[28] It either extends freely or can be retracted, and may be developed into a stinger for both defence and for paralysing prey. Unlike true parasites, the wasp larvae eventually kill their hosts. When he came to measure the thing, he found it was twenty-seven and a half inches across its open wings, and its sting was three inches long. [82], Wasp (1957) is a science fiction book by the English writer Eric Frank Russell; it is generally considered Russell's best novel. Bio-Pertaining to life or its functions. [68] Stings are usually painful rather than dangerous, but in rare cases, people may suffer life-threatening anaphylactic shock. [19] Parasitoids maintain their extreme diversity through narrow specialism. Many species of wasp are involved in Müllerian mimicry, as are many species of bee. abbreviation related to America. Another family, the Pompilidae, is a specialist parasitoid of spiders. In some species, the larvae are predatory themselves; the wasp eggs are deposited in clusters of eggs laid by other insects, and these are then consumed by the developing wasp larvae. Tomato leaf covered with nymphs of whitefly parasitised by Encarsia formosa, Wasps RFC is an English professional rugby union team originally based in London but now playing in Coventry; the name dates from 1867 at a time when names of insects were fashionable for clubs. Fabeln gehören im Wesentlichen zur mündlichen Überlieferung; Sie überleben, indem sie in Erinnerung bleiben und dann in eigenen Worten nacherzählt werden. Resistance slang words are mostly used in various Terminator comics and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Gallery . In an 1860 letter to the American naturalist Asa Gray, Darwin wrote: I own that I cannot see as plainly as others do, and as I should wish to do, evidence of design and beneficence on all sides of us. Slang Terms a member of the privileged, established white upper middle class in the U.S. adj. [65] Likewise, roadrunners are the only real predators of tarantula hawk wasps.[66]. He emptied both barrels into it before he ventured to go near.   (To vote, click the pepper. [40] In experimental comparisons, the probability that a female will mate with an unrelated male was about twice as high as the chance of her mating with brothers. [47] As adults, those that do feed typically only take nectar from flowers. Definitions include: acronym for "Democrat in Name Only.". For tickets, go to our Tour Date Page: . One explanation for the pronunciation is that bicycle is parsed to bi(cy)c(le). Such larvae have soft bodies with no limbs, and have a blind gut (presumably so that they do not foul their cell). Definitions include: a person who only attends church only on Christmas and Easter. [63] The honey buzzard attacks the nests of social hymenopterans, eating wasp larvae; it is the only known predator of the dangerous[64] Asian giant hornet or "yak-killer" (Vespa mandarinia). Wenn sie niedergeschrieben werden, insbesondere in der vorherrschenden Unterrichtssprache, verlieren sie etwas von ihrem Wesen. [87] Nine ships and one shore establishment of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Wasp, the first an 8-gun sloop launched in 1749. The Wasp is a classic light tank. They are a successful and diverse group of insects with tens of thousands of described species; wasps have spread to all parts of the world except for the polar regions. Strangely, those colleges are full of WASPs themselves)." W.A.S.P.’s "Re-Idolized" Officially Released TODAY! Some solitary wasps nest in small groups alongside others of their species, but each is involved in caring for its own offspring (except for such actions as stealing other wasps’ prey or laying in other wasp's nests). [46], Most solitary wasps are parasitoids. Vote how vulgar wasp 1) stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Definitions include: an exclamation of surprise. [48], The Ichneumonidae are specialized parasitoids, often of Lepidoptera larvae deeply buried in plant tissues, which may be woody. [32] Others, such as potter wasps (Eumeninae)[33] and sand wasps (Ammophila, Sphecidae),[34] repeatedly build nests which they stock with a supply of immobilised prey such as one large caterpillar, laying a single egg in or on its body, and then sealing up the entrance (mass provisioning). Therefore, under most conditions in most species, wasps have complete voluntary control over the sex of their offspring. wasp definition: 1. a flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting (= produce a small, painful skin…. Apocrita, wasps in the broad sense, appeared in the Jurassic, and had diversified into many of the extant superfamilies by the Cretaceous; they appear to have evolved from the Symphyta. Definitions include: a person of Anglo-Saxon heritage. Definitions include: acronym for "married white female". [53][54] Sand wasps Ammophila often save time and energy by parasitising the nests of other females of their own species, either kleptoparasitically stealing prey, or as brood parasites, removing the other female's egg from the prey and laying their own in its place. WASP is used to refer to the people in American society whose ancestors came from northern Europe, especially England, and who are considered to have a lot of power and influence. Latina rugosa planidia (arrows, magnified) attached to an ant larva; the Eucharitidae are among the few parasitoids able to overcome the strong defences of ants. In aerospace, the Westland Wasp was a military helicopter developed in England in 1958 and used by the Royal Navy and other navies. A WASP refers to any American who is white and of English and Protestant heritage, so even a poor, degenerate meth head in Appalachia could be a WASP. [69], Some species of parasitic wasp, especially in the Trichogrammatidae, are exploited commercially to provide biological control of insect pests. Many of the solitary wasps are parasitoidal, meaning they lay eggs on or in other insects (any life stage from egg to adult) and often provision their own nests with such hosts. Definitions include: a person who regards or treats people who are not of their own religion with with hatred and intolerance. on Feb 19 2013. AS: Short for After Scorching, it is used as a way to measure years. WSP-1A Wasp from First Succession War. Other terms relating to 'acronyms (list of)': Other terms relating to 'religion (related to)': Average of 25 votes: [10][25] Having mated, the adult female forages alone and if it builds a nest, does so for the benefit of its own offspring. [43] However it has been shown that even without hairs, several wasp species are able to effectively transport pollen, therefore contributing for potential pollination of several plant species. [45], The Agaonidae (fig wasps) are the only pollinators of nearly 1000 species of figs,[43] and thus are crucial to the survival of their host plants. [23] The length of the reproductive cycle depends on latitude; Polistes erythrocephalus, for example, has a much longer (up to 3 months longer) cycle in temperate regions. [13] The solitary giant scoliid, Megascolia procer, with a wingspan of 11.5 cm,[14] has subspecies in Sumatra and Java;[15] it is a parasitoid of the Atlas beetle Chalcosoma atlas. [13], Of the dozens of extant wasp families, only the family Vespidae contains social species, primarily in the subfamilies Vespinae and Polistinae. Apart from providing food for their offspring, no further maternal care is given. Last edited on Feb 19 2013. There are some species of solitary wasp that build communal nests, each insect having its own cell and providing food for its own offspring, but these wasps do not adopt the division of labour and the complex behavioural patterns adopted by eusocial species. stand for in America? Hermione King is overseeing the installation of the Worldwide Slang Prevention System (WASP) at Saint Hopes. "Abbreviation for Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore, and Pomona (the top four Liberal Arts Colleges in the nation. W.A.S.P. An alternative explanation is that bicycle is shortened to bic(ycle), and the terminal [s] is converted to a [k] because there is an underlying underspecified [k]/[s] sound, which is sof… There seems to me too much misery in the world. [42] Since wasps generally do not have a fur-like covering of soft hairs and a special body part for pollen storage (pollen basket) as some bees do, pollen does not stick to them well. abbreviation meaning defined here. It starts from September 2019 onwards. n. Slang Terms a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. They then insert one or more eggs into the host or deposit them upon the outside of the host. Males, called drones, have a haploid (n) number of chromosomes and develop from an unfertilized egg. WSP-3M Wasp from TRO:3050. [11] The various tarantula hawk wasps are of a similar size[12] and can overpower a spider many times its own weight, and move it to its burrow, with a sting that is excruciatingly painful to humans. Saint Hopes is the last in a series of schools to have the system activated, and Lady Blahga is visiting Saint Hopes to … [78] A fashion for wasp waisted female silhouettes with sharply cinched waistlines emphasizing the wearer's hips and bust arose repeatedly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. [18], There are estimated to be 100,000 species of ichneumonoid wasps in the families Braconidae and Ichneumonidae. St Hopes is the last in a series of school to have the system activated and Lady Blahga is … Wasps are members of the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants, bees and sawflies.. [25] Experimental infection of Muscidifurax uniraptor with the bacterium Wolbachia induced thelytokous reproduction and an inability to produce fertile, viable male offspring. Females are diploid, meaning that they have 2n chromosomes and develop from fertilized eggs. [56][57] For example, the social wasp Dolichovespula adulterina parasitises other members of its genus such as D. norwegica and D. Die treibende Kraft hinter W.A.S.P. quotations ▼ Infested with wasps. The creation of leading educationalist Lady Blahga, the WASP units punish inappropriate language or slang by stinging the speaker, thereby improving both speech and behavior. 2020 is an example of a leap year, with 2024 being the next one after that. In German products the unit's proper name was perfectly translated to Wespe. The two pairs of membranous wings are held together by small hooks and the forewings are larger than the hind ones; in some species, the females have no wings. [93], Members of the order Hymenoptera which are not ants nor bees, Methods to estimate species diversity include extrapolating the rate of species descriptions by subfamily (as in the, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, "Phylogenomics Resolves Evolutionary Relationships among Ants, Bees, and Wasps", "World's oldest fig wasp fossil proves that if it works, don't change it", "Fossil Trigonalidae and Vespidae (Hymenoptera) in Baltic amber", "New genus and species of broad-nosed weevils from Baltic amber and notes on fossils of the subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)", "Estimating the global species richness of an incompletely described taxon: an example using parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)", "Pigeon Tremex Horntail and the Giant Ichneumon Wasp", "A new genus and species of fairyfly, Tinkerbella nana (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), with comments on its sister genus Kikiki, and discussion on small size limits in arthropods", "More to biological diversity than meets the eye: Specialization by insect species is the key", "Lethal interactions between parasites and prey increase niche diversity in a tropical community", "Slender mud-dauber wasps: genus Sceliphron", "The evolution of progressive provisioning", "Irreversible thelytokous reproduction in, "Does kin recognition and sib-mating avoidance limit the risk of genetic incompatibility in a parasitic wasp? [55] According to Emery's rule, social parasites, especially among insects, tend to parasitise species or genera to which they are closely related. Apart from collecting prey items to provision their young, many wasps are also opportunistic feeders, and will suck the body fluids of their prey. [91] Definitions include: acronym for "group chat". Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. [84] In Stieg Larsson's book The Girl Who Played with Fire (2006) and its film adaptation, Lisbeth Salander has adopted her kickboxing ringname, "The Wasp", as her hacker handle and has a wasp tattoo on her neck, indicating her high status among hackers, unlike her real world situation, and that like a small but painfully stinging wasp, she could be dangerous.[85]. It entered commercial use in the 1920s in Europe, was overtaken by chemical pesticides in the 1940s, and again received interest from the 1970s. Google has been penalizing this site in its search rankings for years. Wasp definition, any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterous insects of the Vespidae, Sphecidae, and allied families, generally having a long, slender body and … Definitions include: acronym for "big man on campus". [88] Its turret is placed closer to the back of the tank for easy maneuverability in duels. 2) people who usually come from privileged background, typically in the New England area 3) abbreviation for Williams, Amherst , Swarthmore , and Pomona (the top four Liberal Arts Colleges in the nation. [44], Pollen wasps in the subfamily Masarinae gather nectar and pollen in a crop inside their bodies, rather than on body hairs like bees, and pollinate flowers of Penstemon and the water leaf family, Hydrophyllaceae. Below is a glossary of some of the lexicon, slang, and colloquialisms used by the dragons of Pyrrhiaand Pantala: Animus: A dragon with the ability toenchantboth inanimate objects and living beings. Slang . Definitions include: promoting Christianity. [25] Some wasp species provide food for the young repeatedly during their development (progressive provisioning). The placement of nests varies from group to group; yellow jackets such as Dolichovespula media and D. sylvestris prefer to nest in trees and shrubs; Protopolybia exigua attaches its nests on the underside of leaves and branches; Polistes erythrocephalus chooses sites close to a water source. The Chrysididae, such as this Hedychrum rutilans, are known as cuckoo or jewel wasps for their parasitic behaviour and metallic iridescence. [38], In wasps, as in other Hymenoptera, sex is determined by a haplodiploid system, which means that females are unusually closely related to their sisters, enabling kin selection to favour the evolution of eusocial behaviour. From bicycle, by shortening, and possibly alteration. Its weak armour is fully compensated by its great speed, agility and small size. It also means that you can shoot around corners much more easily. [25], Like all insects, wasps have a hard exoskeleton which protects their three main body parts, the head, the mesosoma (including the thorax and the first segment of the abdomen) and the metasoma. [35], Predatory and parasitoidal wasps subdue their prey by stinging it. [b][14], Megarhyssa macrurus, a parasitoid. The smallest wasps are solitary chalcid wasps in the family Mymaridae, including the world's smallest known insect, with a body length of only 0.139 mm (0.0055 in), and the smallest known flying insect, only 0.15 mm (0.0059 in) long. Female wasps appear to recognize siblings on the basis of a chemical signature carried or emitted by males. Wasp, britischer Flugmotor von A.B.C. Wasps play many ecological roles. [29], In addition to their large compound eyes, wasps have several simple eyes known as ocelli, which are typically arranged in a triangle just forward of the vertex of the head. [10], Many wasp species are parasitoids; the females deposit eggs on or in a host arthropod on which the larvae then feed. acronym for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. on Sep 21 2009. Definitions include: a intelligent, sophisticated person who comes from a poor or middle class family. People are most often stung in late summer, when wasp colonies stop breeding new workers; the existing workers search for sugary foods and are more likely to come into contact with humans; if people then respond aggressively, the wasps sting. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Females typically have an ovipositor for laying eggs in or near a food source for the larvae, though in the Aculeata the ovipositor is often modified instead into a sting used for defense or prey capture. [89] The eighth of these, an aircraft carrier, gained two Second World War battle stars, prompting Winston Churchill to remark "Who said a Wasp couldn't sting twice? I don't think you're enough of a WASP to become a member at the club. Their nesting habits are more diverse than those of social wasps. (wŏsp) Any of numerous insects having two pairs of wings, mouths adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an egg-laying tube (called an ovipositor) that is often modified as a sting. What does W.A.S.P. [5], The Vespidae include the extinct genus Palaeovespa, seven species of which are known from the Eocene rocks of the Florissant fossil beds of Colorado and from fossilised Baltic amber in Europe. The body of a female is 50mm long, with a c. 100mm ovipositor, Tarantula hawk wasp dragging an orange-kneed tarantula to her burrow; it has the most painful sting of any wasp. These include both sugars and amino acids, and may provide essential protein-building nutrients that are otherwise unavailable to the adults (who cannot digest proteins). [37] In many social species, the larvae exude copious amounts of salivary secretions that are avidly consumed by the adults. Wasps first appeared in the fossil record in the Jurassic, and diversified into many surviving superfamilies by the Cretaceous. Social wasps are considered pests when they become excessively common, or nest close to buildings. ". [49] Some parasitic species have a mutualistic relationship with a polydnavirus that weakens the host's immune system and replicates in the oviduct of the female wasp. Accurate leap years are coded in-game. The "wasps" are the chorus of old jurors. America W.A.S.P. Some are predators or pollinators, whether to feed themselves or to provision their nests. These are years that last one extra day, and occur every four years. Many wasps, those in the clade Aculeata, can sting their insect prey. However, the majority of wasp species are solitary, with each adult female living and breeding independently. the word is – not how mean it is.). A wasp is any insect of the narrow-waisted suborder Apocrita of the order Hymenoptera which is neither a bee nor an ant; this excludes the broad-waisted sawflies (Symphyta), which look somewhat like wasps but are in a separate suborder. They hunt a wide variety of prey, mainly other insects (including other Hymenoptera), both larvae and adults. The common terminology suggests a relationship to your question, but only tangentially so. While most species of wasps have nests with multiple combs, some species, such as Apoica flavissima, only have one comb. Looking for online definition of WASP or what WASP stands for? Definitions include: a person who practices the virtues of Catholicism for the duration of the mass (roughly 45 minutes) but not for the remainder of the week. Like the other responders here, I’ve never heard the wasp insects referred to as “Jaspers.” There is a synthesizer with the trade name Wasp that was made by the EDP (Electric Dream Plant) company, and plans were made available later for a DIY synthesizer called the Jasper that was meant to emulate the Wasp. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. [29] Wasps store sperm inside their body and control its release for each individual egg as it is laid; if a female wishes to produce a male egg, she simply lays the egg without fertilizing it. [72] For instance, Aphidius matricariae is used to control the peach-potato aphid.[73]. Eucharitids are among the few parasitoids that have been able to overcome ants' effective defences against parasitoids. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. This specimen's length is 77mm and its wingspan is 115mm. [10] Some wasps are even parasitoids of parasitoids; the eggs of Euceros are laid beside lepidopteran larvae and the wasp larvae feed temporarily on their haemolymph, but if a parasitoid emerges from the host, the hyperparasites continue their life cycle inside the parasitoid. Since the wasps are equally dependent on their fig trees for survival, the coevolved relationship is fully mutualistic. Last edited on Feb 19 2013. European beewolf Philanthus triangulum provisioning her nest with a honeybee. Definitions include: to attempt to convince a person or group of something that they already believe. This Wasp has been equipped with Endo Steel, a 120-rated XL Engine, Jump Jets, an ER medium laser and a LRM 10 launcher. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. waspy (comparative waspier, superlative waspiest) Resembling or characteristic of a wasp; wasplike. For this purpose, they have exceptionally long ovipositors; they detect their hosts by smell and vibration. Definitions include: acronym for "drop dead gorgeous". Some larvae start off as parasitoids, but convert at a later stage to consuming the plant tissues that their host is feeding on. [31], Adult solitary wasps mainly feed on nectar, but the majority of their time is taken up by foraging for food for their carnivorous young, mostly insects or spiders. ), Your vote: None [61], With their powerful stings and conspicuous warning coloration, social wasps are the models for many species of mimic. Solitary wasps parasitize almost every pest insect, making wasps valuable in horticulture for biological pest control of species such as whitefly in tomatoes and other crops. [36], Some social wasps are omnivorous, feeding on fallen fruit, nectar, and carrion such as dead insects. Reseen WSP-3L Wasp … [79][80], The Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote the comedy play Σφῆκες (Sphēkes), The Wasps, first put on in 422 BC. Definitions include: acronym for "single white female". See more words with the same meaning: religion (related to).
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