josh primo high school stats

Run the adex or tamox during HCG to keep estro spike down. I figured it out about 5-6 years ago, and since switching to this way of cycling gear I haven't looked back. Looking for a Slow and Steady Re comp / comp ready cycle , could you please comment on the following idea with your experience. Anything over 800 is optimal and you can float around 1100-1200 with usually no health issues. from $ 14 page. Dbol: 25-50mg/week After my cycle I’m back on my TRT so I don’t need PCT I was reading the old school methods here and I just want to ask your opinion about lowering the text dosage and the dbol as well, what would u suggest? Safe for women too! 500mg test e 600mg mast e 50mg proviron 60mg var last 6 weeks. PS On my shot tonight, the nurse pinned me on the side of my left glute close to my hip and it burns and hurt so much. I was thinking of a similar thing but with Eq over Primo (* As I am not 100% sure I can get real products of Primo). Lean Mass Recomp cycle (slow steady lean mass gain / fat loss and maximum Post cycle recovery) : Test 200-250 mg / wk ( Cyp of E) week 1 – 18 (running test 2-3 weeks longer to give eq time clear for Hcg Blast then Pc) Deca long 200mg / wk week 1 -12 (dropping Deca to focus more on fatloss last 6 weeks) Eq 600 mg / wk week 1-15 Oral kick Start week 1 – 4 (Tbol 50 mg Ed) Oral Finisher week 12- 15 (Winni oral 50 md Ed or jabs if oil based e2d) G2501516 20 mg Ed 12 weeks on 2 weeks off repeat Aromasin 12.5 mg Eod on cycle, Fat loss aids / Energy 2 weeks on / off 2 – 3 pills max Eca , 80 – 100 mcg 2 – 2.5 pills max Clen combo then off 1 week then repeat, Hcg 500 iu / wk (250 iu x 2 a week) 5 weeks on one week off repeat, End of Cycle : Pct (4 week may take it up to 6 weeks ) Hcg blast 2 weeks before post Nolva 20mg ed till done Clomid 100mg first 10 days /50mg till done Mk 10 mg ed Aromasin 12.5 mg ed Gw 20mg ed Pct. Other compounds such as Primobolan or Masteron can be taken up to 500mg+/week with virtually no unwanted sides while keeping test lower. I believe there is a happy medium with them that can allow for both good looks as well as good health. Thus is how Drs should be since we’re going to use it anyway so allow me to get the cleanest product and watch my labs. It's not high enough to cause excessive water retention, acne, or the ups and downs most go through when running higher doses. You make it enjoyable and you still care for to keep it smart. I’m running capo 250 my question is can I run back to back and use test e with anavar and be safe??? I don’t see a high enough dosage of test to aromatize and you certainly wont get that with primo. Then in 2011 i noticed that i had no energy chest started dropping to my belly and started having sexual problems i went to the dr. turned out my test levels were barley even registering. Hi was wanting to know if the cycle I’m about to start is good. Most agree it is prevented from aromatizing…..could this be used as an alternative to oxandralone? Fuck em!! I have not been over 200 mg/week in probably 2 years now, and I see no loss of size or definition. EQ IS WAY UNDER HYPED. I did a competition last year and my coach had me on a ridiculous cycle. both are liquid form. What anout a prop anavar cycle for cutting? Iam currently 5′ 8” 160Lbs about 14% body fat. Also, pct? In the future make sure you have EVERYTHING up front. Thanks again, Jerry, Hi John, Great stuff. John, I’m looking to start my First Cycle in a bit. You need to hammer the arimadex for a few wks to get it to go down, and letrozole is even stronger. My bodyfat while bulking is under 10% all year. So, how does this sound? Appriciate your blog and all the effort you put into it, That’s actually not much gear at all for national level. This doesn’t phase me at all really, I just pop some metformin and hit some slow release slin and I’m fine. initially i thought I was hallucinating. Dude, I donate with 750mg of Test E, 600mg EQ, 50mg Anavar & 30mg Proviron. I feel like it might be better off for another cycle? Can I do a small dose of Deca say 100 to 200 mg per week for joint relief or will the potential water bloat be to much to risk. Thinking maybe virgin site, short needle and also its the end of the vial so probably loads of oil leftover? I completely understand about once you’ve been at it for a while no matter your dose it’s extremely hard to continue making gains. My cycle would look like: 14 weeks 400mg Test e 400mg Primo 50mg Proviron ( me and my wife loves the libido boost) 3iu HGH 30 mg var last 8 weeks. I want to start using 1U hgh and ephedrine 8mg 3xday. I’m 8 weeks out from my next show. Whats best way to give blood? Primo is similar to EQ anyways. Would the test/eq or test/masteron/proviron combo above be a good place to start? If u can’t do a private lab then you’re going to have to go to a local doctor, I read your brief detail breakdown about the cycle. any suggestions would be great. I’m really lean at the moment and want to stay this way and maybe gain some more lean mass. And what I should run along side it to minimize sides if anything. What is your test level on TRT? Health is #1 here. Hey bro! Thanks. A first cycle of 400mg/wk isn’t going to kill you not to have it, Hi bro learnt a lot reading your old skool cycles could u give me the best way to run test e deca and masteron cycle thsnks. last bloodwork showed pretty good. The only reason I could see doing this is for when you’re using more testosterone than 1 pin can handle, other than that I have never seen an advantage with this or experienced one as I’ve done it myself, Really nice reading. As far as getting bigger without gaining fat, once you get to a certain point I personally feel like it’s more rewarding to stay shredded. Thank You as always!!!! I’m curious about the amount of shutdown someone might get from that low dose of deca and test. HIGH SCHOOL. I want to add strength and muscle that I can keep when im off a cycle. Im also gonna be taking aromasin starting around my 5th week. I’ve never shared my cycles, but now it’s time. Bodybuilding Diet Tactics And Injury Recovery Tips. You will need a PCT after your cycle. Time on should equal time off, not counting PCT. I would run primo, anavar, and a low dose of deca for 15 wks. Kicking myself buying the blends now after reading this blog! Im on trt plus cycle twice a year. Rather have some time for my body to figure out what the hell is happening. If you missed the first part click. Provorion 1 tablet Daily 4 week cycle is this good or anything wrong ? 10 or 12 weeks? And maybe switch those peps out for 3iu a day of HGH. i train crossfit style twice a week bodybuiding 3 times a week and mma 2 to 3 times a week. And will the length of the Pct change because of the ester (long or short) of the compound selected ? Yea I’m familiar with him, we wasn’t around a long time but he had a good build. Meanwhile, Denver forward JaMychal Green scored eight points and grabbed six rebounds in the 133-95 win. I don’t do drugs/alcohol. Any Info would be helpful and thanks again. We aren't looking to throw on 20-30 lbs in 8 weeks here. I know guys who have done labmax tests on it to prove its real primo. Four other Tide players scored in double figures in John Petty (15), Jaden Shackelford (14), Josh Primo (11) and Herbert Jones (10). I looked like a wale in my t shirts and couldnt stand the bloat. I’m gonna be running testosterone enanthate 250mg per week for 10 weeks. Levi Randolph is excited about this season with the Canton Charge in the G-League: Former Alabama football coach Mike Dubose has been named the head coach at Opp High School in Opp, Ala. Former Crimson Tide defensive end Isaiah Buggs is starting a small business in Tuscaloosa. What kind of diet?,And cycle of what would you suggest? What would be the downside of that? I also have cabergoline and letrozole ( aromasix and adex/red PCT are pretty costly at my place – India ) in hand. Thanks in advance! no, at only 250mg/wk you don’t need to run shit with it. I believe the #1 reason for the over-exaggeration on protein intake with bodybuilding is because of the lack of carbs and fats and the added protein makes up the remaining calories needed for a proper deficit. John first off thanks again for all your knowledge it’s been a huge help. Most of the time I don’t even need to take anything since I control it with diet alone, I actually prefer to take the metformin though. I’m getting almost zero sides, just some night sweats but nothing like what I had before. 25yr 70in 5’10” 210lbs 10% maybe a little less Work out twice a day with cardio added. Be looking good.. Ive changed my overall muscularity but as far as physically getting bigger without fatter is difficult. You won’t gain hardly any water weight with that and you should notice some increased strength and vascularity. What pct should I take and how much. I f****D UP badly. My diet was ok for the past few weeks but now begining to diet very well. Weight currently 200 pounds try to eat as clean as possible. The testicular shrinkage mostly comes from when you discontinue test and your body makes nothing, its worse coming off cycle than being on cycle from my past experience. Hi JD , any other suggestions for the above stack ? Of course anabolics are part of the game. You are correct, a shorter ester will yield more total testosterone absorbed by the body. Really feeling the old school bodybuilding info. Wk1: Test P – 200mg / Npp 150mg Wk2-9: Test P -300mg / Npp 300Mg Wk10: Test P -200mg / Npp 150mg Wk 11: Test P- 100mg, Wk14-18: nolva 40/40/20/10 Clomid 100/50/50/25, Airimasin on hand for estrogen issues IF they pop up. However it has been discovered that the change of color is due to the metabolites leaving the body. Complete listing of all NBA Players and team rosters. just one quick question, what are the precautionary measures for liver, kidneys, cholesterol, blood pressure one shall take while on gears ? JH, Almost forgot to mention 3iu’s of hgh with that Primo /test. Ive been working out all along, 3-5 times a week and trying to maintain what i have. I’m planning my next cycle and would like your opinion: 1 – 4 weeks 30mg dbol a day 1 – 12 weeks 200mg test e p/w 1 – 12 weeks 200mg eq p/w 1 – 10 weeks 200mg deca p/w. As for aromasyn, 10mg per day will keep you really hard looking. Appreciate the suggestion, will heed. For the past year I’ve been trying to recomp my body. Looking at about between 1400 – 1800mg (low test , higher Eq , Mast or Primo ,Npp ) a week which I still think is reasonable as I know some guys doing 1000-1500 of test alone a week :/, Orals / (Think Sarms over Anabolic orals ) I think the Sarm Lgd over Tbol / Dbol kick start and Sarm S4 over Winni/Var as they are both none liver toxic , give similar benefits , can be ran longer , joint health, Provirion 50mg * feel its a great add on as it makes a person feel great and low to none liver toxic and greats a synergy with other receptors. But now I feel ready to try them. I appreciate your feedback. I got tren and deca and eq too, but health and mood is #1here. Take care!! Anyway, I was going to through some anavar in there but I’ve been off AAS for almost 5years so I thought if slowly rejoin the community. So, now I’m getting my body back to where it needs to be I’m thinking about cycling again. Honestly someone who diets hard and trains his ass off will prevail over someone half-assed using all the best compounds. Your thought on how to do it right. Sometimes I will use it on the regular but most of the time I just run through a vial after 10-12 wks without it. Age: 25 Height: 5’7 weight: 162 lbs Super lean (30inch waist atm with 6 pack) I have to atleast be in the single digits atm. 200mg Test, 200mg Deca, option 500 mg primo, PCT (HCG? Primobolan actually shows to stress the kidneys more so then most steroids, due to its rediculously high nitrogen retention. I am usually doing some type of cardio 2-3 times/week at any given time during the year. What would be your PCT for your test+primo 10weeks cycle? Me personally, that is how I’d do that cycle. I’ve been as high as 600mg per week of T and 60 mg of var but never got results like this. Exclusive coverage of Rivals Camp Series. then just trt 250 of test 2 iu of hgh. Women's basketball: Alabama vs Ole Miss, 6 p.m, CT, Watch, Listen, Live Stats. Cleveland Cavaliers guard Collin Sexton had his streak of 56 consecutive games in double-figures snapped with only four points against the Denver Nuggets. Our prices depend on the urgency of your assignment, your academic level, the course subject, and the length of the assignment. I really like your website, I am a new subscriber and I couldn’t sleep last night until I read almost all your blog posts! But I keep reading that its not a good combo and test is necessary. I also have a ton of anavar lying around but, I don’t know. Tyler Martin is a staff writer with Bama Central and has been covering the Crimson Tide since August of 2019. I think your proposed cycle looks good. What do you think? I personally don’t handle Dbol as well as I used to but when I used to run it I got serious strength and mass gains, its a good kickstart to a cycle. John I’ve been flirting with the idea of steroids for the last couple of years. All those dudes back in the day, they all used Deca and looked phenomenal!! -JD. The first thing you need to know is Masteron is something you only want to use if you’re already very lean. View player profile, bio, stats, news and video highlights. Going to get my bf checked soon. You can get very lean and look sharp while still using long chain test, you just don’t want to go too high. if not the same ? For me it all comes down to what I’m doing and what I want to spend on a cycle. My cycle was 500wk cyp, anavar 60mg ed, and masteron 250×2 wk. I’m not lean but I’m not fat. I also do about 1-2hrs of deep stretching for contortion. I am 50 y/o and I have done TRT cycles only. I would also include .5mg ed of arimadex or 12.5mg ed aromasyn (exemastaine) just to help look a little dryer. im 43 yrs old. You see, once you’ve been at this for as long as I have you’ll realize that gains pretty much come to a halt no matter if you’re using 1000mg/wk or just 200mg/wk. But its really person specific dude. It’s 90% diet!!! Thanks in advance brother if you find a couple minutes for me;), Plz suggest me a cycle for bulking I have deca, boldenone,test enath, anavar, See Straight from The Underground ebook, this will help you out a lot!! This time around Im gonna do NPP, test E, of 300mgs a ML/week but knowing most of the stuff is under dosed then usually is 200mgs or so. Hey john Ive finished a course of sust an eq ran it for 3 months i don’t want to be of long as i have a deadline to meet. in 4 weeks i went from weighing 168 to 205 and 5’9 my bench press went from 175 to 315 and i went crazy lost all my friends cuz i turned into an asshole to be around. John I totally agree and thank u as always. Remember it’s all diet!!! My body fat is 12% , My bloodwork is okay. You may have to work harder with less compound but in the end you retain it better and just feel better. yea, mast e is good too and less faked than primo is. from $ 13 page. The side effects like night sweats and becoming an asshole from it can really happen at lower dosages as well. Hey john, You are truly a fountain of knowledge and a champion. Ast and Alt are both in the 60s to 70s with high being anything above 44. John, thanks for replying! Need your help regarding following cycle WINNY/DECA/TEST. I cant wait to read far more from you. Arimadex at .5mg 3x/wk or aromasyn at 10mg/daily while dieting. 750mg cyp/week, 300 mg tren ace/week, 20 ius insulin, 50 mg anadrol ed and 120mcg clen ed. Manipulated my diet now so want to shred for summer for that harder look. of bodyweight in protein, however most people don’t want to take in 200 grams of fat a day to try and get conditioned. Actually in future cycles I’d suggest both,but for first cycle you’ll be fine with just clomid if a test only 300-600mg/wk cycle is all you’re doing, Hey john I’m running a test cyp cycle 400mg a week it’s my first one! And if propionate, how would be the administration per week. Also would be good in medical use for aids wasting disease over deca or test! A lot of cycles I don’t put it in there because it’s not a deal breaker, but if you can get it then use it. I always been stalky even before i started to lift weights. Hello again John. I stumbled across your site today and it opened my eyes. 3 Beginner Steroid Cycles That Will Pack on Muscle Fast, Old School Steroid Cycles for Bad Ass Results, Equipoise 101: All About EQ AKA Boldenone Undecylenate. yea, its only 4 weeks, you’re wasting your time, Ok Thanku Soo Much God Bless u With Health Wealth and Prosperity. Should I mix primo and masteron or stick with one? I am running 25mg 2x day proviron along with my cycle (200mg test cyp, 700mg primo, 25mg 2x day anavar) and i swear proviron puts boils on my back like nothing else. So with me, I started to wonder why the hell I was using so much and just dumping shit into my body when I could take very little and look just as good if not better, but feel better!! Can take it to red cross and most blood centers. 200 mg of test e could be done once a week, but I’ve heard it’s better to break it up into atleast twice a week. Sure, sounds like a good cycle to me actually. Currently I am running (Primo 200mg + Test P 200mg + Winstrol 100mg) EOD for 8 weeks (I’m on week 6) and I got really nice results, but I get crazy night sweats and I suspect that the Primo is faked with tren or something causes sweats, even though it was expensive! And i met a dude who introduced me to steroids i knew he had been doing them for awhile and he was older and i knew nothing about them. if using EQ kicker, go do a blood donation right before the cycle, EQ can raise red blood cell count and it can be worse as you get older. The author of this website, John Doe, is not a doctor. Was wondering which cycle from this article u would suggest ? About the best thing to use to change your physique and really keep anything off cycle is primobolan. I’ve heard of guys doing this as well, but I’m sure they’re hitting the shit out of diuretics to negate the water weight. Did you know that a healthy liver burns fat at a much faster rate? Hi John, awesome post. Like my vision is really weird. BUT, in general EQ needs a higher mg NUMBER. Would you change it any? 250mg test. Any help. Once diet is keyed in, then you will see the changes. Extra calories can convert to fat, but not extra protein. As for the shot, I’m sure it’s just sore from being new to you. Thanks JD. Proof is in the pudding dude, anyone cant write a great pep talk. I finished the test and deca 2 months ago and plan on fire things up again in another month or so. Best of luck -JD. My total daily energy expenditure is 2532kc and I am intaking 1912 (-620) which is about the limit I can stand hunger wise on a Gironda style keto diet. I have aromasin for on cycle and clomid and/or nolva for pct. Looking to lose as much fat as possible with retaining as much muscle as possible. HCG isn’t necessary but again it’s more beneficial to have it than not to have it. Clomid should be fine, if you were using anything else I’d suggest nolvadex and HCG. (3 panels done in these 10 weeks, all good.) : 400mg testosterone proprionate. These percentages I found on Internet and were confirmed by my pharmacist. Found this article and this site looking up low dose cycles. The good news is your primo is probably legit. I have understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too wonderful. I’d go with either anavar/deca/test, or “EQ kicker” either one you cannot go wrong with!! In the mentioned cycle, it’s sort of an old school kick on top of the masteron for hardening. But I would make it a point to donate blood on the regular. What are your thoughts on a cycle of test e 200mg weeks 1-16, primobolan 600mg weeks 1-16, and npp 300mg weeks 1-12. As for cholesterol, its gonna getbthrown out of wack to some degree no matter what. In weeks 13 and 14 before I start the Clomid? Thank you for the good info, not always easy the come by. This is the third installment of this story. Thanks John. Chapter 2. you also have proviron in there, I wouldnt even worry about arimadex if it were me, not on that cycle. Great “been around the block” info u give here, thank u for your time and knowledge. I AGREE ON THE OTHER PLAYERS like HALOTESTIN and TRENBALONE ACETATE on MEGADOSES. I’d like to run the cycle at normal calories, not defecit, and sup with your recommended liver pills. This will be my 6th cycle and I only run during the summer. from $ 10 page. I’m looking to do a full on bulking cycle (Im 14st 4 ounce – my aim is 18 stone) I’m thinking of doing test c 400 mg a week and deca 300mg a week. I like low test but i upped it for that reason. and is half a cc ok? Get real-time COLLEGEBASKETBALL basketball coverage and scores as LSU Tigers takes on Alabama Crimson Tide. I would keep test throughout. which dosage do you recommend for aromasin? I totally agree with you and I will follow this regimen you stated above. Then I decided to get started with my BIG cycle. I dont want to waste it and preloading pins and sticking in freezer to prolong shelf like after constitution is a pain. Thank you so much in advance. 25 years old. That’s why I’m asking if this seems like a good cycle nowadays. At some point in time I have read about Anadrol and it’s use in the last 3-4 weeks before a contest. Continue to use your test and deca in low amounts, and continue to take your aromasyn. Great post and keep up with the great info. I consistently monitor my blood pressure and heart rate. Would it work well pre contest for men’s physique?? Personally speaking, I don’t have issues with DECA dick until I get to 400mg per week. Please advise if the below cycle is good. Hey John. The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Why no dbol? I would never run Trenbolone at 500 mg/week and testosterone at 200 mg/week (not that I use it any more anyways). I’m using 200mg/wk test, 300mg/wk NPP, 50mg/day of proviron, and a little aromasyn. Has am already quite lean round 10/12 body fat as really wanted to add the masteron in my cycle to lean up and keep estro in balance and keep the bloat of and keep armidex in hand if notice sore nips etc. then which fat burner do you suggest instead of clen? I’m currently on a bit higher then trt dose 250mg/wk test enant bayeer pharma grade and added deca 250mg/wk 3 weeks ago. I honestly believe the twice/wk injection schedule for long acting test that is suggested by many to be over-exaggerated in my book. Hell no!!! I donate blood as often as I can to keep hematocrit/RBC in check. Anything you would change? Also in terms of pct would clomid be enough. My ideal look is that of 1970's Mike Mentzer. So i ended up talking the dr. into letting me come in every week to get my injection which is 1/2 cc or 100mg of test cypionate. Anyway have a show Sept 5 and have Cypionate–Deca–and Var on hand all prescriptions so its legit. Wonderful goods from you, man. just curious if you could use 250 cyp 500 to 600 of primo and 300 to 500 eq and add masteron at 300 a week for about 12 weeks. Thanks, If you aren’t on TRT a PCT is always recommended. They give thsat blood to kids you stupid FUCK!!! .25 e3d or .5 EOD if they persist. 0.5mg eod Arimidex then back to trt dose. You are very informative with helpful educated about these products. Then i started with hormone replacement injection bi-weekly i did that for a year than i got into a car wreck messed my back up had surgery. I run Arimistane 2-3 times a week to keep estrogen under control. I’m close to your stats myself, and do you know what I’m running right now? I think it’s ok, but you’re going to be feeling ill running winny those last 6 wks with no test in the mix. 50x50mg win costs me the same as 40x20mg var. also can one use tren ace at around 25 to 50 mg without sides eod. It’s been a major help to me. For starters, you only get one set of organs, so taking care of them is top priority. You can still get in excellent condition on test/eq. So its just not worth cycling heavy to me. Tnx, This is a consult question, email directly please. So my advice to you is to get on that cardio, start lowering your calories now, and then once you’ve lost 30 lbs on your own, THEN, AND ONLY THEN run something alongside your test replacement. I ende up getting arrested and going to the youth authority for 2 1/2 years where i continued to lift. cycle looks good to me, you probably don;t need caber or letrozol on those dosages, I’d just keep them on hand in case of prolactin issues which is HIGHLY, HIGHLY unlikely on that cycle. I’m planing to run Omadren 250mg wk Masteron e 400mg wk Eq 300mg wk All cycle for 8 wks long I added boldenon just for joint pain cus I’m worried as I’m doing CrossFit and last running winstrol done some damage ,what u think it’s any sense adding eq or I should stay with proviron as u show i masteron 8 wk cycle ? Going for my pro card so this one is really important for me. Bayer Schering was the last to produce it and that was in Turkey. The aromasyn will help keep you dry looking and keep any water retention off. The next issue is their choice of what anabolics to use. Hello I’m so happy I funded this site its amazing , and I always didn’t agree with people taking such a high doses of drugs , I have a question about cycle I want to do and would like to hear what u thinking about it . Do I only need 155-165 G protein per day? But if you feel better being on the safe side, go with 1/2 mg of arimadex every other day. On 200mg per wk of test my range is between 700-1200ng/dl. Thank You for your advice!!! I decided to drop the cyp to 200wk and do 60mg ed var and 400mg wk of masteron. At 3 wks out I’d drop the NPP and continue on prop until 10-14 days out. I myself would not use the clen, for the simple fact it’s basically worthless while using that much test cyp with anadrol. This is more of a re-composition plan than a sonic boom of garbage weight added on. Hey john, great blog you have going on! 65 Followers, 3 Following, 22 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 1001 Spelletjes (@1001spelletjes) I really like EQ, but my main goal with this cycle while “lean bulking” is to build strenght – heavy squat, deadlift, benchpress. BamaInsider subscribers can talk hoops here! I haven’t been sick with flue or anything for over 1 year. I’m thinking of replacing the var with 50mg win simply for cost. I don’t want to bloat or anything like that and what about hcg at the end or is that not nessasary? 1/2mg adex 3x per week should suffice. John, I never heard much about getting blends I got a Blend bottle of Test E-350 and EQ-350 …. Im looking for that hard look not that bloated huge look, im already a big guy just wanna be leaner and harder, yea man, it takes less gear than most people think…it really doesn’t take much. One question, in the world of legal Pro hormones what can you loosley suggest as i do not have a guy to turn to for starting a normal cycle.