why is it called the belt of venus

You are, in fact, seeing Earth's shadow. Improve this question. The dark shadow is topped by a rosy pink glow - the 'anti-twilight arch sometimes called the 'Belt of Venus'. It is visible at sunrise or sunset, but is more pronounced at sunset. What is the largest object that we can see? Sky & Telescope maintains a strict policy of editorial independence from the AAS and its research publications in reporting developments in astronomy to readers. Three minutes later, the pinkish band has become fainter, but with a richer hue. But, the Panoramas could become better. Why is the Belt of Venus so little known? Fifteen minutes after sunset, the pink has dissipated. Also known as the Girdle of Venus, it's the pink band layered between the blue sky and the Earth's rising or setting shadow - the deep blue-gray band along the horizon. Backscatter causes the colors of the belt to become more pronounced and vivid right before the sun rises or just after it sets for the day. As the Sun is setting in the West, the belt will be visible in the eastern sky (remember that it’s visible opposite the sun). That's a great set of photos showing its progression from intense to subtle as it rises in the sky. What are those artifacts? Type: Canvas, Metal, Framed Print, Art Print. Just before the sun rises in the east, a blue line is apparent in the atmosphere just above the western horizon, and above the blue line is a broader pink band. What a cool article I have often admired the pretty pink in the sky at sunset while walking on the beach or photographing moonrises, but never thought about the explanation. Follow asked 8 hours ago. Fred Schaaf's Northern Hemisphere's Sky column for June 2010 discusses some phenomena that are visible in twilight, one of them being the Belt of Venus. In some ways, the Belt of Venus is similar to the alpenglow, which is also caused by the scattering of reddened sunlight. Thanks for your article. The almost hot pink layer of clouds just above earth’s shadow is called the Belt of Venus which is a lot like alpenglow, but it is in the atmosphere and it can last longer than alpenglow. Sky & Telescope, Night Sky, and skyandtelescope.org are registered trademarks of AAS Sky Publishing LLC. The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky: the Sun, the Moon, and the five brightest planets. During sunrise and sunset, the effects of scattering are magnified, which is why a rising and setting sun typically has a spectacular red glow. Th Earth's shadow comes in, too, called the "dark segment". There's a reason why dawn and dusk look so picturesque; arguably the most beautiful time of the day the sky becomes. Earth’s shadow extends millions of miles out in space, which is why we have lunar eclipses. The pink is called the Belt of Venus and also antitwilight. Straight above, blue sky is normal sunlight reflecting off the atmosphere. Thanks for an interesting article on something that, as you say, people often pay little attention to. Get yours today. Soon, Earth's shadow will grow and darken dramatically, and eventually it will cover the entire sky, allowing you to look out at the greater universe that's usually hidden by the Sun. It’s called the Belt of Venus. During the transit of Venus, two observers on Earth view Venus at two different points on the Sun. The bounds of the CHZ are based on Earth's position in the Solar System and the amount of radiant energy it receives from the Sun. Simply, they are shadows of clouds or geology like mountains cast across the terminator at either dawn or dusk. The dark blue layer in the sky below the pink belt is Earth’s “shadow” being cast onto the atmosphere. It is actually the area between Earth’s shadow and the blue sky. Fred demurred, describing it as "pinkish border to Earth's shadow." It is called this due to an association of the phenomenon with the greek goddess Aphrodite and roman goddess Venus. Althouh he describes it viewing west at sunset, the figure 169 (Light and color in the Outdoors, 1993 Springer-Verlag) illustrates that it is seen to the east as well. All you need to see for yourself is a clear evening and a site with an unobstructed eastern horizon. If you stand facing the Belt and just lean over sideways, you get the same effect. During a cloudless twilight, just before sunrise or after sunset, part of the atmosphere above the horizon appears slightly off-color, slightly pink. The pink band above the shadow – in the east after sunset, or west before dawn – is called the Belt of Venus. It is called this due to an association of the phenomenon with the greek goddess Aphrodite and roman goddess Venus. Earth’s shadow extends millions of miles out in space, which is why we have lunar eclipses. 12/1/11 July 13, 2017. The Earth and Venus are very similar in size with only … Juno Images Jupiter's Great Red Spot. As with alpenglow, predominantly red light is scattered by particulates, forming a pink glow. Thank you, you have made this phenomenon more special than it already was. I climbed Mt Hood in Oregon a few years ago, arriving at the peak at sunrise. I'm curious as to where the name originated from. Belt of Venus Street. It's popularly believed that this Grecian statue depicts the … Looking west I clearly saw the Belt of Venus but didn't realize it was a named phenomenon. 36.9k 9 9 gold badges 123 123 silver badges 238 238 bronze badges We thought he was just trying to make fools of us, but when we tried it, it worked! They show as bands arcing or arching upwards into and sometimes across the sky. Here in the Colorado Rockies at 8000 to 10000 feet we see this every clear evening - about 300 times per year! World of Phenomena » Atmospheric » Belt of Venus. As the sun rose, the belt moved lower to the horizon. Credits: marder17. February 21, 2017, By: David Dickinson Some people even have a second Heart Line, which floats above the first. You are watching the onset of night. Why is it called the Belt of Venus? Great article. Venus de Milo's title is a bit misleading. And you don't actually have to look between your legs. But you can still make out Earth's shadow in the east as a huge, low hump of darker sky along the horizon — exactly the opposite of the normal situation, where the sky is brightest along the horizon and darker toward the zenith. While this phenomenon can be seen at sunrise, the best time to find it is at sunset. They are beautiful and your photos are awesome. The belt is similar to alpenglow, which creates a reddish glow just over the horizon. We are used to seeing glorious sunsets and sunrises, but on the opposite horizon to the Sun a little-known atmospheric phenomenon called the Belt of Venus – named after the Roman goddess of love – can be witnessed, offering equally stunning views. Called the Belt of Venus, this off-color band between the dark eclipsed sky and the blue sky can be seen in nearly every direction including that opposite the Sun. The Belt of Venus, Venus's Girdle, or antitwilight arch is an atmospheric phenomenon visible shortly before sunrise or after sunset, during civil twilight, when a pinkish glow extending roughly 10–20° above the horizon surrounds the observer. Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet” because of their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition. (You can unsubscribe anytime). Unfortunately, I had no first-hand experience to fall back on. The Belt of Venus is an atmospheric optical phenomenon, but could also be considered a space phenomenon. Venus is one of the 5 planets visible with the unaided eye. Why is Venus sometimes called Earth’s twin? 14, Yes, I would like to receive emails from Sky & Telescope. Why is Venus sometimes called Earth's twin? Also known as the Girdle of Venus, it's the pink band layered between the blue sky and the Earth's rising or setting shadow - the deep blue-gray band along the horizon. Your explanations will make me focus in on more of the details of this amazing wonder in the sky. Look westwards before dawn to see the reverse sequence. According to the Romans, the sky was comprised of seven bodies that shone the brightest; five planets, the moon and the brightest being the sun.They were thus named after the gods that they revered the most. November 18, 2015, By: David Dickinson Share. It’s called the Belt of Venus. Sky & Telescope is part of AAS Sky Publishing, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Astronomical Society. : I've had great fun over the years teaching people how to do this. According to the ancient legend, in this wonderful belt love, desire and words of seduction were made. Right after the Sun sets, tear your eyes away from the arresting scene in the west, and look east to see a bright pink band opposite the Sun. Created by Moonlight Developments. Someone want to try to explain this? Stay Eat Events Weather Beaches. Venus is the second planet from the Sun, but C is the third letter of the alphabet. This is called a Girdle of Venus (see photo).The Girdle of Venus may be complete (as in the picture) or, more often, composed of broken or overlapping lines.This marking has a … That light is still reflecting off the atmosphere to your east, but now some of it is blocked by Earth itself — even, just a little, by you standing on that hilltop. Going fast! The main show over my shoulder is usually yellow (ish) but this backshow is Pink. The inner planets (in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest) are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Dusk and Dawn recruit the humanoid Keeper and his tribe to learn more about the Belt of Venus. DrSheldon DrSheldon. By: Tony Flanders http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4260274/page/2/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1, Nights of the Living Dead — What Stars Leave Behind, Pluto's Moon Charon Receives Formal Names, Hunting White Dwarfs, the Night's Stellar Peewees, Juno Will Stay in Current Orbit Around Jupiter, By Jove! The goddess of beauty and love, Venus coquettishly covers her face from immodest looks. May 1, 2014 Sarah Palmistry, Relationships 0. It is now clearly rounded, taller in the middle than on the sides. So the lowest part of the atmosphere opposite the sunset is no longer lit up. April 23, 2018, By: David Dickinson Case in point: We know that Venus's distance from the Sun is .72 times the Earth's distance from the Sun. Belt of Venus Framed. This is an interesting subject but the vertical bands in the pictures get in the way of seeing the belt. The best conditions for getting a nice view are when the sky is clear, when there’s minimal wind and humidity, and when there are no obstructions on the horizon. As the Sun sets or rises its light moves through the atmosphere and casts a shadow of the Earth onto the sky. We'll call the angle between the two paths measured from Earth E . Oxford University's Dr Colin Wilson worked on the European Space Agency's Venus Express probe (2006-2014), and is a leading figure in the development of a new mission concept called EnVision. Cupid unleashes the belt of Venus by Reynolds Joshua. One day, the pair receive a message from a nearby land called the Belt of Venus that they are plotting to overtake both Dusk and Dawn's home, unless they want to make peace with them. Six minutes after sunset, the dark blue band below the pink ribbon is beginning to take on shape and substance. When it’s visible, the belt will appear anywhere from 10° to 46° over the horizon line. I'll pay more attention next time. Venus is … She would have been thrilled to know the science behind it. Partly it's because it's a fairly subtle effect. Fred demurred, describing it as "pinkish border to Earth's shadow.". Venus is often called the Earth’s sister planet. It's thanks to that citrusy wedge called the Belt of Venus, and neighboring it are the blankets of blue and purple. Crepuscular rays are another lovely phenomenon also under-appreciated and little-understood. Fortunately, it was clear the next few nights, so I was able to observe the Belt of Venus several times in a row, both in the evening and morning. Additional information. https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/113781782904370895078. The beauty of them are simply fascinating to me. This pink back show is called the “Belt of Venus” which is often on … My most recent photograph of the Belt of Venus is posted at http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4260274/page/2/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1. The blue line is earth's shadow. This is the light of the sunset where you're standing being reflected off the atmosphere some 50 or 100 miles east of you, as shown above. Great article. Because their scale can be hundreds of miles long, they often show convergence effects on the set sun and its anti-point. As the sky lightens the Earth's shadow becomes more and more dark and distinct as it sinks towards the horizon. It extends about 10-20 degrees up from the horizon, acting as a boundary between the shadow and the sky. I drive eastward on the way home from work, and at the time of year when sunset coincides with that drive, the Belt of Venus is always a welcome treat. Fred simply mentioned the Belt of Venus, but I thought it needed more explanation.So I picked up a phrase from the internet, and described the Belt of Venus as "an arch of pinkish light above the shadow that Earth casts on the atmosphere opposite the sunset." A hilltop, lakefront, or beach is ideal. The Sun is now setting about 100 miles west of you. P.S. What causes the pink and deep blue on the horizon opposite the sun before sunrise or after sunset? The lunar calendars are here! Why is Venus so hot? After an asteroid belt comes the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. How did Venus get its name? The bottom line is that as usual, both Fred and I are right. The shadow forms a perfect pyramid that I think many climbers misinterpret as mirroring the shape of the mountain, but it is almost certainly just a distance/convergence effect. February 21, 2010 The “Belt of Venus” is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates a pink band in the sky at sunrise and sunset. The pink color in the belt is sunlight that is shining through denser atmosphere near the Earth’s surface, and being reflected off of atmosphere at the opposite end of the sky. As an astronomy writer, I knew the term, of course. But even more, though people go out to watch sunsets all the time, they rarely think to turn away from the spectacular vista in the west and see what's happening on the opposite side of the sky. Years ago, when I was taking Astronomy 101, my professor told us that if we turned our back on the Belt, bent over, and looked at it through our legs, it would appear much brighter. By: Bob King Wikimedia Commons / flagstaffotos.com.au / GFDL, Fred simply mentioned the Belt of Venus, but I thought it needed more explanation.So I picked up a phrase from the internet, and described the Belt of Venus as "an arch of pinkish light above the shadow that Earth casts on the atmosphere opposite the sunset." However, unlike the alpenglow, the Belt of Venus is caused by fine dust particles that are suspended in the atmosphere, which means that the Belt of Venus persists for much longer than other, similar phenomena.. 26/12/2012. They named them after their most important gods. It is not associated with the planet Venus. Most people know about the Heart Line in Palmistry, which represents your approach to love and commitment. The main sunrise show over my right shoulder is usually yellow (ish) but this back show is Lavender/Pink/Orange. It is a border to the shadow, but it also forms a striking arch — though an exceedingly low and broad one. However, the bands in Greg's photos are most likely artifacts from post-processing of image-stitching (merging of more than one image panorama from a camera). Copyright © 2017. Visible in the above photograph, this off-color band between the dark eclipsed sky and the blue sky can best be seen in the direction opposite the Sun and … Several factors contribute to the Belt of Venus phenomenon. In astronomy and astrobiology, the circumstellar habitable zone (CHZ), or simply the habitable zone, is the range of orbits around a star within which a planetary surface can support liquid water given sufficient atmospheric pressure. I guess the shadow is the same effect as the crepuscular rays mentioned by Derek, except that the shadow was below me rather than above. I had always interpreted this 'belt' as part of what Minnaert had called the 'purple light'. It tempts me with what's waiting behind that beautiful, rising curtain if only I take the time to get the telescope out the door when I get home. Cupid, playful kid, pulls the ends of the blue silk belt, carefully watching his mother. It actually does appear significantly brighter that way. And reading about it in various sources, it was obvious that I must have seen it dozens or hundreds of times, but I had never recognized it. It was an Icy Alpenglow Morning right at sunrise up yonder on the ridgetops. I have some good photos of this. It is best seen during the summer months, on clear and slightly hazy evenings. All rights reserved. Now there's a thin band of bluish sky below the pink. We call it Alpenglow - the pink lighting of the mountains in the east after sunset. Belt of Venus: the Other Side of Oregon / Washington Coast Sunset - From an astronomer, inside look into the floating phenom called the Belt of Venus . The effect is due to the reddened sunlight being backscattered in the atmosphere, which produces the rosy glow. It is radically different from Earth in other respects. The planet was named by the Romans who observed the sky and the planets. I had never heard of the Belt of Venus but thoroughly enjoy the colors in the eastern sky at sunset. They make great gifts. Venus is the second planet from the sun after Mercury. The Belt of Venus has several names, including. In addition to the Belt, I could clearly see the shadow of Mt Hood projected westward. What a wonderful article. Copyright ©2021 AAS Sky Publishing LLC. Print Size: When it’s visible, the belt will appear anywhere from 10° to 46° over the horizon line. This back show is called the “Belt of Venus” which is often on going while your watching the sunrise. I love to watch the sunrise and sunset. The painting attracts with its intimacy, the elegance of the image. It was an Icy Alpenglow Morning right at sunrise up yonder on the ridge tops. Why is a Venus spacecraft called Planet-C? venus akatsuki. This means that ancient people knew of Venus, and tracked its movements in the sky. This post is a nice treat, Tony. As a child we often looked east during sunset to see the "skyblue pink" as my Mother called it. This is the first time I've heard the term Belt of Venus applied. It is not associated with the planet Venus. A nice article about a little-understood and under-appreciated phenomenon we have the chance to see frequently - if we only open our minds to it. Thanks to Kepler's third law , we know the relative distances of all the planets from the Sun. Surprisingly, it has started to lift off the horizon. The dark band of the Earth’s shadow at dusk and dawn often has a light pink arch above it, known as the Belt of Venus. "The name is a mythological reference - the goddess Venus wore a gold filigree girdle." The glow is highly reddened sun rays backscattered by the atmosphere.