[Middle English pretor, from Old French, from Latin praetor, perhaps from praeīre, to go before : prae-, pre- + īre, to go; see ei- in Indo-European roots.] For matters outside Rome, the praetor peregrinus settled cases among foreigners. Urbanus Wedaaba is an experienced academician and entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in … Die ersten Statthalter (Provinzialprätoren) wurden 227 v. Chr. [4] Einen Kollegen und damit das Prinzip der Kollegialität, dürfte es zunächst nicht gegeben haben. However, a consul or praetor could be taken away from his current duties at any time to head a task force, and there were many, especially military. Livy mentions that the Latini were led and governed in warfare by two of them and the Samnites by one. Die genauen Einzelheiten sind, wie vieles in der Geschichte der frühen römischen Republik, aufgrund der unsicheren Quellenlage in der Forschung umstritten. The original office was renamed praetor urbanus, and the new office was called praetor peregrinus. Against the "majesty" of the people; that is, treason. Volkstribunat | 242 v. Chr. Marcus Aurelius[18] appointed a Praetor for matters relating to tutela (guardianship). Publius was flamen dialis and, in 212 BC, was elected praetor urbanus and peregrinus. 197 v. Chr. Praetor, in ancient Rome, a judicial officer who had broad authority in cases of equity, was responsible for the production of the public games, and, in the absence of consuls, exercised extensive authority in the government. In der senatorischen Ämterlaufbahn folgte die Prätur im Regelfall dem Volkstribunat oder dem Amt eines Ädilen und wurde vor dem Konsulat bekleidet. Urbanus is a boy name and means from the city.It is a Latin name and its pronunciation is \u-rba-nus, ur-banus\. Since he was in charge of the city, he was only allowed to leave the city for a period of up to 10 days. The Senate required that some senior officer remain in Rome at all times. The praefectus urbanus, also called praefectus urbior urban prefectin English, was prefectof the city of Rome, and later also of Constantinople. Interrex | Gaius Iulius Caesar erhöhte die Zahl der Prätoren schrittweise von zehn auf zwölf und dann 16. Mit der römischen Expansion wurde die Zahl der Prätoren erhöht, da man auch über die Provinzen eine richterliche Aufsicht benötigte, in der Zeit hatte man sechzehn Prätoren aktiv. Jahrhunderts unter Kaiser Justinian I. "Canvassing", an attempt to influence voters illegally. To take a very simplistic view, the establishment of the principate can be seen as the restoration of monarchy under another name. In Italy, until 1998, Praetor was a magistrate with particular duty (especially in civil branch). The need for administrators remained just as acute. Praetor (/ˈpriːtər/ PREE-tər, Classical Latin: [ˈprae̯tɔr]), also spelled prætor or pretor in English, was a title granted by the government of Ancient Rome to men acting in one of two official capacities: the commander of an army (in the field or, less often, before the army had been mustered); and as an elected magistratus (magistrate), assigned various duties (which varied at different periods in Rome's history). Livy explains[9] that in the year 366 BC the praetura was set up to relieve the consuls of their judicial duties. Seit 180 v. Chr. However, with the decline of the other traditional Roman offices such as that of tribune the praetorship remained an important portal through which aristocrats could gain access to either the Western or Eastern Senates. Caesar, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Praetur&oldid=204064910, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The Cohortes Urbanae (Latin meaning urban cohorts) of ancient Rome were created by Augustus to counterbalance the enormous power of the Praetorian Guard in the city of Rome and serve as a police force. Classical Latin Praetor became medieval Latin Pretor; Praetura, Pretura, etc. During the Hannibalic War, the praetor peregrinus was frequently absent from Rome on special missions. It is described by Virgil, Æneid, v. 553, &c. See Tacitus, Annal. The Diocese of Thrace had already been abolished by the end of the 5th century by Anastasius, and its vicarius became the new praetor Justinianus of Thrace, with authority over all the former Thracian provinces except for Lower Moesia and Scythia Minor, which became part of the quaestura exercitus. The other was the Praetor Urbanus, the chief judicial office in Rome. The Emperor therefore assumed the powers once held by the kings, but he used the apparatus of the republic to exercise them. In that year eligibility for the praetura was opened to the plebeians, and one of them, Quintus Publilius Philo, won the office.[11]. "Patricide", extended to the murder of relatives, presumably for property. Judging matters between citizens was the job of one specific magistrate, the praetor urbanus (city praetor). This duty now fell to the praetor urbanus. Ab dem Jahr 367 v. Chr. Praetor, also spelled prætor or pretor in English, was a title granted by the government of Ancient Rome to men acting in one of two official capacities: the commander of an army (in the field or, less often, before the army had been mustered. I heard of, that Rome is looking for experienced, active and motivational people with a lot of ideas, and that is exactly why I am here, talking to every single one of you today. war ein Mindestalter von 40 Jahren vorgeschrieben. The development and improvement of Roman Law owes much to the wise use of this praetorial discretion. Beginning in the late Republic, a former Praetor could serve as a Propraetor ("in place of the Praetor") and act as the governor of one of Rome's provinces. Approximately "remedy", the seeking of restitution of property taken illegally by a magistrate and conviction of the perpetrator. Roblox Group Cohortes Urbanae The penalty on conviction was usually death, but sometimes other severe penalties were used. "[19] After they were handed over to the iudex, they were no longer in iure before the Praetor, but apud iudicem. Tribunus militum | These Edicts were statements of praetor's policy as to judicial decisions to be made during his term of office. Durch die vermehrte Verleihung von Suffektkonsulaten erhielten dafür weitaus mehr gewesene Prätoren als bisher die Möglichkeit, auch das Konsulat zu bekleiden. At that time a second praetor was established to handle suits in which one or both parties were foreigners. [29] Their sole duty was to manage the spending of money on the exhibition of games or on public works. When the Praetor administered justice in a tribunal, he sat on a sella curulis, which was that part of the court reserved for the Praetor and his assessors and friends, as opposed to the subsellia, the part occupied by the iudices (judges) and others who were present. If it appears that the defendant ought to pay 10,000 sesterces to the plaintiff, let the iudex condemn the defendant to pay 10,000 sesterces to the plaintiff. Bis Sulla blieb trotz ansteigender Anzahl der Provinzen die Zahl der Prätoren (zwei Gerichtsprätoren, vier Provinzialprätoren) gleich. (before the Roman Empire) After performance of their duties, praetors were sent to the provinces as propraetors or proconsuls. Livy mentions that the Latini were led and governed in warfare by two of them[3] and the Samnites by one. Officially, a designation that made a consul into a leader of the armies of the state. Augustus made changes that were designed to reduce the Praetor to being an imperial administrator rather than a magistrate. Sie wurden vom Volk in den comitia centuriata auf ein Jahr gewählt. Im Zivilstand bezeichnet der Prätor einen Bürgermeister (beispielsweise in Capua ), den Sufet in Karthago oder den obersten Richter in Rom. 956–957. In court, the Praetor was referred to as acting e tribunali or ex superiore loco (lit. During the early Empire the Praetor's Edict was … The institution headed by the Pretor was called Pretură. Vigintisexviri | A municipal officer of Rome, so called because, (praeiret populo,) he went before or took precedence of the people. These quaestiones looked into crimina publica, "crimes against the public", such as were worthy of the attention of a Praetor. praetor urbanus in a sentence - Use "praetor urbanus" in a sentence 1. Diktator, Weitere Ämter und Ehrentitel: Prätor urbanus — Die Praetur (eingedeutscht auch Prätur) war eines der höheren Ämter der römischen Ämterlaufbahn, des cursus honorum (im Regelfall das dritte Amt nach der Quästur und der Ädilität). Bezeichnend ist zudem, dass die ersten Provinzen, die ab der Mitte des 3. At this stage, the Praetor would establish a formula directing the iudex as to the remedy to be given if he found that certain circumstances were satisfied; for instance, "Let X be iudex. The legal provisions arising from the Praetor's Edict were known as ius honorarium; in theory the Praetor did not have power to alter the law, but in practice the Edict altered the rights and duties of individuals and was effectively a legislative document. Sie spielten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung des römischen Rechts, da sie im prätorischen Edikt die jeweils geltenden Verfahrensvorschriften festlegten. The praetor law was raised out of the out-of-process judicial aids of the praetor urbanus and the code developed by the praetor peregrinus, the latter being elevated by lex Aebutia. Tresviri | Julius Caesar raised the number to ten, then fourteen, and finally to sixteen.[17]. PRAETOR, Roman civil law. [33] This division of civil and military duties was often abandoned in the 12th century, when the posts of civil praitōr and military doux were frequently held in tandem. The institution of consuls arose c. 510 bc with the expulsion of the He was therefore given appropriate duties in Rome. Praetorium, as a substantive, denoted the location from which the praetor exercised his authority, either the headquarters of his castra, the courthouse (tribunal) of his judiciary, or the city hall of his provincial governorship.[2]. The prefix prae is a good indication that the title-holder was prior, in some way, in society. "Pretor" redirects here. Currently, this office has survived only in the Republic of Moldova, where praetors are the heads of Chişinău's five sectors. The praetor urbanus presided in civil cases between citizens. There were two reasons for this: to relieve the weight of judicial business and to give the Republic a magistrate with imperium who could field an army in an emergency when both consuls were fighting a far-off war. Livy mentions that the Latini were led and governed in warfare by two of them[3] and the Samnites by one. Decemviri | 3, 14, 60 ‘… nondum enim C. Aquilius, collega et familiaris meus, protulerat de dolo malo formulas …’; de nat. im Zuge der römischen Expansion errichtet wurden und deren Verwaltung militärische Unternehmungen einschloss, Beamten unterstellt waren, die ebenfalls den Titel praetor trugen und von den comitia centuriata gewählt wurden. An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul. T. Corey Brennan, in his two-volume study of the praetorship, argues that during the military crisis of the 240s the second praetorship was created to make another holder of imperium available for command and provincial administration inter peregrinos. "Concerning stabbers and poisoners"; i.e., against professional assassins and their collaborators. In the absence of the consuls, he was the senior magistrate of the city, with the power to summon the Senate and to organize the defense of the city in the event of an attack. Like many other Roman institutions, the praetor (Greek: πραίτωρ, praitōr) survived in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. [20], During the time of the Roman Republic, the Urban Praetor allegedly issued an annual edict, usually on the advice of jurists (since the Praetor himself was not necessarily educated in the law), setting out the circumstances under which he would grant remedies. Er trug die toga praetexta, hatte als besondere Gerichtsstätte ein Gerüst (tribunal), wo er auf der sella curulis saß, und daneben auf Sesseln (subsellia) die Richter. He superintended the Ludi Apollinares and was also the chief magistrate for the administration of justice and promulgated the Praetor's Edict. Er stellte eine vorläufige Untersuchung der Rechtssache an und übergab alles Weitere (cognitio) den Geschworenenrichtern (iudices selecti), bis diese Sache spruchreif wurde, worauf er dann Recht sprach (ius dicere oder iurisdictio). im edictum perpetuum endgültig festschreiben, die Prätoren hatten aber schon zuvor durch den Ausbau der kaiserlichen Gerichtsbarkeit beständig an Bedeutung verloren. Partisan politics greatly influenced the outcome of elections. In the reign of Hadrian, however, the terms of the Edict were made permanent and the Praetor's de facto legislative role was abolished.[21]. Look up the German to Latin translation of praetor urbanus in the PONS online dictionary. This sham fight was according to an old tradition established by Æneas. Zuletzt wird das Amt in der Mitte des 6. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Prätor' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Gradually however, the civil functionaries assumed greater power, and by the late 10th century, the praitores (or kritai, "judges") were placed at the head of the civil administration of a thema. Moreover, there is no difference detectable between the placement of literal/technical and metaphorical urbanus either when used with other modifiers or in hyperbaton. London: John Murray. "Embezzlement", the theft of public property. [14], The praetor urbanus presided in civil cases between citizens. peregrini untereinander) am Beginn ihrer Amtszeit öffentlich bekannt zu geben. al conducătorilor de armată, superiorul lui fiind numai consulul.Cea mai înaltă funcție de stat a unui pretor era (Praetor urbanus) care din anul 242 î.e.n. The Praetors also presided at the quaestiones perpetuae (which were criminal proceedings), so-called because they were of certain types, with a Praetor being assigned to one type on a permanent basis. Similarly, the governors of Pisidia and Lycaonia, as well as Paphlagonia (enlarged by merging it with Honorias) were upgraded to praetores Justiniani, and received the rank of vir spectabilis. The best explanation available is that of Cicero in De legibus, in which he proposes ideal laws based on Roman constitutional theory:[6]. The prefix prae is a good indication that the title-holder was prior, in some way, in society. [16], The expansion of Roman authority over other lands required the addition of praetors. Das Substantiv praetor (frühe Form praitor, von praeitor) leitet sich vom lateinischen Verb prae-ire („vorangehen“) ab und bezeichnet im eigentlichen Sinne jemanden, der vorangeht, also einen Anführer oder einen Vorgesetzten. Somit waren die Prätoren die höchsten Richter des Staates und die Prätur daher ein begehrtes Amt. In the 2017 game “Xenoblade Chronicles 2”, one of the central antagonists Amalthus holds the title of Praetor in the Praetorium of Indol. In a sense the continuing Edicts came to form a corpus of precedents. Chr., die ersten beiden Konsuln amtierten, wie die Römer später glaubten. [12] Praetor urbanus. The consuls were at first called praetors. Imperator | The real meaning of what Pompædius said appears from the context, and from a passage of Valerius Maximus (3. They were by definition doers of maxima. [citation needed] Consul. The Classical-era authors do not describe the events leading to the Praetor title origination, but the writings of the late Republican statesman and attorney Cicero explored the philosophy and uses of the term praetor. Spaces of Justice in the Roman World Edited byFrancesco de Angelis LEIDEN • BOSTON 2010 The tribunal of the praetor urbanus was an important and well-known landmark of the Forum Romanum during the Republic; its presence in the civic landscape represented the locus for the praetor's judicial activities, or his "space of justice. (1875). 1.8, 19). Pope Urban II (Latin: Urbanus II; c. 1035 – 29 July 1099), otherwise known as Odo of Châtillon or Otho de Lagery, was the head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 12 March 1088 to his death. For instance, he could in certain cases give validity to the act of manumission when he was out-of-doors, such as on his way to the bath or to the theatre. The use of the adjectives (praetorius, praetoricius, praetorianus) in a large number of circumstances testify to a general sense. Doch heute gilt als unwahrscheinlich, dass bereits damals, 509 v. Praetors could delegate at will. Livy mentions that, among other tasks, these executive officers were told to lead troops against perceived threats (domestic or foreign), investigate possible subversion, raise troops, conduct special sacrifices, distribute windfall money, appoint commissioners and even exterminate locusts. praetorial. Prätoren gehörten, wie erwähnt, zu den Magistraten, die wie die Konsuln ein imperium besaßen, also ein Heer kommandieren durften. Zum Kollegium der Prätoren gehörten auch die Statthalter der Provinzen, obwohl sie von den Gerichtsprätoren durch den gänzlich anderen Aufgabenbereich und durch die räumliche Trennung vollkommen verschieden waren. pp. He is best known for initiating the Crusades.. Pope Urban was a native of France, and was a descendant of a noble family from the French commune of Châtillon-sur-Marne. Der neue Träger der alten königlichen Gewalt wurde wahrscheinlich vielmehr praetor maximus genannt. Praefectus | deor. The Senate required that some senior officer remain in Rome at all times. Comes | Example: the misappropriation of public money. The involvement of a Praetor in either was as follows. The Praetor Urbanus was not allowed to leave the city for more than ten days. Kaiser Hadrian ließ das prätorische Edikt um 128 n. Chr. Jochen Bleicken nahm an, die Konsuln hätten den Prätor zunächst nur unterstützen sollen. He is possibly identical to the Palaiologan-era post of the praitōr tou demōu, whose holders are attested until 1355. The praetor was, in an English sense, the chief justice, and yet more than that. The Classical-era authors do not describe the events leading to the Praetor title origination, but the writings of the late Republican statesman and attorney Cicero explored the philosophy and uses of the term praetor. CONTACT LINKS. Die Amtsinhaber wurden praetores (eingedeutscht: Prätoren)… … xi. The prefix prae provides a good indication that the title-holder was prior, in some way, in society. The functions of the magistracy, the praetura (praetorship), are described by the adjective: the praetoria potestas (praetorian power), the praetorium imperium (prae… ein Fremdenpraetor (Praetor peregrinus) zur Seite gestellt wurde. Indessen entschied er unerhebliche Rechtssachen auch ohne alle Förmlichkeiten an jedem beliebigen Orte (ex aequo loco).[7]. Ädilität | nach dem Konsul der höchste Stadtbeamte (Praetor urbanus), dem seit 241 v. Chr. A praetor was one of the greater Roman magistrates with imperium or legal power. Sulla erhöhte die Zahl der Prätoren, wahrscheinlich im Jahre 81 v. Censur, Außerordentliche Ämter: Eventually, the above discretion allowed the Praetor urbanus regarding his Edict was no longer considered appropriate. Since he was in charge of the city, he was only allowed to leave the city for a period of up to 10 days. two praetors were elected: the city praetor (praetor urbanus), who managed court trials among Roman citizens, and a praetor for foreigners (praetor peregrinus). Later it became common for the praetor urbanus or peregrinus, after he had discharged his judicial functions for one year, to be sent to govern a province for another; a period which in many cases was prolonged until by the Lex Julia of Caesar it was provided that no governor should administer a praetorian province for more than one year (Cic. Pontifex Maximus | Regio imperio duo sunto, iique praeeundo iudicando consulendo praetores iudices consules appellamino. Dux | From then on, praetors appear frequently in Roman history, first as generals and judges, then as provincial governors. erwähnt. from a raised platform or from a higher place) but he could also perform ministerial acts out of court, in which case he was said to be acting e plano or ex aequo loco (lit. The Senate required that some senior officer remain in Rome at all times. Other similar names and variants include: Urbain, Urbaine, Ursins, Ursinus.Urbanus is not a popular first name for men and an equally uncommon surname or last name for both men and women. The first man to be elected to the new praetura was the patrician Spurius Furius, the son of Marcus Furius Camillus,[10] in exchange for the election of Lucius Sextius, plebeian leader, as one of the consuls for the year. [35] His court uniform consisted of a gold-brocaded hat (skiadion), a plain silk kabbadion tunic, and a plain, smooth wooden staff (dikanikion).[36]. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Phil. Die Praetur (lateinisch praetura; eingedeutscht auch Prätur) war eines der höheren Ämter der römischen Ämterlaufbahn, des cursus honorum (im Regelfall das dritte Amt nach der Quästur und der Ädilität). The use of the adjectives (praetorius, praetoricius, praetorianu… Der Praetor Maximus unterschied sich von seinen Kollegen unter anderem dadurch, daß er den Jahresnagel einschlug. gab es einen jährlich neu gewählten praetor urbanus (von urbs, „Stadt“, gemeint ist Rom), der für die Gerichtsbarkeit in der Stadt Rom zuständig war. After several changes, Augustus fixed the number at twelve. Das Substantiv praetor (frühe Form praitor, von praeitor) leitet sich vom lateinischen Verb prae-ire („vorangehen“) ab und bezeichnet im eigentlichen Sinne jemanden, der vorangeht, also einen Anführer oder einen Vorgesetzten. Praetur | Legatus | A dictator was called the praetor maximus. Augustus | [4] A dictator was called the praetor maximus. Daher ist fast kein Punkt in der historischen Forschung unumstritten. The office originated under the Roman kings, continued during the Republic and Empire, and held high importance in late Antiquity. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Besonders in Ausnahmesituationen wurde Prätoren ein militärisches Kommando in einer Provinz übertragen, für das bei längerer Dauer die Amtsgewalt über das normale Jahr hinaus verlängert werden konnte. Cicero, who was praetor that year (the praetor was the magistrate next in rank to the consul), defended Cluentius, and told his client's whole story. "False witness"; i.e., against perjurers. The role of the praetor develops in two branches which are described as the praetor urbanus, whose legal capacities concerned those between Romans, and the praetor peregrinus, whose functions, instead, involved those between foreigners or a Roman and a foreigner:[T]he development of civil law was in the hands of the praetor. Magister militum | Most moderate-size Latin dictionaries list the praetorial nouns and adjectives, and uses and major sources. This duty now fell to the praetor urbanus. Der Praetor hatte vornehmlich richterliche Aufgaben. lösten sie gerichtsfunktional die Konsuln als Gerichtsherren ab. The iudicium of the iudex was binding. Example: plotting the murder of a magistrate. 6 The wording of two passages of Cicero, who was praetor de repetundis also in 66 B.C., indicates strongly that it was as praetor that Aquilius Gallus was responsible for the edict: de off. in der römischen Frühzeit Titel der Feldherren, seit 367 v. Chr. These two officials, elected on an annual basis, inherited the power formerly held by the kings of Rome. Öffentliche Rechtssachen zu behandeln stand ihm nur im Auftrag des Volkes (lege populi) zu. [30][31] In addition, in Constantinople he replaced the praefectus vigilum, who was hitherto responsible for security, by a praetor populi (in Greek πραίτωρ [τῶν] δήμων, praitōr [tōn] dēmōn), with wide-ranging police powers. Emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565) undertook a major administrative reform beginning in 535, which involved the reunification of civil and military authority in the hands of the governor in certain provinces, and the abolition of the dioceses. Praetor (Classical Latin: [ˈprajtoːr]) was a title granted by the government of Ancient Rome to men acting in one of two official capacities: the commander of an army (in the field or, less often, before the army had been mustered); or, an elected magistratus (magistrate), assigned various duties (which varied at different periods in Rome's history). kam der praetor peregrinus („Fremdenprätor“; peregrinus: „Fremder“ oder „Nichtbürger“) hinzu, der in Rechtsstreitigkeiten zwischen römischen Bürgern und Nichtbürgern tätig war.
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