For more information contact us at or check out our status page at Ultimately, the female gametophyte produces female gametes. Differences between male and female gametophyte is – microspore (pollen grain) represent male gametophyte whereas megaspore (embryo sac) represent female gametophyte in sexual reproducing in flowering plant. Gametes are produced in the gametophyte generation (haploid) formed in the archegonia (female sex organ) and antheridia (male sex organ of algae, mosses, ferns, fungi and other nonflowering plants) Name structures that represent male and female gametophytes of flowering plants Male - Pollen Grains Female - Embryo Sacs Related posts: Here is your short essay on Sexual reproduction Short notes on the Stratification of pollen grain wall Development of male and Female gametophytes Get complete information on Sexual reproduction (Flowers) 6 Basic Difference between Female and […] A new diploid sporophyte is formed when a male gamete from a pollen grain enters the ovule sac and fertilizes this egg. Watch this video to see an animation of the double fertilization process of angiosperms. Once the seed is ready to be dispersed, the bracts of the female cones open to allow the dispersal of seed; no fruit formation takes place because gymnosperm seeds have no covering. The female cone is bigger, is found at the top of the tree and it produces the ovule. This cycle is named alternation of generations and organisms alternate between a sexual phase, or gametophyte generation and an asexual phase, or sporophyte generation. Have questions or comments? Angiosperms and gymnosperms are seed-bearing plants. Finally, wind plays an important role in pollination in gymnosperms because pollen is blown by the wind to land on the female cones. but the fate of the sperm is different. In angiosperms, the female gametophyte in the ovule exists in an enclosed structure, the ovary; in gymnosperms, the female gametophyte is present on exposed bracts of the female cone and is not enclosed in an ovary. Upon maturity, the male gametophyte (pollen) is released from the male cones and is carried by the wind to land on female cones. The main difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms is diversity. Male and female gametophytes arise from hetero spores. The female gametophyte is contained within a structure called the archegonium. Archegonia are absent, and tube cell and a generative cell is present in the male gametophyte. A male cone contains microsporophylls where male gametophytes ( pollen ) are produced and are later carried by wind to female gametophytes. The bracts, known as microsporophylls, are the sites where microspores will develop. The sporophytes differentiate specialized reproductive structures called sporangia, which are dedicated to the production of spores. The key difference between male and female gametophyte depends on the type of cell which produces the two structures. The megaspore mother cell divides by meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores. The microspores develop into male gametophytes that are released as pollen. The flower contains the reproductive structures of a plant. The integument contains an opening called the micropyle, through which the pollen tube enters the embryo sac. The stamens are made up of anthers, in which pollen grains are produced, and a supportive strand called the filament. Lastly, wind plays an important role in pollination in gymnosperms because pollen is blown by the wind to land on the female cones. The scales of the cones are closed during development of the seed. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the life history of Angiosperms, there is a highly developed sporophyte and highly reduced gametophyte. Double fertilization occurs in angiosperms. The male and female gametophyte structures are present on separate male and female cones in gymnosperms, whereas in angiosperms, they are a part of the flower. In angiosperms, there is a distinct gametophytic and sporophytic stage. This is covered by a layer known as the integument. The megaspore mother cell in the female cone divides by meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores; one of the megaspores divides to form the female gametophyte. Female Strobilus (Ovulate Strobilus) or Female Cone: Pollination brings the pollen grains on the special receptive surface of the megasporophyll called stigma. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are two major groups of Seed Plants (Cryptogams). In seed plants, what is an important difference between gymnosperms and most angiosperms? Unlike angiosperms, ovaries are absent in gymnosperms, double fertilization does not take place, male and female gametophytes are present on cones rather than flowers, and wind (not animals) drives pollination. The main difference between male and female gametophyte is that the microspore or pollen grain produces the male gametophyte while the megaspore produces the female gametophyte. A male cone has a central axis on which bracts, a type of modified leaf, are attached. Male gametophyte development of angiosperms is a complex process that requires coordinated activity of different cell types and tissues of both gametophytic and sporophytic origin and the appropriate specific gene expression. Each pollen grain is elliptical, uninucleate and has two wall layers. Adopted a LibreTexts for your class? The female gametophyte organ is widely known as Embryo sac. Angiosperms have bisexual fertilization or double fertilization. Double fertilization is a key event in the lifecycle of angiosperms, but is completely absent in gymnosperms. Reduced male parts: The male gametophyte in angiosperms is greatly reduced in size compared to the ones found in the gymnosperms. The female gametophyte is represented by seven-celled and 8- nucleate embryo sac. Double fertilization is a key event in the life cycle of angiosperms, but is completely absent in gymnosperms. Contrastingly, the female gametophyte in gymnosperms is present openly within the bracts of the cones and are not enclosed in the ovules or ovaries. Tube cell and the generative cell divides to form two male gametes in angiosperms. Pollen ontogeny is also an excellent model for the dissection of cellular networks that control cell growth, polarity, cellular differentiation and cell signaling. After fertilization of the egg, the diploid zygote is formed, which divides by mitosis to form the embryo. The female gametophyte of gymnosperms is a large and multicellular structure that serves the double function of supporting the gametes as well as nurturing the growing embryo which is in contrast to the state in angiosperms, wherein female gametophyte is minute and typically eight-nucleated with a single operational gamete. In gymnosperms, one of the two sperm fuses with the egg nucleus and a zygote (2N) is formed. Angiosperm ovules are not naked and are covered by fruits. The male and female gametophyte structures are present on separate male and female cones in gymnosperms, whereas in angiosperms, they are a part of the flower. The female cones are larger than the male cones and are positioned towards the top of the tree; the small, male cones are located in the lower region of the tree.
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