Wing's proton torpedoes, the Y-Wing's ion torpedoes, the A-Wing's concussion missiles and the Separatists' discord missiles. Lambda Shuttle 2.3. So, the main distinction in a non-aquatic setting like Star Wars is the target the weapon was designed to attack: torpedoes are dedicated anti-ship weapons, while missiles might have multiple target types. Aggressor (two) 3.2. B-Wing (two) 2. In aquatic combat, there is not much to shoot at except for ships. Would love to hear what's the answer though, however lame it is. rev 2021.3.12.38768, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, You're missing a subtlety in the difference between missiles and rockets. ... All proton torpedoes have a 4-square spalsh radius. Concussion Missiles give the ability to change one blank to a hit... another face down damage card. So to answer your question directly: In regards to Star Wars and other forms of space combat, all missiles can be considered torpedoes, and all torpedoes can be considered missiles. #8. Star Trek probably referred to them as torpedoes because of the naval connotation. You're thinking of "flying around", but spacecraft are, @user45623: Also, your argument of canopies and cockpits is based on the fighter pilots. The other answer argues that it's the intended target that defines the distinction between missiles and torpedoes, but that seems wrong. They have a thing in sight, and then are simply released with the knowledge the momentum of the craft that launched them or the gracity in an environment will get then toward their target. Ordnance storage: 500 Concussion Torpedoes. How long would it take for inbreeding issues to arise for a family that practiced inbreeding? Lady Crimson. Changing my comment to an answer as it pretty much answers the question. However, (disregarding the fact that they aren't the same upgrade type) this would kill the Homing Missile and the Concussion Missile, which would now both be inferior to the Proton Torpedo. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. There are five cannons that, currently, did not make it into 2.0: ARC Caster, Autoblaster, Flechette, Linked Battery, Mangler. Proton Rockets on … The structure of Starfleet is more analogous to a navy; Starfleet's ranks are naval ranks (e.g.