Development 144, 1959–1965 (2017). The canonical transcript of each gene was defined by the software SnpEff (version 4.2) [33]. Plant Biol. To confirm FT-B1 as a candidate gene for TSN, a KASP marker was developed for the described mutation in FT-B1 and genotyping was performed across the whole DH-population. All values are percentages. It was previously reported that synonymous mutations might play a role in driving human cancers [6]. J Nucleic Acids. The same goes for nonsense mutations that induce truncated proteins. a Comparison between the nonsynonymous to synonymous ratio (nsy/syn) of cancer-related genes and other genes. Considering that the adjacent mutations are not necessarily coupled in the same individual, this concern of “multiple mutations” may not be useful in all cases. BMC Bioinform. 2013;29(1):15–21. Furthermore, the stop codon "UAA, UGA, or UAG" will not be read, or a stop Bioinformatics. b Comparison between the pooled nsy/syn ratio of cancer-related genes and other genes. J. Hered. 2015;31(2):166–9. For those mutations to mouse, the reference allele in human should already be fixed in the common ancestor of human and monkey, so the novel mutation in human might be deleterious and depleted in cancer-related genes (Fig. Li, C. et al. The result strongly suggests the purifying selection exerted on synonymous SNPs in cancer-related genes. PubMed  Genet. Correspondence to This gene—an ortholog of Arabidopsis FT and rice RFT1—has three predicted exons encoding a phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP). PubMed  Three sequences had another amino acid but none had an H (Fig. Nonsynonymous and synonymous SNPs were labeled by red and blue asterisks, respectively. The flowering traits (HD and FT) were recorded for each year as the number of days between the first of January and when approximately half of the spikes in a plot emerged and flowered, respectively. Developmental responses of bread wheat to changes in ambient temperature following deletion of a locus that includes FLOWERING LOCUS T1. An interesting issue is that if we consider multiple mutations in the same codon simultaneously, the combined effect of the mutations might be different from any of the single mutations (Fig. In light of a growing world population, the increase of wheat yield and the genetic mechanisms behind are of immediate interest. The FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT-B1) gene located in the most significant QTL interval (7B: 6.3–21.7 Mb) was considered as most likely candidate for the observed effect on TSN, because (1) FT-B1 carried a non-synonymous mutation causing an amino acid exchange in the parental lines, (2) a QTL analysis including the KASP marker based on the mutation confirmed its significant association with TSN, and (3) FT-B1 was previously associated with effects on spikelet number in the literature. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. “chisq.test” is a function in R language ( for conducting chi square tests. FT protein movement contributes to long-distance signaling in floral induction of Arabidopsis. Development 146, dev175398. PubMed Central  Trends Biotechnol. We drew to this conclusion without the requirement of data from cancer tissues or patients. 1985;2(1):13–34. In Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL): Methods and Protocols (ed. & Swain, S. M. New alleles of the wheat domestication gene Q reveal multiple roles in growth and reproductive development. We calculated the double-mutation/syn ratios in cancer-related genes and other genes, and found that the double-mutations in cancer-related genes are significantly suppressed (Fig. Article  In this case of human SNPs, we extracted all the “double-mutations” that are located in the same codon, and selected the cases in which the combined effect is different from any of the single mutations (in total 691 cases). Nucl. 2014;42(14):9171–81. Figure S5. The analyses that take gene expression level into count are conducted using these 439 cancer-related genes versus 8418 other genes. At the molecular level, the codon usage would affect many aspects in mRNA translation, like tRNA selection, decoding efficiency and the elongation rate [10, 14, 16, 17], which frequently acts as rate limiting step in translation elongation. Although the deleterious effects of nonsynonymous and nonsense mutations are obvious, we indeed reflect these effects in different ways. Zeng, Z. 2017;54(5):338–45. A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster strain w1118; iso-2; iso-3. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Compared to the two other gene families, FT-like genes, evolving via small- and large-scale duplications, are the most numerous among monocots with 13 paralogs identified in rice, five in barley, and nine in wheat based on expressed sequences tags (ESTs) data31,32. Proc. All non-synonymous mutations were analyzed with PROVEAN to evaluate their potential effect on the proteins. Dana A, Tuller T. The effect of tRNA levels on decoding times of mRNA codons. 5c), and the combined effect can even lead to a nonsense mutation. We used this set of highly expressed genes and tested the following patterns between cancer-related genes versus other genes (Additional file 3: Figure S3): (1) Nonsynonymous to synonymous ratios; (2) Conservation level of SNP site; (3) The changes of CUB of synonymous mutations. It remains an open question that whether cancer-related genes took this advantage to achieve rapid tumor growth. d Fractions of conserved orthologous sites in mouse genome. Genetics 138, 963–971 (1994). B. “onco” denotes cancer-related genes; “non-onco” denotes other genes. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. a Relative position of the nonsense variants in cancer-related genes and other genes. Figure S3. Google Scholar. contributed to the interpretation of the results and wrote the manuscript. Zheng, X.-M. et al. 4). Our work should be interesting to the cancer research community and the field of evolutionary biology. It was shown that grain yield in German winter wheat cultivars was highly correlated with grain number per spike1 and, therefore, the genes and mechanisms determining inflorescence and spike architecture in cereals have been in the focus of research (reviewed in Gauley and Boden2; Koppolu and Schnurbusch3). Genes were divided into ten bins with increasing delta codon bias. Another QTL-study reported three pleiotropic QTL regions associated with spikelet number and heading date on chromosomes 2A, 7A and 7D, with FT-A1 considered as candidate gene for QTspn/Hd.cau-7A9. Article  Yang JR, Chen X, Zhang J. Codon-by-codon modulation of translational speed and accuracy via mRNA folding. Sci. TaAPO-A1, an ortholog of rice ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1, is associated with total spikelet number per spike in elite European hexaploid winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. b Comparison between the pooled nsy/syn ratio of cancer-related genes and other genes. Development 144, 1966–1975 (2017). Question: list out the synonymous, non-synonymous mutations. mouse). Effect of the Hope FT-B1 allele on wheat heading time and yield components. Ppd-1 is a key regulator of inflorescence architecture and paired spikelet development in wheat. P-value was calculated using Fisher’s exact test. We began to filter these common SNPs (Fig. A few genes influencing TSN are known; among them are (1) the Q gene involved in wheat domestication10,11, (2) a putative ortholog to rice MOC112, and (3) a wheat ortholog (TaAPO-A1 or WAPO-A1) to rice ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION (APO1)13,14,15. Similarly, investigating the genomic data of healthy individuals gives us another aspect to reflect the evolutionary constraint and selection events in cancers and cancer-related genes, even without the patient data from numerous cancer types. c A diagram illustrating the effects of double-mutation within a codon. & Zeng, Z. 2000;22(12):1057–66. PubMed Central  5b), unsurprisingly, the ratio in cancer-related genes is significantly lower. We show that the effect of TSN is not mainly related to flowering time; however, the duration of pre-anthesis phases may play a major role. P-value was calculated using Wilcoxon rank sum test. Akashi H. Inferring weak selection from patterns of polymorphism and divergence at “silent” sites in Drosophila DNA. J.P. and M.W.G. In a nonsynonymous mutation, there is usually an insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide in the sequence during transcription when the messenger RNA is copying the DNA. N Engl J Med. However, while it is well known that the selection on nonsynonymous mutations is about the change of amino acids, one major force that acts on synonymous mutation is the codon usage bias (CUB) [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. c Conservation level (phyloP score) of nonsynonymous and synonymous SNPs in cancer-related genes and other genes. Cooke SL, Ng CK, Melnyk N, Garcia MJ, Hardcastle T, Temple J, Langdon S, Huntsman D, Brenton JD. Allele-wise phenotypic distribution of the KASP marker designed for FT-B1 of the best linear unbiased estimations (BLUEs) for the investigated traits in dominant (A) or recessive (B) VRN-A1 background. Profiling the SNPs in cancer-related genes and other genes. Our study revealed signals of purifying selection on nonsynonymous, synonymous and nonsense mutations in human cancer-related genes from the publically available database rather than some precious data from cancer patients. Google Scholar. Thus, our observation is probably the relics shaped by the purifying selection on the nonsense mutations in cancer-related genes. To address these problems, we first decided to take into account the gene expression level. This analysis identified eight potentially deleterious mutations distributed among six genes including FT-B1 (Supplementary Table S3). Amazingly, among all these 691 cases, 129 (18.7%) were causing nonsense mutations eventually. Chardon, F. & Damerval, C. Phylogenomic analysis of the PEBP gene family in cereals. Nonsynonymous mutations are thought to be largely deleterious due to their property of changing amino acids. New Phytol. Thus, these “multi-mutation” SNPs were discarded and only those “uni-mutation” SNPs were retained (Fig. & Chan, A. P. PROVEAN web server: A tool to predict the functional effect of amino acid substitutions and indels. Theor. Sequence alignment of the 20 first amino acids of a subset of FT-B1 homologs including the homoeologues on chromosome 7A and 7D. Interspecific analyses were performed on the set of 377 homolog sequences retrieved by the PROVEAN analysis. Nonsense mutations are less frequent and located closer to stop codons in cancer-related genes than in other genes, which putatively minimize their deleterious effects. Plotkin JB, Kudla G. Synonymous but not the same: the causes and consequences of codon bias. Babben, S. et al. Plant Cell Environ. Plant Cell 30, 563–581 (2018). Sequencing of the parental lines of the DH-population allowed us to screen for mutations and indels affecting the genes annotated in the physical interval corresponding to the major QTL. The region harbored 121 high-confidence genes (Supplementary Table S2). Dobin A, Davis CA, Schlesinger F, Drenkow J, Zaleski C, Jha S, Batut P, Chaisson M, Gingeras TR. 2010;29(35):4905–13. Association genetics studies on frost tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) reveal new highly conserved amino acid substitutions in CBF-A3, CBF-A15, VRN3 and PPD1 genes. Windows QTL Cartographer 2.5_011 (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2012). 2c, d). 58, 3091–3097 (2007). Google Scholar. Springer Nature. Next, part of the SNPs has more than one mutation types and might cause conflict in functional annotation. & Dubcovsky, J. J. Integr. CAS  Yan, L. et al. Guo, Z. et al. To view a copy of this licence, visit Moreover, the analysis of all non-synonymous mutations within the QTL interval confirmed FT-B1 as a likely candidate. d Correlation between the delta codon bias after the synonymous change and the fraction of cancer-related genes. BMC Cancer Nucleic Acids Res. The UCSC genome browser database: update 2006. PubMed  The interaction of both genes was not significant. As we have mentioned above, the major selection force acting on synonymous mutations is the codon usage bias. b CDS SNP density in cancer-related genes and other genes. The best linear unbiased estimations (BLUEs) showed a wide variation within and across years for all traits, with TSN and SL being normally distributed (Shapiro–Wilk test: P = 0.82 for TSN, P = 0.06 for SL, P = 0.001 for HD, and P = 0.003 for FT).
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