vietnamese slang bad words

Lom is a word used in a situation, where … Since you are a vietnamese learner, I suggest that you don't need to pay much attention to it. Our sources from Mexico provided us this list of 10 Mexican Spanish Swear Words and Phrases matched with the best possible English equivalent. I saw a person that wrote how we just rip off from Chinese, Korean, Japanese, all that stuff. Next, negotiating is a fun when you travel Vietnam, and in local markets or touristy areas, you need to make sure you negotiate any price you are given, because vendors normally mark up the first price by 2 or 3 times.. How much? Another swear word with Spanish origin, punyeta came from "puño" which means to do something with your fist. Betty: Vietnamese: Bouncing Bettys in Vietnam War: Charlie: Vietnamese: Originated during the Vietnam War (1960-1974) from the phrase 'Viet Cong,' shortened to V.C., which in the military phonetic alphabet is 'Victor Charles' which gets you to 'Charlie.' It is also used to call out someone who is undesirable. Another variation of this is “le” - pronounce like the word “le” in French. Vãi, vãi lồn, vãi nồi: To spurt, A spurting pussy. 9. "bt" - "bài tập" or "bình thường" - "homework" or "normal". This page contains a long list of Korean swear words, insults, and other sorts of bad language. A phrase that means “useless” or “half-ass”. It also means “fart”, but this instance of meaning isn’t as vulgar as “f@&k”. Tôi không muốn nói chuyện với bạn: I don’t want to talk to you. If you want to tease someone and want to say that they’re crazy, you can say ‘dở hơi’ or ‘điên’. 5. … For example, ‘tao đéo ăn’ means ‘I won’t eat. "tn" - "tin nhắn" - "message". Tôi không hài lòng với bạn: I’m not pleased with you. Common Vietnamese Swear Words. pink belly – when somebody is held down by several people and one person continuously slaps the belly until it turns pink; usually happened during high school sports team initiation. When saying that you “bó tay”, it means that you give up or surrender before a problem that you just can’t solve or help to solve. A list of the 100 most offensive slang words on The Online Slang Dictionary. You could lose friends. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Example: đụ má - pronounced /ɗu˧ˀ˨ʔ ma˧˥/, which is roughly translated to “f@&k mother”. Example: Tiếng Việt khó quá, mình bó tay! Note: In Vietnamese, in order to appear vulgar and to raise the intensity and effectiveness of the insult, some Vietnamese string a lot of vulgar/curse words together in the same utterance. This word means “No”. ‘Vãi’ means ‘to spurt’ or ‘to ejaculate’. If you want to learn more Vietnamese phrases and sentences, make sure you check out the Ling app and practice what you learn every day. This is a common curse word used that means “prostitute” or the b-word - “b*^ch”. And it more like the habit of the typer so it is difficult to say what is common. Hi, I'm also a Vietnamese. the north would say "dit " the south would say "du" same meaning. Fun mini-games and quizzes help you mastering a new language quickly. Chinese Swear Words – Commonly Used. 1. Very mild, yet apparently originated as rhyming slang for "Berkeley hunt". Learn Vietnamese in It’s still worth looking at the non-PC Vietnam War slang used by troops while in country because it gives an insight into the endemic and recurring problems they faced at the time. CHOKE: peanut butter. boondock or boonies General term for the jungle or swampy areas in Vietnam. Its literal meaning is “absolutely dead”. If you don’t want to listen to the bad things and if you don’t want to learn ... How much, How many, How far, How long, How often, How deep, How wide, How tall, How high. CHOPPER: helicopter. 1. "hs" - "học sinh"- "student". Sometimes, people don’t feel hurt when you say the phrases. It's like an exclamation, comparable to 'damn it'. It is pronounced much as an English speaker would say the word "do", though more intense accents may make this word sound like "dough". Denise Kinderman says: July 31, 2019 at 4:10 pm. The insults listed in the next section may make you feel uncomfortable. It is an impolite way to address excrement. 妈的 (mā de) This quite simply means sh!t. It is a term used to call young girls. It has similar connotation as “gay”. 506. It contains the most important and most frequently used Vietnamese words. Tap again to see term . Practice hundreds of dialogues on the go. I hate white people because they always say this phrase as if it's an insult, and it's not. In Vietnamese, saying No this way is impolite and insulting. It is similar to “motherf@&ker” in English and it is often used to begin an utterance especially by older men and women or people in provincial areas in Vietnam. Some areas also use “địt” - pronounce /ɗi˩˧t/ as a substitute. motherf*cker. The most popular and generally used vulgar slang in Vietnam. Warning: Be careful when using this language in Vietnam or in the presence of fluent speakers of the language. In the list you will find various insulting Korean words and phrases translated from Korean to English. But it is quite insulting, and it shows that the speaker does not care about the one they are talking about. đụ má (do ma) Click card to see definition . Learn the way Vietnamese speakers actually talk. It can be used before a verb or used as a single word. "ch" - "chuyện" - "talk". Well you know what? It literally means “dry fish”. It is possible that it was borrowed from English during the 70s and became integrated into Vietnamese. Here are some Chinese Swear words you’ll hear more than most others! Chleuh a term with racial connotations, derived from the name of the Chleuh, a North African ethnicity.It also denotes the absence of words beginning in Schl-in French. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. So that's just starting off, and you're already wrong. Term brought to Vietnam by soldiers who had served in Korea. It is often paired with the word “mother” as well. You won't find these in a textbook! HANOI, Vietnam--Love, or the lack thereof, is an ongoing global issue. By January Nelson Updated August 28, 2018. For example, ‘đẹp vãi nồi’ means ‘very beautiful’. This is a common curse word used that means “prostitute” or the b-word - “b*^ch”. Actors say this phrase sometimes when they have to act like a bad person who wants to swear. It can be compared to being called “retarded”. Reply. My memory might be wrong…or maybe not a swear word…maybe too bad to ask LOL. Some young Vietnamese people think that they sound cooler when they add swear phrases into their sentences. = Giam gia duoc khong? The Vietnamese people and culture are truly fascinating. CHOGIE, CUT A CHOGIE: to move out quickly. So come on people, and teach me some swear words … I will also suggest some alternative Vietnamese phrases to use when you are angry. Older people might not understand it. Usage: However, it is not as severe as the term “fa&&ot”. Teachers will definitely cringe at the thought of their students learning Korean curse words. The words in this category refer most often to slang genitals, sexual intercourse, droppings, semen, buttocks, breasts and other related words. Tap card to see definition . primo – first class, top of the line. It sees use mostly by people from the North of Vietnam. Language Specialist @ Simya Solutions Ltd. © 2020 Simya Solutions. Vietnamese Sex Slang P lease don’t watch this video. Which isnt even real cursing/swearing. The term is short for the phonetic spelling (used by the military and police to spell things over the radio) of "VC," which is "Victor Charlie." 他妈的 (tā mā de) In a nutshell this is f*ck*ng sh!t in English! Pronounced very roughly in English as "kwan kwe", this is a very common term roughly translated to “broken pants”. "ĐH" - "Đại học" - "university". In fact, all five of the most vulgar words mentioned in the first section above can be used in the same sentence due to the synthetic nature of the Vietnamese language.“Đụ má mày đồ con quần què đĩ lôn” means “F^&k you, you f^&king useless b*#ch”. 12 Fun Vietnamese Slang Words To Sound Like A Local. It is often used alongside pronouns, animals, or the word “mother” to express a myriad of different connotations. Your email address will not be published. Some people will use bad words to describe people whom they hate or feel jealous of. These 50 Spanish curse words will make you want to take it up immediately. Help! In this 5th entry of “Words and Phrases Not Taught in School” it is Mexico’s turn. Very bad”. Nowadays, it is also used for females such as how “gay” has evolved to be used for lesbians as well. Bicho. Among younger people, it can be used to call their close friends especially among women and gay men. When it is used amongst adult women, it often means that someone is poor, naughty, or dirty. passion pit – a drive-in theater. Must-Know Vietnamese Slang Words & Phrases. It is not traditional vietnamese. You can also use ‘ngu’ alone or combine it with a pronoun to call someone such as ‘con ngu’ (to call a female one). In any case, I don’t really recommend you to try the Vietnamese insulting phrases as they hurt people and make you look bad in front of other people. Okay everyone. đĩ- / ɗi˧˥ˀ /. Bastard, asshat, dick. Start learning Vietnamese with these words! 0 / 25 Complete. Vietnamese: Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. CHOI OI: Vietnamese term, exclamation like "Good heavens" or "What the hell!" CHURCH KEY: bottle opener. Insulting someone vocally or physically is not recommended in any culture but people still use swear words in daily conversation, especially when they are angry. First of all, 'ma' is essentially 'mom'. All Rights Reserved. This word is only known and said by saints, sent down from God. (We've also got a page with these same Korean words translated from English to Korean as well. Thus without shame or reservation, we wish to present to you a comprehensive list of foul-mouthed insults and naughty banter familiar to the Vietnamese lexicon. ‘Đéo’ means ‘no’. However, it has very heavy implication on a woman’s lack of dignity as the word is used to imply that she is a cheater or is someone who steals another woman’s husband. 8. This term has a similar meaning to “chó chết” - /ƫo˥ ƫe˥t/ (Damn it). Foreigners who visit this wonderful country will marvel at how warm and friendly the people are and how delicious the food is. The meaning of this word is “to ejaculate” or “to spurt”. Bastard. However, just to prove there's more to it than shorthand, the word m0n3y (money) actually takes more keystrokes to complete than the original word. Hope you enjoyed this brief foray in Vietnamese insults, curses and bad words. The words are used to increase the intensity of an adjective (as similar to ‘very’ in English) or are used when people are surprised. Add to Dashboard. Capullo. But it is used similar to “F@&k No” or “Hell No” in English. I hope that you can find a suitable Vietnamese expression to use when you are either angry or painful, so you don’t need to use the swear words introduced in this blog post. It can be also used to imply someone, usually a person you hate, for example, ‘thằng chó chết’ (to call a male one). It has very bad words. 0%. It is used similar to the word “b*^ch” in English. Cabrón. (Baow nyew) Too expensive = Mac Qua (Mac wa); Can you reduce the price? The major non-Communist Cambodian political and resistance organization fighting against the Vietnamese occupation force. It is often used by parents to call their children. It has the same meaning and intensity with the f-word “f@&k” in English. It doesn’t have any meaning in context, but it is often used to express someone’s surprise. ‘Chó chết’ can be used as similar as ‘Damn it’ in English. This word means “idiotic” or “stupid”. It depends on the context and the person you talk with to make them angry or not. Alert! When Vietnamese people are angry or painful, some of them will use curse words. Pg. It is literally translated to: “bad breath”. Talk to our chatbot about daily life topics. However, this is considered rude especially when they talk with elder people or at a public place. 2. poop – latest information. It is mostly used as an insult, a very serious and violent one at that.In the Northern regions of Vietnam, people also use “buồi” - pronounced /buə˩i/, as a substitution. Example: “máu lồn” - pronounce /ma˥u lo˨˩n/, which means that someone is an asshole or a shitty person. Milder Swear Words. It means “dead dog”. Remember, some of these phrases may actually start a fight; so don't be "ngu". If you want to learn a new language, one of the most fun and informative parts is learning the swear words. It has the same meaning as “đụ”. Blog » Vietnamese Blog » Popular Vietnamese Insults. A corrupted Vietnamese word with similar to "yokel", "country bumpkin", etc. I feel a little embarrassed that the only curses/swear words I know in viet is An cut and troi oi . Ddang Kong: Vietnamese Bạn đang không lắng nghe tôi: You are not listening to me. Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. This term is used to [impolitely] address a homosexual man or a man who expresses feminist trait. Cock. It is used similar to the word “b*^ch” in English. It is also an insult, used to insult someone’s status or intelligence. Pg. "ty" - "tình yêu" - "love". This is some abbreviations that I know. However, let's be honest. With pronunciation similar to the "lon" in "pylon", this term means “female genitalia” or “pu$$y”. It is used to address someone who is unbearable, acts strangely, or is generally an ill-mannered person. Bint – n., derogatory synonym for woman appropriated from the Arabic word for daughter or girl. My Grammy would say “Sattanna Vellebuella as well (so). And bb for bye bye or good bye is also obvious, but using a simple ‘2' for hello is a quantum leap until you realise the Vietnamese word for two is hai. ‘Ngu’ means ‘stupid’ while ‘thế’ doesn’t really mean anything in this phrase. U.S. Air Force high-altitude bomber; also, slang for a can opener ba married woman; used as a title, like "Mrs." bac bac bastardized Vietnamese for "to shoot" bac-si Vietnamese for doctor; also used to refer to medic in the U.S. Army ballgame an operation or a contact Ba Mu'o'i Ba 5. However, it has very heavy implication on a woman’s lack of dignity as the word is used to imply that she is a cheater or is someone who steals another woman’s husband. Some words are in common use in insults, others are very underground (obscure). Please consider before continue reading! ‘Chết tiệt’ has a similar meaning as ‘chó chết’ but it is less rude. Avoid, on the whole. I am talking about the swear words and phrases. 506. Tôi không đồng ý với bạn: I don’t agree with you. Most Common Vietnamese Slang Words for Love and Relationship 5. Somehow, swear words can help release the pain or the angriness. Master the language with extensive grammar tips and instructions. It literally means “horse”. It means “c#%k” / ”penis”. It is not as popular among younger people. Charlie or Mr. Charlie Slang for Viet Cong (VC). Vãi, vãi lồn, vãi nồi: To spurt, A spurting pussy. Everyone who's writing the hate stuff about Vietnamese people are man. maybe you should differentiate a bit more like "Dit" This use mostly among the north vietnamese , we have different accent , in the three region , north , mid and south . Bastardo. No language or cultural heritage is complete without its own repertoire of curses, insults, offensive slang and bad mouthing. Lesson Library Must-Know Vietnamese Slang Words & Phrases. This words meaning is only known by that said by said saints. The word is literally translated to “sh*t”. Click again to see term . I don’t encourage you to use the swear words introduced in this post when you talk with your friends but knowing them may help you when someone insults you in Vietnamese. I do only know Satan is the first word. Basic Vietnamese phrases for shopping. Niglet Black children Nig-nog or Nignog Commonwealth Black people Originally used to refer to a novice–a foolish or naive person– before being associated with black people. F***. Speaking of bad words or bad words, the expression higo [卑語] can be used to categorize abusive words that should be avoided in public. ‘Vãi’ means ‘to spurt’ or ‘to ejaculate’. It is often used to express agitation or disappointment. Vietnamese slang for "don't worry about it," literally, "not bad" klick kilometer Kool-Aid killed in action KP kitchen police; mess hall duty KPNFL Khmer People's National Liberation Front. Bó tay has the meaning of “hands are tired”. Click again to see term . 'Du' is pronounced more like 'Dou', and it doesn't have an english translation. Another commonly used slang, especially at the beginning of an utterance. Start learning Vietnamese with these words! It could mean anger, excitement, happiness, sadness, or it can simply imply humor. "tc" - "tình cảm" - "feeling". Its actual meaning is “sanitation pad” (during menstruation) but it is used to insult both genders. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. 25 Lessons • 2hrs 38min. Tap again to see term . It is often accompanied by objects, such as “nồi” (a pot) or “lều” (a tent) (showing the volume of this “ejaculation”), or by “lồn” - /lo˨˩n/ (in the Vulgar Terms section) in order to increase the intensity. I, a Vietnamese person, see a lot of this conceited things as well as things that just aren't true at all. It is both used as a slight insult or an endearing name-calling. = Bao nhieu? This is the Vietnamese Core 100 List. Or worse. It is used similarly to “Damn it” in English, expressing frustration and anger at the beginning of an utterance.It is also used as an adjective, similar to “God damn”, addressing someone who is undesirable. "ko" is a texting word however it often use by young people only. 2 Finnish women I met this past weekend said “very bad verd”. Instead, I encourage you to use the alternative phrases introduced in the next section when you are angry. The words are used to increase the intensity of an adjective (as similar to ‘very’ in English) or are used when people are surprised. In Northern Vietnam, people also use “điếm” /ɗiə˥m/ (same meaning) or “điếm thúi” /ɗiə˥m t̪hu˥i/ (meaning “stinky b*^ch”). There are many Vietnamese insults spoken by many native speakers not only when they are angry but also when they try to release stress or make fun of something. However, it is much less dramatic, and it is often uttered with a low voice, often to slightly scold someone or to express discontent. The implication of this insult is that someone is extremely useless, and they are a thorn to the eyes. Extremely bad words are used to insult people as well. It has very bad words. Curse words, also known as swear words, bad words, or insults, are for most people considered taboo when teaching and learning Korean. Boches Apheresis of the word alboche, which in turn is a blend of allemand (French for German) and caboche (slang for 'head'). Bó tay ⎯⎯⎯ Give up. The literal translation is “his mother’s.” Used day …