chemical pollution in the ocean statistics

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world, touching a number of continents including North and South America, Australia, Antarctica and Asia. Events such as the Exxon Valdez spill and the large spill resulting from the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico have substantial effects that should be visible in regional assessments, but are probably not large enough to be seen in global-scale studies. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA). Raloff 2009). World Meteorological Organization Voluntary Observing Ships Scheme, Mussel Watch Contaminant Monitoring Program. Plastic Water Bottle Pollution Facts & Statistics 2020 Discover how many plastic bottles are used each year in the world, how many end up in the ocean, and the environmental impact. Metals found in the ocean that are highly toxic Kirby, R. T. (2008). (2012).The Clean Water goal is unusual because its four components--Chemical Pollution, Nutrient Pollution, Pathogen Pollution and Trash Pollution--indicate both Status and Pressure. for any reason. 2 2009). Arsenic, copper, nickel, selenium, tin, and zinc People found using, selling, or manufacturing them risk 4 years of incarceration and a $40,000 fine. Plastic is a majoy contributor to ocean pollution, but ‘how much plastic is in the ocean’, you ask? The problem is the levels of CO2 are too high and the volume getting absorbed by the sea is impacting pH levels. As you can see from the causes of marine pollution statistics above, there are many chemicals, gases, oil spills, and even nuclear tests that have damaged marine life as we know it. When looking at marine pollution and in particular marine plastic pollution coming from us, there were three leading causes: Marine pollution causes 1: Discarding materials that can be recycled. Spills can also wreak havoc on the economies of coastal communities by forcing the closure of fisheries, driving away tourists, or temporarily shutting down navigation routes. (2011). All pressures, including chemical pollution, have different effects on different goals. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste estimated to be in our oceans. Health Index, ‘chemical’ refers to a  In 2004, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill cost BP US $13 billion dollars. Other ocean pollution by country statistics from the same report show 3.2M tons of mismanaged waste and 1.29M ending up in the oceans from Indonesia, a country with 264 million population. In some areas, this pollution is so bad that it causes beaches to be closed after rainstorms. Fact 3: Over one million seabirds are killed by ocean pollution each year. Join our free E-Newsletter and stay up to date with the latest from the Ocean Health Index team. Study on mercury sources and emissions, and analysis of cost and effectiveness of control measures. plants, animals, microorganisms and ecosystems respond to sub-lethal exposure UNEP. Williams, R. et al. physiological processes in test organisms. Mercury in bluefish declines as power plants emit less. 500 billion plastic bags get used every year - on average, the working life of these bags is 15 minutes. (2002). Approximately 90 percent of the visible debris floating in the Pacific Ocean is plastic. 50% of the world’s plastic gets manufactured in Asia, in China holds 18% of the world’s population, and 29% of this plastic gets created there. the year 2050 (Sunderland 2009). Where does most the Ocean pollution come from. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish, that is a terrifying thought! Wet and dry deposition of airborne pollutants is a sometimes overlooked, yet significant, source of chemical pollution of the oceans. Trasande, L., Landrigan, P. J. contaminated water or seafood or have contact with polluted waters through While some metals are deliberately dumped in the Effects of the Braer oil spill on the Shetland seafood industry. Technical Background Report to the Global Atmospheric Mercury Assessment. COVID-19 Pandemic Has Led To More Ocean Plastic Pollution 05:35. This is due to them mistaking the microplastics for fish eggs, passing them to their young as well as consuming them as adults. In terms of the effects of plastic pollution on marine life - These plastics floating in our ocean or sinking to the bottom and turning into microfibers are particularly hazardous to fish, mammals, and sea life in general. These harmful algal-based blooms have tripled since 1984, closing beaches and killing fish. toxic in combination with organic compounds. Our marine pollution and debris are hazardous for creatures in the gyres. Most developing countries dispose of 90% water, and 70% industrial waste gets discharged into our oceans without treatment. been estimated, but global data on the size and geographic distribution of oil Coastal areas get significantly impacted by fertilizer runoff from lawns and farms. Results of laboratory studies can demonstrate the It’s no illusion that to survive, man needs a harmonious relationship with the planet's oceans, in fact, over 70% of the oxygen we breathe is directly created by marine plants. Persistent Organic Pollutant Accumulation in the Arctic. How many marine animals die each year from plastic… 100 million is the current estimated figure, and this includes fish, mammals and sea birds. (Lyons, 2008; Martineau et al. Industrial and residential waste, floating plastic, windblown debris and agricultural runoff are some of the other reasons for marine pollution. CHEMICAL POLLUTION. Ocean Dumping. Seafood Market. Marine pollution occurs when harmful effects result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise, or the spread of invasive organisms.Eighty percent of marine pollution comes from land.