world of warcraft story summary

Turalyon, Lothar's loyal lieutenant, quickly took up leadership of Azeroth's defenders and finally defeated the Horde. Since launch, World of Warcraft has had eight major expansi… But new forces emerged that threatened to destroy Arthas and his minions: the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner rebelled, creating a splinter faction of undead known as the Forsaken, and the demon-tainted night elf Illidan Stormrage sent his armies to the icy continent of Northrend to strike at the Lich King. After Stormwind's king, Varian Wrynn, mysteriously disappeared, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon served as Regent but his service was marred by the manipulations and mind control of the black dragon Onyxia, who ruled in disguise as a human noblewoman. I have been playing this game forever, literally realm first Cthun kill on Eitrigg, woo, but I lost track of the story around WotLK. Continuing from Warcraft III with Rexxar's campaign. Grommash was quick to unite Draenor's orcish clans under his banner, and the clan leaders became the Iron Horde's warlords. On Kalimdor, Thrall's Horde set aside old hatreds and united with other races to thwart a massive Legion assault helmed by the demon lord Archimonde. The world's leaders scrambled to find a solution to Azeroth's growing instability. | In Southern Kalimdor, the Tauren try to protect their great city of Thunder Bluff from the ravages of those who would attempt to defile their lands. Expeditions from the Horde and Alliance, reinforced by their new blood elf and draenei allies, passed through the gateway to stop the invasion at its source. To this end, Sargeras possessed the human sorcerer Medivh and compelled him to contact Gul'dan, an orc warlock on the world of Draenor. When Warchief Garrosh Hellscream revived the heart of the Old God Y’shaarj to empower his army, he desecrated Pandaria’s sacred Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Upon hearing that these newly christened "blood elves" had become part of the Horde in his absence, the infuriated Zul'jin declared war on both Horde and Alliance. Khadgar and a small band of heroes were successful in stopping this menace, which gave the forces still fighting on the Isles the momentum they needed to strike. Despite being attacked by the mysterious Infinite Dragonflight as they travelled the timeways, the champions returned the artifact to the present and delivered it to the wise shaman Thrall. This article is being updated as the presentation goes on. These fearless champions strove to defeat the Thunder King, though they also simultaneously served their factions' interests on Pandaria. The Alliance and the Horde assaulted the Broken Shore, hoping to preemptively stop Gul’dan and the Legion’s forces. Jaina Proudmoore traveled to her home kingdom of Kul Tiras, hoping to bring them once more into the Alliance. United in arms with new allies, the Alliance and the Horde stand once more upon the shores of war, as the tides of vengeance loom on the horizon... Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore led Alliance forces on a daring gambit to besiege the golden pyramid of Dazar’alor. The lands of the world of Azeroth have once again become host to a World of Warcraft. Their efforts ultimately failed, costing High King Varian Wrynn and Warchief Vol’jin their lives. With August 14 approaching fast, fans of World of Warcraft are eagerly awaiting the release of Battle for Azeroth, the seventh expansion in the mega-hit MMORPG. This affront, alongside Garrosh’s increasingly dangerous conquests, led Horde rebels and Alliance stalwarts to assail the great walls of Orgrimmar, hoping to dethrone the tyrant before he ravaged an entire world. Among them were the bloodthirsty Kargath Bladefist, the cunning Blackhand, the elder shaman Ner'zhul, and the fearless Kilrogg Deadeye. Following the destruction of Azeroth's Dark Portal by the victorious Alliance, the orc shaman Ner'zhul took command of the remaining Horde on Draenor. In his quest to reign over all of Outland, Illidan the Betrayer had established a mighty stronghold for his forces within the Black Temple, a former draenei citadel. Kil'jaeden transported the heroes to Argus, the fel-wrought Legion homeworld, intent on exterminating them all, but the Eredar Lord met his end at the hands of Khadgar, Velen, Illidan and Azeroth's champions. Yet, in the end, the mighty Horde shattered Stormwind's defenses. South of Lordaeron, in the land of Azeroth, the humans have reclaimed their stronghold of Stormwind, building it into their new capital city. Along with Illidan's former jailor, the stoic night elf Maiev Shadowsong, Akama helped a group of heroes infiltrate Illidan's seat of power and put an end to the Betrayer's reign once and for all. It starts with Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Parents Guide. It looks like we don't have a Synopsis for this title yet. To find out more about Lei Shen, and dozens of other stories like it, World of Warcraft: Chronicle will be in stores and on the Blizzard gear store March 15th. The dagger's maddening whispers drew a band of heroes into the Crucible of Storms, where dark forces gathered to awaken the long-imprisoned Old God, N'Zoth. Following years of battles alongside the old Horde, the troll warlord Zul'jin retired to the city of Zul'Aman, capital of the Amani trolls, where he called upon mysterious dark powers to rebuild his army. Deep within the fiery heart of Blackrock Mountain, the black dragon Nefarian conducted twisted experiments with the blood of other dragonflights. It's been five years since we covered the complete story of Warcraft. There, they joined forces with the Army of the Light—a host of Lightforged warriors who spent millenia[sic] fighting the Legion across the stars, and whose ranks included the legendary paladin Turalyon and ranger-captain Alleria Windrunner. The Story of Warcraft is a series of summary pages on the official World of Warcraft Community site that cover each of the Warcraft games and each major patch of World of Warcraft. On the highest peaks of Kun-Lai Summit, the brave prince thwarted Garrosh's plans, leading to the fabled mogu artifact's destruction. Yet, threats to Hyjal persisted, including traitorous druids who had abandoned their allies and joined forces with the elementals. This cursed force invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal, a dimensional gateway created by Medivh and Gul'dan, and clashed with the human nation of Stormwind. The story of the brave people of Azeroth and beyond has been growing and expanding with each additional release in the Warcraft series of games. Their confrontation with the Lich King involved thousands of souls consumed by Arthas's blade, Frostmourne. Meanwhile, the missing human king Varian Wrynn at last returned to Stormwind City and reclaimed his crown. In retaliation, Khadgar assembled the champions of the Alliance and the Horde, leading them through the portal to stop the Iron Horde on Draenor once and for all. Amid the city's tragic fall, Garona betrayed her allies and assassinated King Llane Wrynn, sealing the nation's defeat. Left with no choice but to join forces completely against this new threat, the Alliance and the Horde headed into battle... but first, Sylvanas had to be stopped. Their servitude, they believed, would give them one last chance to turn the tide of battle. In Darnassus, the island stronghold of the Night Elves, nature and balance have been restored, but the mainland of Kalimdor has been lost to the Horde. Agents of the nefarious Twilight's Hammer cult surfaced throughout Horde and Alliance cities, spreading word of the impending apocalypse. Kael'thas plotted to use the legendary Sunwell, source of the blood elves' magical power, to summon the demon lord Kil'jaeden into Azeroth. At last close to the seat of the Scourge's power, Arthas did the unthinkable, and willingly merged his own spirit with that of the Lich King. Amid the city's tragic fall, Garona betrayed her allies and assassinated King Llane Wrynn, sealing the nation's defeat. | Once the Iron Horde had Draenor in its grasp, the orcs invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal, razed Nethergarde Keep, and seized control of Dreadmaul Hold. What you have just read was merely a paraphrased summary of the story. As the two factions' armies clashed on the shores of the continent, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream dispatched elite troops to find the Divine Bell—an ancient mogu artifact capable of endowing his soldiers with unimaginable power. Aided by the half-orc Garona, human champions like Anduin Lothar fought valiantly to protect their kingdom. With the armies of both the Horde and Alliance depleted from the long war, N'Zoth sensed the perfect time to strike. Heroes, aided by First Arcanist Thalyssra, Tyrande, and Lady Liadrin, led an insurrection against Grand Magistrix Elisande, regent of the ancient city of Suramar. By enlisting the aid of other nations - humans, gnomes, elves, and dwarves - Lothar helped form a great Alliance to stand against the orcs and their ruthless new leader, Orgrim Doomhammer. Each expansion essentially has it's own (more or less) contained storyline. Only Grommash Hellscream proved difficult to break, and so Gul’dan imprisoned him, hoping to make an example out of the former warchief. This young shaman and his reformed Horde fled to the continent of Kalimdor to escape the invasion of the Burning Legion, a demonic army that sought to ravage all of Azeroth. The victorious Northrend expeditions returned home to find all of Azeroth shaken by erratic elemental forces. Wary of the Horde's plans, the heroes of the Alliance invaded Draenor to end the orcish threat forever. The tenuous peace forged in a time of desperation is fading. Highlord Tirion Fordring organized a tournament to test potential heroes of the Horde and the Alliance, but agents of the Scourge quickly emerged to sabotage the event. This article is a copy of "The Story of Warcraft", a section of the official World of Warcraft website that provides "an abridged timeline of the Warcraft Saga starting from Warcraft: Orcs & Humans". With the elemental realms now open to the world, chaotic elemental spirits and their tyrannical lords emerged to help the Destroyer and the nihilistic Twilight's Hammer cult bring about the Hour of Twilight: the end of all life on Azeroth. However, the great will of the Lich King has failed, and the undead legions have splintered. Following the battle for Draenor, the deceitful Gul’dan found himself on Azeroth. The Battle for Azeroth was over, but the whereabouts of Sylvanas were still unknown.... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As Queen Azshara continued to dare those stranded in Nazjatar to face her, the champions learned from Magni Bronzebeard that a titan console was keeping N'Zoth prisoner within the Eternal Palace. Taglines But his followers, the Atal'ai priesthood, discovered that the Soulflayer could only be summoned within the Gurubashi tribe's ancient capital, Zul'Gurub. We may not have Patch 7.2 for a few months yet, but a recent hotfix brings a few class changes that give off a minor feeling of patch day. A desperate effort by Archmage Khadgar to unite the shattered factions ultimately resulted in the recovery of the Pillars of Creation, the only instruments capable of sealing the Tomb once more. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Intro Cinematic, World of Warcraft - Patch 1.11: Shadow of the Necropolis, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Cinematic Trailer, The Burning Crusade - Patch 2.1: The Black Temple, The Burning Crusade - Patch 2.3: The Gods of Zul'Aman, The Burning Crusade - Patch 2.4: Fury of the Sunwell, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic Trailer, Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.1: Secrets of Ulduar, Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.2: Call of the Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King - Patch 3.3: Fall of the Lich King, The Shattering: Prelude to Catalcysm Novel, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer, Cataclysm - Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari, Cataclysm - Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer, Mists of Pandaria - Patch 5.2: The Thunder King, Mists of Pandaria - Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic, World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer, insurrection against Grand Magistrix Elisande, World of Warcraft: Legion - Patch 7.2 – The Tomb of Sargeras Trailer, World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer, Chapter 2 - Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Chapter 3 - Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, Chapter 5 - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Of Orcs and Humans: The Story of Warcraft, For information about sources and citations, please see. The great desert fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, long sealed behind the Scarab Wall, was home to the insectoid qiraji, a savage race that had once mounted an assault to devastate the continent of Kalimdor. As the final battle against the Lich King approached, the human sorceress Jaina Proudmoore and the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner journeyed to the icy heart of Northrend. After their departure, the titans are betrayed and killed by Sargeras , who creates the Burning Legion and … Garrosh Hellscream escaped justice with the assistance of the bronze dragon Kairozdormu, eventually finding himself in an alternate Draenor in the time before the original Horde had come to Azeroth. These corrupt orcs, trolls and other races battled against the Firelord Ragnaros and the shadowy Dark Iron dwarves for control of the smoldering mountain. The World of Warcraft: Traveler series offers a different perspective on life following the Cataclysm, one that emphasizes a "down to earth" point of view instead of a sweeping epic narrative experienced by a hero of Azeroth. In preparation for the final offensive against the Lich King, the Argent Crusade—a union of holy warriors from the Order of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn—assembled a base near Icecrown Citadel to gather resources and identify the champions who would serve at the vanguard of their army. They rekindled their historical alliance with the Zandalari trolls, who managed to resurrect the tyrannical mogu emperor, Lei Shen the Thunder King, in the hopes of restoring mogu dominion over the continent. When his defiance was discovered, the tauren chieftain was imprisoned as a traitor. With Brann's assistance, small bands of Alliance and Horde champions infiltrated Ulduar to confront Yogg-Saron, who blasted the invaders with cryptic visions: the millennia-old creation of an artifact known as the Dragon Soul, the assassination of Stormwind's King Llane, and a glimpse of the Lich King's future. Meanwhile, the Horde rescued the Zandalari princess Talanji from the Stormwind Stockade. Alongside Thrall, champions of the Horde and Alliance fought their way to the Warchief’s lair beneath the city, where the battle grew so desperate that Garrosh absorbed the energies of the Old God to halt his downfall. The resulting window of opportunity permitted Akama, an elder sage of devolved draenei known as the Broken, to rebel against the self-styled "Lord of Outland." The Armies of Legionfall ,[sic] a special force of Azeroth's greatest heroes, fought their way into the Tomb--and found that the Deceiver had nearly accomplished his goal. Tensions escalated between the Alliance and the Horde as both factions came to realize the true power of Azerite, igniting a full-scale war leading to the fall of Teldrassil and the Undercity. Through the combined efforts of the Aspects and their allies, the madness of Deathwing was finally brought to an end. Before he was vanquished by fearless heroes, Nefarian created the twisted chromatic dragons and a legion of other aberrations in his bid to form an army powerful enough to control Azeroth and continue the legacy of his infamous father, Deathwing the Destroyer.