lens coating damage

09-05-2020 For Eyes There are many types of optical lenses, and at For Eyes, you can add a special coating to each one of them. When an optic is damaged by a continuous wave (CW) laser, it is usually due to the melting of the surface as a result of absorbing the laser's energy or damage to the optical coating (antireflection) [1]. Fine tuning of layer thicknesses and refractive indices is done to optimize performance characteristics in the wavelength range of interest. Continuous ND filters have a film gradient across the entire filter, which allows for a continuous range of attenuation. You must log in or register to reply here. My experience is that even very bad coating flaws make very little, if any, difference to the contrast of a lens, and no difference to the sharpness. • Wipe the optic with the lens tissue paper with one continuous motion. The coating on a lens is Very resilient. Can you provide the band-pass filter interference coatings on the surfaces with high positive curvature, for example, sphere or hemisphere? Laser Line and Bandpass filters transmit light in a narrow, well-defined spectral region while rejecting other unwanted radiation. To compensate for this deficiency, an additional blocking component is added, which is either an all-dielectric or a metal-dielectric depending on the requirements of the filter. I appreciate your delicate products. When choosing optics, it is important to understand the Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) of the optics being used. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, For pulse widths between 1 - 100 ns, an approximation is as follows: Use this formula to calculate the Adjusted LIDT for an optic based on your pulse length. Narrowband Laser Line HR CoatingsThorlabs currently offers twelve different laser line HR coatings optimized for various performance parameters. Now compare the maximum power density to that which is specified as the LIDT for the optic. Best regards, Thank you for the inquiry. Notch filters, also commonly referred to as band-stop or band-rejection filters, are designed to transmit most wavelengths but attenuate light within a specific wavelength range (the stop band) to a very low level. (3) Do you need anti We build custom setups to test both catalog and OEM parts to ensure every optic we offer performs well within the specified range. service for Asperic Lens ACL25416U? The longer the pulse duration, the more energy the optic can handle. The alternating layers in the coating are designed to cause constructive interference for those wavelengths to be transmitted and destructive interference for those wavelengths to be reflected. My goal is to reflect infrared reflection from 12 to roughly 5 microns and to transmit visible light, typically between 800 - 400 nm. I'm a complete novice so sorry if this is a stupid question. Response from Bweh: These plots and data, with the polarization states and incidence angles specified for 355nm to 920nm can be found at the following link: http://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=139&tabname=Reflectance%20Plots. We are currently unable to specify the exact composition of the overcoat on our gold coated surface. Uncoated optics may be better for your application. If three AR-coated lenses with a "B" coating (R avg <0.5% per surface) are used instead, the total loss of incident light due to surface reflections is <3%. While the test results are only representative of one coating run, Thorlabs specifies damage threshold values that account for coating variances. If your going to panic about everything, photography will be no fun for you. This type of filter displays very high transmission in the bandpass region and blocks a limited spectral range of light on either side of the bandpass region. The available spectral windows online do not include both the lowest YAG harmonics in the curves. I've emailed you to discuss your wavelengths. If the optic was tested at a wavelength other than your operating wavelength, the damage threshold must be scaled appropriately [3]. Is data available on the AR-B coating for wavelengths outside the nominal range? Dear Thorlabs, we are looking optical windows operated at 900+/-20nm wavelength with 60+/-5 degrees AOI. These systems use an electron beam source to evaporate a selection of materials such as transition metal oxides (e.g., TiO2, Ta2O5, HfO2, Nb2O5, ZrO2), metal halides (MgF2, YF3), or SiO2. The choice of the best suited coating therefore depends on the exact part of the housing you would like to model. When comparing an LIDT specified for a pulsed laser to your laser, it is essential to know the following: LIDT in energy density vs. pulse length and spot size. This graph was obtained from [1]. こちらのレンズは、532 nmで1面あたり0.25%未満の低い反射率を有するVコーティングにより、Nd:YAGレーザや、複数の光学素子を要する複雑な光学系にも適しています。. In contrast, pulses between 10-7 s and 10-4 s may cause damage to an optic either because of dielectric breakdown or thermal effects. Dielectric reflective coatings consist of multiple layers of varying high and low refractive indexes. The longpass variety reflects >90% of the incident light below the design wavelength and transmits >90% of the incident light above the design wavelength. As such, the specifications for some of our antireflection coated optics may be slightly different than the specifications given on this page. As for 150°C temperatures, we also would not expect any issues with our dielectric coatings, as long as the temperature is kept at a consistent temperature rather than cycled high and low. Although this is the most expensive way to remove crazing from an eyeglass lens, it is also the most At high AOIs, the reflection band shifts to shorter wavelengths and performs differently for S and P polarizations. Are you certain the issue is on the outside of the lens? This is analogous to a cue ball breaking a rack of billiard balls, only on a molecular scale and with several more balls in play. I believe it is in the inside (doesn't wipe off like usual smudges fingerprints) bradevans's gear list: bradevans's gear list. The UV coating wavelength range specification was recently updated from 290 - 370 nm to 245 - 400 nm. Would you please give us transmission Longpass filters transmit wavelengths longer than the cutoff wavelenght and block wavelengths shorter than the cutoff wavelength. Anti-reflective lens coating is definitely worth it, especially for people who spend a lot of time outdoors or those who suffer from eye strain caused by blue light exposure. Oscar. We assume that this may be related to different "chemical reactions" on the different coating surfaces of the optics. The thickness of the coating and the refractive index of the materials in the layers determine the design wavelength for a given beamsplitter. All optics in stock currently have a UV coating with a wavelength range of 245 - 400 nm. The AR Coating Range graph below shows the specified wavelength range of Thorlabs' in-house AR coatings. 株式会社イトーレンズの耐熱コーティング「クラックフリー」。新開発の真空蒸着技術により、プラスチックレンズの弱点であった熱によるダメージ低減に成功。硬質ハード、超撥水、静電防止も標準装備しており、熱・キズ・汚れ・ホコリに強い耐久性に優れたコーティングです。 Pulsed lasers with high pulse repetition frequencies (PRF) may behave similarly to CW beams. We will discuss the possibility of offering this directly. We also have two plano-concave , a bi-convex, and a mesiscus lens we need to integrate. カメラレンズは「コーティングが大事」だと言われています。カメラレンズのコーティングにはどんな役割があるのでしょうか?コーティングが剥がれるとしたら、どんな原因があるのでしょうか?今回はそんなカメラレンズのコーティングについて解説したいと思います。 This coating will help you feel better, look better, and see The shaded region in the plots represents the specified wavelength range for optimum performance. Dear Thorlabs team, What is the material is forming the most outer layer (being the one in contact with the ambient air.)? Lens crazing can occur during the lens finishing process at the optical laboratory. Till then, you can request custom coated optics by emailing TechSupport@thorlabs.com. Hello Vitaly, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. 詳細は右の表や、「 損傷閾値 」タブをご覧ください。. I will reach out to you directly. I would like to know what materials are used in your broad-band AR coatings. Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The lens' AR coating should be stripped by the lens personnel and reapplied. For example, if three uncoated lenses are being used in series, this 4% loss occurs at each of the six optical surfaces. Therefore, putting the coating in direct contact would produce a significant difference in performance. Of the metallic coatings, the Protected Silver coating has the highest reflectance in the visible spectrum to prevent oxidization, the silver surface is protected with an SiO2 overcoat. Broadband antireflective (BBAR) coatings consist of multiple layers, alternating between a high index material and a low index material. Rev. 1. how much for ACL25416U-C? Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. While many optics can handle high power CW lasers, cemented (e.g., achromatic doublets) or highly absorptive (e.g., ND filters) optics tend to have lower CW damage thresholds. Can I have it? Kind Thorlabs, To whom it may concern, 91, 127402 (2003). We also offer unmounted and cage-cube-mounted. The Unprotected Gold coating offers higher reflectance than the protected gold coating, but is slightly more delicate. Custom coatings on our optics can be requested by emailing techuspport@thorlabs.com. While we don't specify the out-of-band performance of our AR coatings, I'd expect over such a large range that there would be significant reflection peaks. Thank you and best regards. Pulses shorter than 10-9 s cannot be compared to our specified LIDT values with much reliability. Hi, Can you do D and F AR coating on AgGaSe2 crystal? Click on the bars in the graph below to view the performance plot for each coating. The Protected Aluminum coating is an inexpensive solution and has an overcoat of SiO2 to make the aluminum coating suitable for laboratory and industrial use. Thorlabs uses a selection of research-grade spectroscopy instruments to characterize coating performance from the UV to the Far Infrared. When handled incorrectly, that will remove the lens coating altogether and damage the lens even more. The coat on the front and rear surface is quite durable and likely not harmed by normal lens clearing. If your power density is less than the adjusted LIDT of the optic, then the optic should work for your application. Most important, stop all the worry and enjoy the gear. Andrea Farina. Is there a particular black coating to use for this purposes? The dielectric coating on dichroic beamsplitters is the source of their functionality. In this regime, the LIDT given as a linear power density can be applied to any beam diameter; one does not need to compute an adjusted LIDT to adjust for changes in spot size, as demonstrated by the graph to the right. The tables below give the specifications for Thorlabs' in-house antireflection coatings, which are deposited on the surfaces of many optics in our catalog. The AR coating specifications for any individual item are always included in that item's web presentation. Opt. Unfortunately, the prescriptions of our AR coatings are proprietary, and we are unable to provide the tabular data or a model for them. The shortpass variety transmits below the design wavelength, and reflects above the design wavelength. Response from Buki at Thorlabs: In general, do you expect a significant difference in dichroic coating performance if the coated side of the substrate is placed in contact with a material with a refractive index ~2? In this ultra-short-pulse regime various mechanics, such as multiphoton-avalanche ionization, take over as the predominate damage mechanism [2]. The E and E1 coatings offer similar performance, but the -E1 coating guarantees an absolute reflectance of <3.0% over the specified wavelength range. There are multiple regimes in which a pulsed laser can damage an optic and this is based on the laser's pulse length. The number of locations that are damaged at a particular power/energy level is recorded. The coating consists of alternating layers of high and low index materials. Blue Coating: Blue light from gadgets like laptops, tabs, smartphones, etc. While the LIDT, when expressed in units of J/cm², scales independently of spot size; large beam sizes are more likely to illuminate a larger number of defects which can lead to greater variances in the LIDT [4]. These lower thresholds are due to absorption or scattering in the cement or metal coating. This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. I work in ENUSA, supplier of nuclear fuel assemblies in Spain. Thank you so much for your feedback. The layers are deposited on the substrate via electron-beam deposition. This is true whether you wear single vision, bifocal or progressive lenses.If you are thinking about purchasing new eyeglasses, here are lens coatings and treatments you should consider. Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Our dichroic coating are designed to be used in air/vacuum. This damage can be caused by heat or stress caused from assembling the eyewear. Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. Approximate intensity profile of your beam (e.g., Gaussian), Linear power density of your beam (total power divided by 1/e, Energy density of your beam (total energy divided by 1/e, Pulse repetition frequency (prf) of your laser. 29, 517 (1998). Neutral Density (ND) filters attenuate all wavelengths within a range by a certain factor to prevent damage to detecting equipment. By varying the thickness of the spacer layer and/or the number of reflecting layers, the central wavelength and bandwidth of the filter can be altered. If the optic was tested at a wavelength other than your operating wavelength, the damage threshold must be scaled appropriately. Do you have specifications of the B coating in the wavelength range between 300 and 650 nm, and for the A coating in the wavelenght range of 650-1000nm? Thank you for your inquiry. But I think you will be ok. Hopefully anyway. One thing to note is that these coatings are designed for specific AOIs since the performance is dependent on that. Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thanks for your inquiry. Would like to see how it works in my Zemax design for use on a custom optic. Hello, I have reached out to you directly regarding this. Thorlabs currently offers BBAR coatings designed to maximize performance within 8 different wavelength ranges. Is it possible to get a copy of that file? Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: You could have as much as 18% loss in reflection from each surface from the antireflection coating. hello sir, Thor labs optical coatings are very nice and useful information. Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For reference, a Gaussian beam typically has a maximum power density that is twice that of the uniform beam (see lower right). These high-reflectance mirror coatings are ideal for high-finesse laser cavities, precision interferometry, and high-power laser systems. Vitaly Tsukanov. As such, they are provided as a service to customers. Different arrangements of stack structure result in different types of coatings (e.g., Bandpass vs. Edgepass vs. BBAR). Since I'd like to reflect wavelengths from 12 to 5 microns I do not know whether your standard filters will work for my application or not. CK Chew. For data presented here, a <1 mm beam size was used to measure the LIDT. Can we track down data on the anticipated losses using the A or C coatings? Next, the power/energy is either increased or decreased and the optic is exposed at 10 new locations. This coating is used for your Anamorphic Prisms. The ion source allows temperature-sensitive substrates to be coated. The LIDT for an optic greatly depends on the type of laser you are using. If the lens material has been damaged, the coating process must begin anew with another lens. Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: I will contact you directly about this. My first big investment, I know its stupid but i can't help myself! Hello Enrique, custom items can be requested by using the "Request Quote" above or by emailing your local Thorlabs team (in your case, techsupport.fr@thorlabs.com). However, Zemax OpticStudio also provides different materials as well as a coating file that could be used and edited. It would be good to see if cleaning the surfaces of the wave-plates would remove this issue you are having. レンズの表面品質や損傷閾値は、当社の 532/1064 nm Vコーティング付き平凸レンズ よりも優れています。. The power density on the optic was about 30 W/cm². We need a kind of filter, we do not need a lens. 1. For long pulses to CW, linear power density becomes a constant with spot size. We offer a variety of different V-coatings; see the table below for more information. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to compare the LIDT specification of an optic to your laser. What’s more, we have a specific UV protection lens coating that is also protective from harmful Blue-Violet light. All optics in stock currently have a C coating with a wavelength range of 1050 - 1700 nm. The beam will impinge the device at an angle of incidence of 45°. LIDT values are not guaranteed in the ultrashort pulse regime. While we cannot comment on behavior at 10^-9 Torr, we do not expect any issues at that lower pressure for our dielectric optical coatings. Upon request, we can provide individual test information and a testing certificate. You will not run into that issue with the use of the ZAR file. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. is a part of our daily lives. These dielectric HR coatings offer very high reflectance over specific laser line wavelength ranges. Surface reflectance rises rapidly on either side of this minimum, which gives the reflectance curve a "V" shape. Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Regards Craig. Hello Garth, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Manufacturing processes of E-coated optics have recently changed. All Thorlabs edgepass filters are constructed of durable dielectric coatings and will withstand the normal cleaning and handling associated with any high-quality optical component. The calculation above assumes a uniform beam intensity profile. Rgds, We will reach out to you directly via email to discuss this further. こちらの平凸レンズは、RoHS準拠のBK7ガラス (N-BK7)製で400 mm~1100 nmにわたって反射防止 (AR)コーティングが施されています。. Hi, I am modeling the SOLIS3C source in Zemax and I wanted to know how to model the scattering properties of the frontal face of said source. Physical appearance (e.g., color) of these optics may vary based on factors including materials and processes. We will contact you directly to provide further assistance. Crystalline Mirror CoatingsThorlabs Crystalline Solutions currently offers three different GaAs/AlGaAs crystalline coatings optimized for superior mid-IR performance, as well as the ability to create custom crystalline coatings. This process also results in a denser coating that is less sensitive to spectral shifting in both humid and dry environmental conditions. Dear Thorlabs! thank you in advance! Using a series of ultrasonic solvent and detergent baths, each step of the cleaning process removes different types of contamination from the surfaces of the substrate. The specifications below are typical values, and each mirror is made to order by request through Tech Support. The Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver coating is manufactured such that it retains a low group delay dispersion. Antireflective (AR) coatings are hard refractory-oxide coatings that minimize surface reflections within specified wavelength ranges when applied to the surface of optical components. Garth. The transmission features of this coating should be even over all sphere/hemisphere.surface. The following is a general overview of how laser induced damage thresholds are measured and how the values may be utilized in determining the appropriateness of an optic for a given application. The raw data xlsx file supplies reflectivities for the various HR coatings. Sending the lens back to the service center is still the safest way to repair a scratched lens… UV Coating: Protect your eyes from damage resulting from ultraviolet light exposure with the UV protection offered by the UV coating of Titan. Three gold coating options are offered: protected, MIR enhanced, and unprotected. Fixed ND filters attenuate the spectra by a fixed amount. ultrafast mirrors for femtosecond pulsed lasers, CW Laser Damage Threshold for UV Fused Silica, Broad Range of Coating Capabilites on a Wide Variety of Substrates, Improved Surface Quality and Less Scatter. ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir mitteilen könnten, wie sich A AR-Coating im Bereich 800 bis 1000 nm verhält. Unfortunately the materials used in our coating designs are proprietary information. I'm really paranoid and am trying to find out how to tell if the lens coating is damaged but I can't find anything. Enrique. Concerning dimension, we have not them fixed but they would be at the level of few cm squares. We will reach out to you with information about this and the extended transmission plots for the A and C coatings. Compared to the broadband AR coatings, V-coatings achieve lower reflectance over a narrower bandwidth when used within their design AOI range. The optical component previously described is similar to the hot mirrors that you sell, in particular M254H45. Can these be purchased with the V-coating, and if so at what price? What polarization and angle was used for this data or is it an average? For an explanation of why the linear power density provides the best metric for long pulse and CW sources, please see the "Continuous Wave and Long-Pulse Lasers" section in the. thanks. The sputtering mechanism can be characterized as momentum transfer between ionized gas molecules from the ion source and the atoms of the target material. This results in a total loss of 21.7%. If I cement an optical window with a C coating to another element using Norland NOA 60, what will be the reflection at the coating/cement interface at 1550nm? Partial transmission can be tuned per customer request. Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We have not seen this issue before and we use similar coatings on other optic parts. i) if the overcoat of protected gold mirrors is the same / comparable to the one of protected silver in material and deposition method (EBD? v d = 67.82. ブルーライトカットコーティング 眩しく感じやすい青色光(短波長光)を軽減する機能を持ったコーティング。 レンズの表面で青色光を反射させることで、眩しさを軽減し、コントラストが向上します。 ベースとなるコーティングによって、耐キズ性能などが変わります。 I was cleaning my new and first camera today (Olympus 35 RC) with a microfibre cloth until I realised that a couple of minutes before the cloth had been sitting on a surface that I had recently cleaned with Mr Muscle. 焦点距離:15 mm~2500 mm. MOQ? We also offer specialty ultrafast mirrors for femtosecond pulsed lasers. Ion-Beam Assisted Deposition (IAD) uses the same E-beam method to evaporate coating materials but with the addition of an ion source to promote nucleation and growth of materials at lower temperatures (20 - 100 °C). A modern lens with multiple elements, each coated, is greatly improved as to speed, plus the coating reduces flare and ghost images. The graph below shows the specified wavelength range of Thorlabs' in-house broadband HR coatings. Thank you very much for your attention and please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss. The spectral performance and other key characteristics of optical thin films are determined by the structure and number of layers in the coating, the refractive indices of the materials used, and the optical properties of the substrate. I am designing a broad-band optical system, with wavelengths between 300 and 1000nm. V-coatings are multilayer, dielectric, thin-film, AR coatings that are designed to minimize reflectance over a short wavelength range. Thank you! You must now adjust this energy density to account for hotspots or other nonuniform intensity profiles and roughly calculate a maximum energy density. The ZAR file provides you with the ZMX file as well as any supporting files. In addition to the spectroscopy tools, we also use a variety of laser and laser diode sources, power meters, detectors, and polarimeters to test the performance of our optics. Anti-Reflective Anti-reflection coatings, also known as AR coating or anti-glare coating, can reduce eye fatigue caused by glare, reflection and "halo" around night lights. Just use a blower and blow the dust off. With a spherical design, the AOIs will be all over the place. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application. We don't offer Zemax files for these coatings because the –E0x series of mirrors have been coated in a variety of different ways over time, which means that the performance could vary significantly from one production lot to the next. If I open a lens file ZMX provided by you the program tell me that is no present the file COATINGTHOR. Varian Cary 5000 and PE Lambda 950 spectrophotometers are used to characterize the spectral performance of our coatings in the UV-VIS-NIR ranges and an Olis PE 983 IR spectrophotometer is used for infrared coatings (2 - 55.5 µm). Viele Grüße For our K07 coating, we specify the minimum reflectance at 352 nm. All other components (N-BK7 lenses, Glan-Taylor polarizer, Mirrors, ...) do not show these contaminations. 目次 1 ガラスからプラスチックへ 素材の変化で黄ばみが起こるように 2 直射日光による紫外線がヘッドライトレンズの劣化を促進する 3 平成27年9月から厳しくなった車検 黄ばんだレンズが原因で車検に通らない? 4 黄ばんでくもったレンズは新品に交換すればいいの? Click. A display lens with revised anti-reflective coating has been developed to address this condition. Hello, I am trying to model a system using E01 and E02 coatings in Zemax but cannot find it in the catalogue. Pulsed Damage Thresholdd. N-BK7ガラスは通常、UV溶融石英の利点 (UV域での優れた透過率や低い熱膨張率)を必要としない場合に選ばれています。. This type of process must be done at elevated temperatures (200 - 250 °C) to achieve good adhesion to the substrate and acceptable material properties in the final coating. The C coating wavelength range specification was recently updated from 1050 - 1620 nm to 1050 - 1700 nm. Apply some … This process uses a high energy, radio frequency, plasma source to sputter coating materials and deposit them on substrates while another RF ion source (Assist source) provides IAD function during deposition. Thanks, If your maximum energy density is less than this adjusted LIDT maximum energy density, then the optic should be suitable for your application. Laser Induced Damage Threshold Tutorial The following is a general overview of how laser induced damage thresholds are measured and how the values may be utilized in determining the appropriateness of an optic for a given application. However, we also offer optics that are coated by external vendors. We need to deliver 1064 and 532 nm light through a 6-element lens set. Thank you. 397 and 866 nm. 4 メガネレンズのお手入れ方法 ①カラ拭きはコートを痛めます。 普段は「お水」でレンズに付着しているホコリを洗い流すか、 レンズクリーナーを直接レンズに吹きかけてから、ティッシュかメガネ拭きをご利用ください。 ②汚れがひどい時は中性洗剤を薄めた水で洗って下さい。 SOLIS LEDs contain different materials at the front face of the housing. Before doing anything to the damaged lens, I'd take the opportunity to make two exposures, one with the "perfect" lens and one with the blemished lens, if only for personal knowledge and curiousity. The reflectance of the surface is improved greatly by the addition of an HR coating; however, its performance is dependent on the angle of incidence (AOI). All of our anti-reflection coatings are designed for a glass-air interface, and using an adhesive like NOA60 on the surface would disrupt that design.