the caducous calyx is present in which family

Female flowers: calyx lobes usually Calyx entire or 4–6-lobed ... Stipules present, caducous or persistent. Sepals 5 per flower, calyx tubes 1–1.5 mm long, reflexed, green, deltoid or oblong, sepal margins entire or erose or laciniate, sepal apices acute, glabrous or pubescent, puberulent, persistent. Leaves alternate or irregularly opposite or whorled, linear, or absent. Ranunculàceae Juss. Question 2. The corolla usually has five petals that are also joined together forming a tube. Inflorescences axillary racemes in fascicles or clusters, rarely inserted singly (single- or few-flowered cleistogamous inflorescences occur in lower leaf axils of most species); flowers small; bracts linear to lanceolate, inserted at the base of each pedicel, caducous; bracteoles small, usually linear, membranous, caducous. Shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season: deciduous trees. Stamens 10, free; filaments distinct or slightly joined at base; anthers versatile. Stipules present, caducous; stipels 0. Flowers in racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles generally small and caducous. Calyx lobes (1 or)2Œ4(Œ8), free or connate, imbricate or valvate. Staff-Tree Family . Stamens 2 to many, usually as many as calyx Stamens diadelphous, vexillary stamen free from other 9. Trees. Falling off or shed at a specific season or stage of growth: deciduous antlers; deciduous leaves. This plant of Verbenaceae family is commonly known as Nirgundi (Hindi) and five leaved chaste tree (English). Corolla yellow to orange. Stipules, when present, small and caducous. Family Fabaceae Subfamily Faboideae: Description: Erect shrubs or subshrubs ; stems often rush-like, terete, often ridged or winged. Example: buttercup ous (dĭ-sĭj′o͞o-əs) adj. In these forms the androecium most commonly consists of 5, 10 or sometimes numerous distinct or monadelphous stamens. Petals usually as many as sepals, free, usually caducous, margin entire, lacerate, or 2-cleft. The calyx is gamosepalous (as the sepals are joined together forming a tube), with the (4)5(6) segments equal, it has five lobes, with the lobes shorter than the tube, it is persistent and often accrescent. The style is erect between the lobes. Question 3. here are follcming descriptive terms of calyx:Caducous: If the sepals fall oil as soon as the flower opens. Stamens twice as many as calyx lobes; anther locules 4 to many, dehiscing longitudinally or by an adaxial valve. Fruit is globose or slightly pear shaped with diameter of 7 to 10 cm. 2. Hypogynous disk present or absent. Stipules present, caducous; stipels 0. MHAM Student Council Asklepian Circle Caduceus Rescue Unit (CRU) MHArMony MHAM Upbeat MHAM Acoustics The Saline Option-MHAM. Corolla yellow to orange. A few members are however useful. Corolla absent. The anther on one may be vestigial. Petals ab-sent or represented by 4–12 scales, inserted at or near throat of calyx tube (Aquilaria). Leaves imparipinnate; stipules absent; stipels present or absent; leaflets alternate or subopposite, membranous, entire. one of the free upper parts of the calyx which may be present when the lower part is united into a tube calyx tube the tubular, often cup shaped or bell shaped, fused part of the calyx when it is free from the corolla. Petals glabrous or slightly pubescent; standard truncate to subcordate, with or without calluses; wings free from keel at least proximally. Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Corolla Petals obovate, rose, mauve, purple or violet, rarely white or orange. It has flat calyx with 4 to 5 small teeth. It includes 40 genera and 2000 species. Key differences from similar families Leaf-opposite tendrils and/or inflorescences (axillary in Cucurbitaceae and Sapindaceae). 1789. Fruit. Calyx slightly 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes ± connate. Stamens two or four, inserted in the tube. Corolla yellow to orange. Intrastaminal disc or separate glands. Pedicels commonly jointed. caducous - shed at an early stage of development; "most amphibians have caducous gills"; "the caducous calyx of a poppy" shed biological science , biology - the science that studies living organisms Antonyms for caducous. Economic Importance of Mimosaceae: The sub-family is not of much economic importance. The calyx comprises 4 or 5 usually basally connate sepals. Calyx with cupular or campanulate tube, subtruncate or with distinct teeth. Calyx campanulate; teeth 5. Inflorescence is laxly flowered panicula, composed of few flowers that are on long lateral branches, flower bracts are caducous. Legumes compressed, woody; abaxial or both sutures with longitudinal wing. Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family a. Fabaceae b. Asteraceae c. Solanaceae d. Brassieaceae Answer: a. Fabaceae. Caducous is a condition of detaching or falling off of sepals. They are sympetalous and bilabiate, the corolla cleft into five lobes, sometimes fused to four. Calyx has its lobes fused and is sometimes irregular. Calyx present; basically 5 (but often more or less truncate, and/or split down one side and spathelike); 1 -whorled; gamosepalous; minutely 5 lobed, or entire (and sometimes unilaterally split). It is commonly called Acacia family. Corolla radially symmetric, apopetalous. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets alternate to subopposite. Trees or shrubs, often climbing. Camputhaw, Cebu City. 1836. 1 synonym for caducous: shed. 3. A bright green ovary have inconspicuous disc. Acacia catechu serves as a host for the lac insects. Leaves alternate (except in Clematis), simple or compound. Calyx tubular, campanulate, or infundibuli-form, usually corollalike, 4- or 5(or 6)-merous, mostly caducous, sometimes circumscissile, or persistent; lobes imbricate. In India it is represented by 12 genera and 90 species. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets alternate to subopposite. Flowers in racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles generally small and caducous. Family 31. Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Calyx Sepals persistent or caducous; intersepalar segments present, rarely 0. Crowfoot Family. The members are mostly distributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions. 1. The androecium consists of 4 or 5 or rarely 10 distinct stamens that alternate with the petals. Calyx is the outermost whorl of the mer.It consists of sepals. Petals are 6 to 8 mm which overlaps in bud. Syst. Gen. 231. Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine (439 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Plaza, Brgy. Steve Biko Academic Hospital (275 words) … Of or relating to the primary teeth. arrangement in this family called verticils. Calyx 4-5-lobed... Free Books / Flora and Plants ... Family 77. Example: pOppy. Calyx lobes when present, markedly shorter than the tube. Corolla is 35-40 mm long, bilabiate, pale violet, glandular and sparsely hairy. it is called. Ed. 2–3 mm long; scales 2–4, bract 2–2.5 mm long, inserted c. 1 mm along pedicel, caducous; bracteoles inserted shortly below receptacle, subopposite, narrow-ovate, 2–2.5 mm long, persistent; calyx in bud with small beak directed obliquely, at anthesis calyx 4–5 mm long, glabrous, upper lobes c. … Corolla white (or pink); petals subequal. What are synonyms for caducous? Pubescence, when present, composed of simple hairs. Aggregate fruit develops from a. Multicarpellary apocarpous ovary b. Multicarpellary syncarpous ovary … Deciduous: If the sepals fall w hen the flover 6 niters. Stipules present, caducous; stipels 0. deciduous. Petals 5 per flower, 4–6 mm long, spreading, white, obovate or orbiculate or spatulate, petal apices obtuse or rounded, caducous. Celastràceae Lindl. Synonyms for caducous in Free Thesaurus. Ovary is four-merous, with one nutlet fitted in each quarter. Annual or perennial herbs, or rarely climbing shrubs, with acrid sap. Calyx slightly 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes ± connate. For example, Poppy. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets alternate to subopposite. Stipules none, but the base of the petiole often clasping or sheathing. The calyx is 1.25 mm long, glabrous, cleft halfway down, lobes rounded . Calyx teeth imbricate, upper 2 united higher up forming a prominent falcate lip. In other members of the family the flowers and inflorescences are more ordinary in appearance, with male and female flowers typically bearing a 5-merous calyx and corolla of distinct segments, although the corolla is sometimes absent. Trees. Pedicels commonly jointed. [From Latin dēciduus, from dēcidere, to fall off : dē-, de- … Stamens have short filaments and pale brown or short style anthers. Calyx slightly 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes ± connate. 2, 119. Calyx is tubular-campanulate, 8-10 mm long, glandular-glutinous with prominent longitudinal veins. Nat. Flowers measures 1.5 to 2 cm which is short drooping in unbranched clusters. Staminate flowers pedicellate; calyx calyptrate in bud, splitting into 3-5 segments at anthesis; stamens co (up to 1000), the filaments partially connate into fascicles at base, irregularly branched; pollen grains spheroidal, tectate, 3-colporate, colpi narrow; pistillode absent. Calyx lobes 4-16, inserted on rim of hypanthium, free or scarcely connate a base, valvate, persistent in fruit. Calyx teeth are almost equal, broadly triangular, with acuminate apex. Flowers regular, generally perfect, small. Paniculate racemes terminal; bracts and bracteoles caducous. The corolla is rarely absent or more commonly consists of 4 or 5 distinct petals. Gynoecium with united carpels is termed as a. Apocarpous b. Multicarpellary c. Syncarpous d.None of the above Answer: c. Syncarpous. Flowers in racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles generally small and caducous. Disk present; ovary with 1-10 ovules. Yes, septals can be caducous immediately after the opening of flower. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple. Flowers regular, generally perfect, small. Other important characters 4-merous flowers. Floral parts Calyx. Male flowers: stamens as many as and opposite to calyx lobes (except in Artocarpus), straight or inflexed in bud; anthers 1-or 2-loculed, crescent-shaped to top-shaped; pistillode (rudimentary sterile pistil) often present. 1. cf. Trees. The gynoecium of female flowers consists … it is called caducous. Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens Stamens 8–10(12), very unequal, sometimes subequal (osbeckioid forms); … Flowers in terminal or axillary racemes or clusters; bracts and bracteoles caducous.