sooronbay jeenbekov education Oktober 2020 trat er als Konsequenz der anhaltenden Protesten und Unruhen nach der Parlamentswahl 2020 zurück. März 2018 wurde Atambajew zum Vorsitzenden der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Kirgisistan gewählt, der auch Dscheenbekow angehört. Temir Sarijew | Sadyr Dschaparow | Nach seinem Abschluss an einer Mittelschule im Rajon Ösgön studierte Sooronbai Dscheenbekow ab 1977 am Kirgisischen Institut für Landwirtschaft namens Skrjabin (Кыргызский сельскохозяйственный институт им. In 2003, he completed further studies, graduating in accounting from the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University. Mr. Sooronbay Jeenbekov. Am 9. Muchammedkaly Abylgasijew | In early April 2018, Jeenbekov dismissed two high-ranking officials in the State Committee for National Security (GKNB) who are considered to be close to Atambayev. AKDN / Gary Otte . After a few years, he became the director of the party committee. Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl in Kirgisistan 2017 am 15. Nach weiteren Kämpfen gelang den Sicherheitskräften am 8. [58][59] He charged General Taalaibek Omuraliev as Chief of the General Staff to lead the response, replacing General Rayimberdi Duishenbiev. Im Anschluss wurde Dscheenbekow bis Dezember 2015 zum bevollmächtigten Vertreter der Kirgisischen Regierung im Gebiet Osch. [1], Nach dem Rücktritt des zuvor amtierenden Premierministers Temir Sarijew im April 2016 wurde Dscheenbekow am 16. Don't forget to do your research! [38] He declared 30 July as a Day of National Mourning. [56][57] Later that day however, despite all indications of the opposite, Jeenbekov declared a state of emergency in Bishkek and ordered the deployment of the Kyrgyz Army to the streets. [8], After entering politics, in 1993, Jeenbekov was elected chairman of the Kashka-Zhol collective farm in Kara-Kulja District. During his presidency, which began with his inauguration on May 7, 2000, he has traveled to This is a list of international presidential trips made by Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the 2nd President of Uzbekistan. [7], Nach der turnusmäßigen Parlamentswahl in Kirgisistan 2020 am 4. | In den folgenden Jahren arbeitete er als Direktor in landwirtschaftlichen Großbetrieben in seiner Heimatregion. Dscheenbekow war zuvor von der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Kirgisistans (SDPK) des Staatspräsidenten Almasbek Atambajew nominiert worden. Jeenbekov is one of nine siblings in his family, being the third eldest child. Felix Kulow | [60][61][62] He also sacked Omurbek Suvanaliyev, who served as the national security chief. The head of state was welcome by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces at the start of an official two-day state visit. [52] Jeenbekov claimed that he faced a coup d'état,[51] and then he told the BBC that he was "ready to give the responsibility to strong leaders". Kubatbek Boronow (komm.) President of Kyrgyzstan, Sooronbay Jeenbekov arrives in Delhi. His father, Sharif, was a collective farm (kolkhoz) manager while his mother was a housewife. He stated that he "[wanted] to be in an equal position with other presidential candidates. * * * President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Congratulations on the opening of the Year of Russia in Kyrgyzstan and the Year of Kyrgyzstan in Russia. Dabei strebte Dscheenbekow eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kirgisistan und der EU an. Nach seinem Amtsantritt im November 2017 reiste Dscheenbekow in den folgenden Wochen zu Antrittsbesuchen in die Nachbarländer Kirgisistans. [22] In April 2019, Jeenbekov received Valentina Shevchenko (a professional Kyrgyz–Peruvian mixed martial artist fighter) during her tour of her native Kyrgyzstan, her first visit in seven years. [9] He became a Deputy of the Assembly of People's Representatives in 1995. Sooronbay Jeenbekov biography & Wikipedia+ article with 82 related articles, pictures, and YouTube videos. Kyrgyzstan's President Sooronbay Jeenbekov resigned on Thursday, saying he wanted to bring an end to the crisis sparked by disputed parliamentary elections earlier … [1], Im Jahr 1995 wurde Dscheenbekow als Abgeordneter in die Volksvertreterversammlung (El Okuldor Jyiyny) gewählt. "[18], Jeenbekov opened the Central Mosque of Imam Sarakhsi, which is the largest mosque in Central Asia, with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during his visit to Bishkek in early September 2018. Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov is pictured in Beijing, China, on April 24, 2019, standing with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Xi's wife Peng Liyuan. [19] During his visit, Erdoğan pressured Jeenbekov to take the appropriate measures to deal with Turkish Islamist leader Fethullah Gülen. [1][2] He was also the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan from April 2016 to August 2017. Jeenbekov attended the latter's second swearing-in ceremony in late May in his first visit to the Indian sub-continent. Talant Mamytow (komm.) Kurmanbek Bakijew | Danijar Üssönow | In 2003, he completed further studies, graduating in accounting from the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University. The SDPK did not run any candidates. Das von Dscheenbekow geführte Kabinett wurde zwei Tage später von Staatspräsident Almasbek Atambajew aufgelöst.[3]. He was due to attend the 2020 Moscow Victory Day Parade. Oktober 2020 verkündete. A spokesperson for Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov’s office on October 12 said that emergency has been reimposed in Kyrgyzstan’s capital city Bishkek. The relationship between the two and their supporters eventually became so strained that the SDPK suffered splits in 2019, and the majority of each faction formed their own parties to run in the October 2020 Kyrgyz parliamentary election. Mr Sooronbay Jeenbekov, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic LOCATION UCA Naryn Campus, Kyrgyz Republic (19 October 2016) RELATED INFORMATION Press Release Speech by UCA Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan Speech by Mr Shamsh Kassim-Lakha Speech by Student Representative, Eraj Uzoqov Gallery: Undergraduates Settle into Residential University Life at the UCA Naryn Campus … Er war von 2016 bis 2017 Premierminister und wurde bei der Präsidentschaftswahl am 15. Sooronbay Jeenbekov. Asim Issabekow | Sadyr Dschaparow, Nassirdin Issanow | Ulukbek Maripow, Кыргызский сельскохозяйственный институт им. | Also during his first year, Kyrgyzstan established diplomatic relations with four foreign countries. [27] Kyrgyzstan's central election commission reported a total of almost 1.7 million votes cast, of which Jeenbekov won 54.74 percent. Inauguration of the UCA Naryn Campus. The programme of the cross years includes more than 200 events, to be held in the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic. Muchammedkaly Abylgasijew (komm.) April 2018 folgte ein Treffen mit europäischen Spitzenpolitikern in Brüssel. In November 1988, he managed to obtain a job as an instructor in the district committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan in the Soviet district of the Osh region. In an address to the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan in late June 2018, he outlined and made clear that his country will pursue and develop multilateral relations with Turkey, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the Arab world by the end of his term in 2023. Resignations from Sooronbay Jeenbekov (1 Results) Announced Last Day Name & Position Organization Comments Reason; Oct. 15 2020: Sooronbay Jeenbekov President : Government of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan: Resigned: There is a resignation missing? Sooronbay Jeenbekov; COVID-19 In Asia C. March 08, 2021 The Trouble With Indonesia’s Dual‑Track Vaccination Scheme March 04, 2021 COVID-19 … Seine Wahl verband der Ex-Präsident mit Kritik an Dscheenbekows Amtsführung und heizte damit den parteiinternen Machtkampf an. Artjom Nowikow (komm.) [6] Dscheenbekow reagierte mit der Entlassung von Politikern, die als Atambajew freundlich gelten, unter anderem des ehemaligen Bürgermeisters von Bischkek, Koubanytschbek Kulmatow. [16] On 19 April 2018, Jeenbekov fired his Prime Minister Sapar Isakov and the government following a vote of no confidence from Kyrgyzstan's parliament. Азербайжан бир туугандандын эгемендик куну куттуу болсун. [47] During the elections, several parties close to Jeenbekov were accused of buying votes. [65][66], The day after his resignation, Japarov signed an order that provided Jeenbekov with the status of ex-president, which carries the privileges of access to a lifetime of personal security, a right to reside in the main government residence, a service car, and a free medical service. [49] On early Tuesday morning of 6 October, protesters claimed control over Ala-Too Square in central Bishkek[50] and also managed to seize the White House and Supreme Council buildings, entering the President's offices and destroying portraits of Jeenbekov. [4] Er trat sein Amt am 24. [21] Receiving Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the Cholpon-Ata State Residence the next day, Jeenbekov thanked the prime minister for becoming the first Hungarian leader to visit the country since its independence. From first visit to first intrigue", "Russian, Kyrgyz presidents to meet on November 29 — Kremlin", "Repression in Kyrgyzstan is eroding Central Asia's only democracy", "Kyrgyz PM Dismissed As Jeenbekov Looks To Cement Control • Channels Television", "Erdoğan inaugurates Central Asia's largest mosque in Kyrgyzstan - DailySabah", "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warns Kyrgyzstan over Fethullah Gulen threat - The Financial Express", "Hungary's Orban Vows To Develop Ties With 'Kin' Central Asian States",, "Keeping Kyrgyzstan's Uranium In The Ground", "New Kyrgyz President Vows Balanced Foreign Policy With Russia As Main 'Strategic Partner, "Jeenbekov names foreign policy priorities of Kyrgyzstan", "Sooronbay Jeenbekov's work results in foreign policy in his one year presidency", Kyrgyzstan to 'step up' co-operation with US, UK, says Jeenbekov, Renewed Kyrgyz-US co-operation paves way for deepening relations, "Внутри "Ала-Арчи": тайны резиденции президента Кыргызстана", "Orbán caps off Kyrgyz visit by meeting heads of state, govʼt", "Putin arrives in Kyrgyzstan for state visit", "PRESIDENT BATTULGA GREETED BY HIS KYRGYZ COUNTERPART", "PM Modi to begin bilateral visit to Kyrgyzstan on Friday, says Indian envoy", "Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited Chingiz Aitmatov House-Museum in Bishkek",, "Jeenbekov: It's too early to conclude that COVID-19 situation has stabilized", "PRES.JEENBEKOV AT CEREMONY FOR CORONAVIRUS VICTIMS", "Указ Президента КР от 27 ноября 2017 года УП № 1 "О присвоении высшей степени отличия "Кыргыз Республикасынын Баатыры" А.Ш.Атамбаеву, "Алмазбеку Атамбаеву присвоена высшая степень отличия "Кыргыз Республикасынын Баатыры, "Is There a Growing Atambayev-Jeenbekov Rift in Kyrgyzstan? Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic (19 October 2016) Related Information . Andrei Iordan | Iskenderbek Ajdaralijew (komm.) Сооронбай Шарипович (Шарип уулу) Жээнбеков, List of international presidential trips made by Sooronbay Jeenbekov, October 2020 Kyrgyz parliamentary election, Days of History and Commemoration of Ancestors, "Kyrgyzstan president Jeenbekov resigns after unrest", "At Final Press Conference, Kyrgyz President Atambaev Plots His Political Future", "Sooronbay Jeenbekov becomes new Prime Minister", "Kyrgyz PM Jeenbekov Resigns To Run For President", "Sooronbai Jeenbekov, Longtime Atambaev Ally With A Southern Touch, Poised For Kyrgyz Presidency", "Жээнбеков прошел с портретом деда в рядах "Бессмертного полка" в Бишкеке", "Profile: Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov - Xinhua |", "Jeenbekov Wins Kyrgyz Presidential Vote as Rival Urges Stability", "Photographer: Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP via Getty Images Jeenbekov Wins Kyrgyzstan's Presidential Election", "One hundred days of Sooronbai Jeenbekov. [54] Meanwhile, opposition parliamentarians launched impeachment procedures against him that day. [13], Jeenbekov was inaugurated as president on 24 November 2017 in a ceremony that took place in the Enesay reception house of the Ala Archa State Residence. Dscheenbekow warf seinem Vorgänger die Verletzung von Gesetzen, unter anderem den bewaffneten Widerstand gegen die Durchführung von Ermittlungsmaßnahmen vor. Sooronbai Scharipowitsch Dscheenbekow (kirgisisch Сооронбай Шарипович Жээнбеков, auch Scheenbekow sowie englisch Sooronbay Jeenbekov transkribiert; * 16. [70] According to Jeenbekov, his trip was In June 2020, Jeenbekov went into quarantine after returning from a cut-short visit to Moscow after two of his staffers tested positive for COVID-19 during the pandemic in Kyrgyzstan. Under your leadership, the Republic of Azerbaijan is moving forward along the path of development with determination. Contents: Early life and education, Career, , Presidency. Kardeş ülke Azerbaycan bağımsızlık günü ile kutluyorum. [12] Jeenbekov's election marks the first democratic transfer of power in a Kyrgyz election. April 2016 mit 113 von 115 Parlamentsstimmen zum neuen Premierminister gewählt. 23.12.2019 [10:52] A + A – Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday. [43] In an interview on his 60th birthday later in the year, Jeenbekov accused Atambayev of indirectly and directly trying to influence him and his presidency, saying the following to the 24 Kyrgyzstan news agency:[44]. He is noted for repairing relations with neighboring Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, following an improvement in ties under Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who took power the year before Jeenbekov, and a diplomatic crisis after Jeenbekov's predecessor, Almazbek Atambayev accused Kazakhstan of election interference and called the Kazakh government under President Nursultan Nazarbayev a "dictatorship". [69] A week later, Jeenbekov left the country for Saudi Arabia, with many speculating the he may be going into self exile. [10][11], Jeenbekov resigned from the post of Prime Minister on 21 August 2017, after being named as an official candidate in the 2017 presidential election. [17], In an address to journalists in May 2018, Jeenbekov promised to fight against tribalism being imposed on the country saying that "We will take measures against those, who impose a "north-south" issue in the society. Jeenbekov attended the Kyrgyz Academy of Agriculture, graduating with a degree in zoological engineering. [1], Ab 1988 wurde Dscheenbekow auch politisch für die Kommunistische Partei der Sowjetunion tätig. [72] Another brother of his, Kantoro Toktomamatov (born in 1947), who formerly served as rector of the University of Economy and Enterprise, died in April 2017. Tursunbek Tschyngyschew | Explore more on Sooronbay Jeenbekov. [26] In his first year in office, President Jeenbekov participated in 30 international meetings, where 77 bilateral agreements and 414 multilateral documents were signed. In 2003, he completed furth… WHITE HOUSE. [45] Due to the failed attempt by SOBR Units to arrest Atambayev at his residence in Koy-Tash on 7 August, which resulted in the death of one soldier, Jeenbekov came back from his vacation and called a meeting of the Security Council, in which Jeenbekov accused Atambayev of "rudely violating the constitution".[46]. SPEECH DELIVERED BY. Nach einer viermonatigen Tätigkeit als Direktor des Staatlichen Personalwesens, wurde Dscheenbekow im März 2016 zum stellvertretender Direktor der Administration des Präsidenten ernannt. | In 2007, he became the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and the Processing Industry. [30] Since then, he has received Xi Jinping, Khaltmaagiin Battulga, Narendra Modi at the new area. Jeenbekov is one of nine siblings in his family, being the third eldest child. His Excellency Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov, representing President Almazbek Atambayev, Patron of the University, praised the partnership between the Kyrgyz Government and the AKDN. Jeenbekov's foreign policy has been described as much more balanced that his predecessors. Sooronbai Dscheenbekow | | Im Jahr 1983 schloss er sein Studium mit den Schwerpunkten Zootechnik (Studium der Methoden der (Nutz-)Tierhaltung) und Buchhaltung ab. Dabei betonte er, sich für Demokratie und Medien- und Meinungsfreiheit in Kirgisistan stark machen zu wollen. … [73][74] Aside from his native Kyrgyz, Jeenbekov is also fluent in Russian. Jeenbekov attended the Kyrgyz Academy of Agriculture, graduating with a degree in zoological engineering. This is a list of presidential trips made by Vladimir Putin. In 1983, he became the chief livestock specialist of the Soviet farm in the Soviet district of Osh region and continued to work in the position for five years. Almazbek Batyrbekov (komm.) [5] His grandfather, Jeenbek Pirnazarov, was a Red Army soldier who served during the Great Patriotic War and was labelled as missing in action. Atambajew entwickelte sich zu einem der lautstärksten Kritiker Dscheenbekow und verfügt auch nach dem Ende seiner Präsidentschaft über zahlreiche Anhänger im Land. Ömürbek Babanow | Just days into his presidency, Jeenbekov changed the time of his departure to the White House to early in the morning to avoid Bishkek traffic, a move which was praised by many Bishkek residents. Im Anschluss war er von 1983 bis 1988 leitender Zootechniker einer Kolchose im Gebiet Osch. Jeenbekov arrived in Delhi on Thursday afternoon and was received by senior officials of Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). Oktober 2017 wurde Dscheenbekow zum Nachfolger des Staatspräsidenten Almasbek Atambajew gewählt. Jeenbekov's younger brother, Asylbek Jeenbekov, is also a politician, while his other brother, Zhusupbek Sharipov, is a former governor from Jalal-Abad and the current ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Ukraine. Narodil se v zemědělské rodině, má celkem devět sourozenců. His attempts to turn me into a puppet leader through some third individuals, to direct my actions – discredit him as a person, as an ex-president, as a fellow party member and associate. Azay Guliyev confirmed the election to be one of the few peaceful elections in Kyrgyzstan's history. In 2003, he completed further studies, graduating in accounting from the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University. Jeenbekov attended the Kyrgyz Academy of Agriculture, graduating with a degree in zoological engineering. Almasbek Atambajew | Nikolai Tanajew | [23] On 4 May he ordered that all mining of uranium in the country will be banned.[24]. Earlier that August, he indicated that the elections could not be postponed in spite of the coronavirus pandemic. [8][9], Askar Akajew | As the Biden administration is looking to manage China and Russia, and finalize the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the strategic Central Asia remains at the heart of a comprehensive U.S. Eurasian foreign policy. Together, they have 2 children, with their eldest daughter, Baktygul, being married and a graduate from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. Zudem wurde auf Grund eines Falles über die Freilassung eines landesweit bekannten Straftäters die politische Immunität Atambajews durch das kirgisische Parlament aufgehoben. Фото", "Главе Генштаба Киргизии велено взять под контроль ситуацию в Бишкеке", "Damir Sagynbaev appointed Secretary to Security Council of Kyrgyzstan", "Sooronbay Jeenbekov: Kyrgyzstan president announces resignation", "Kyrgyzstan's president steps down amid political unrest", "Acting president of Kyrgyzstan grants Sooronbay Jeenbekov with 'ex-president' status", "Как теперь выглядит новая верхушка власти Кыргызстана (плюс два экс-президента). Press … Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov has resigned after days of protests following a disputed election that plunged the country into turmoil. [5], Im Laufe von Dscheenbekows Amtszeit entwickelte sich ein Machtkampf zwischen dem amtierenden Präsidenten und seinem Vorgänger Atambajew. November 2017 an. Život. Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic, 19 October 2016 - Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov and His Highness the Aga Khan inaugurated the Naryn campus of the University of Central Asia in a ceremony held under the patronage of His Excellency President Almazbek Atambayev. Фото", "Sadyr Japarov sworn in as Kyrgyzstan's new president",,, "Brother of new president of Kyrgyzstan may become ambassador to Ukraine", "Токтомаматов Кантөрө Шарипович 70 жаш курагында каза болду - некролог",, "Елбасы встретился с Президентом Кыргызской Республики Сооронбаем Жээнбековым — Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстан",, Members of the Supreme Council (Kyrgyzstan), Communist Party of the Soviet Union members, Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan politicians, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 March 2021, at 10:00. [3][4], Jeenbekov was born in Biy-Myrza, Osh Region on 16 November 1958. Jeenbekov is one of nine siblings in his family, being the third eldest child. His father, Sharif, was a collective farm (kolkhoz) manager while his mother was a housewife. As he continued serving as president, a rift grew between the two as Atambayev later became more involved in politics in the 6 months post his presidency, eventually rising to the Chairmanship of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan, of which Jeenbekov is a member. Supporters of Kyrkyzstan’s new president Sadyr Japarov take to the streets to celebrate the ousting of former leader Sooronbay Jeenbekov. Almasbek Atambajew | Oktober 2017 zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt. Oktober 2017 zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt. Latest News. In his inaugural remarks, he vowed to make the Kremlin the country's "main strategic partner" as well as signaled that he will seek more collaborative bilateral ties with China and the European Union. Kurmanbek Bakijew (komm.) Sooronbai Jeenbekov, a former prime minister and close associate of outgoing President Almazbek Atambayev, appears set to win the Kyrgyzstan presidential election in the first round.. Sooronbay Jeenbekov has faced calls to step down from protesters and political opponents amid a disputed election. [2] His first presidential decree in office was made to confer the title of Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic to former president Atambayev. Sadyr Dschaparow (komm.) Sooronbay Sharípovich Jeenbékov (en kirguís, Сооронбай Шарипович Жээнбеков, també conegut com a Sooronbay Jeenbekov; Kara-Kulja, Província d'Oix, República Socialista Soviètica del Kirguizistan, Unió Soviètica, 16 de novembre de 1958) és un polític kirguís i president del Kirguizistan des el 24 de novembre de 2017 fins al 15 d'octubre de 2020.