apo refractor telescope for astrophotography

In late 2011, early 2012, I invested in an Explore Scientific ED80 Triplet APO refractor. Can’t wait for some clear skies here in N.E. If you’re getting started in deep-sky astrophotography, I believe that a compact apochromatic (APO) refractor telescope is the best possible choice. It looks capable enough in the picture, so what’s wrong with starting your astrophotography adventure with a Newtonian Reflector, Schmidt-Cassegrain, or a Ritchey–Chrétien? If you want to take anything more than ‘snaps’ of the night sky, you’ll want to invest in a camera that is capable of taking long-exposure photographs. Your email address will not be published. Grab 'n go portability: The Altair 70 EDT-F Triplet APO is a great "grab 'n go" portable telescope-kit for visual observing or astro-photography. The pixel scale is around 2.2 which is not in the ideal range, but I also want it to work well with the Newtonian if I decide to use it of course. The image of these APOs is … The Orion 9836 120mm f/5.0 Refractor Telescope is a great low-cost option. two out of the three challenges become more difficult if you’re not using a wide-field refractor to start. The barrel is a compact 12” long. This can help to offset a little bit of the cost of this high-end telescope. This category of deep-sky objects includes some of the most iconic wonders in space, and you could spend a lifetime capturing them. The problem with this old Meade telescope was that it was not a great type of telescope to start with. The Orion EON Triplet APO Refractor Telescope is an amazing triplet telescope. And how much you have to pay for the same refractor aperture for astrophotography? This telescope is a good balance. This telescope is a doublet APO; for this price, you’re not going to find a better telescope. Thanks for all your informative articles. There are minimal distortions, and the color is true across the whole field. However, it is an ideal telescope for astrophotography. The following list of apochromatic refractor telescopes have all produced exceptional results for me personally, so I feel comfortable recommending them. It’s sometimes described as being the speed of the OTA. The scope has an f/ratio of f/7.5. The corrector plate helps you collect images with less coma than a traditional reflector design. This scope is quite light at only 3kg, although it is on the longer side. I have a 72mm WO apo & wouldn’t sell it for the world. For comparison, my William Optics Zenithstar 73 refractor has a focal length of 430mm. Sandy is an experienced STEM educator, having spent a decade teaching Physics. This focuser can manage a multi-part interpreting structure with no image altering. Make sure you invest in the appropriate field flattener for your refractor, as this extra glass lens will help flatten the field of view to the very edges of your picture. In the astrophotography world, you never want to have your telescope rig reach the weight limits of your telescope mount. Telescopes with long focal lengths tend to have smaller fields of view. However, if you want to get detailed pictures of the sky, you need to use either a camera with a telephoto lens or a telescope with a camera mounted to it. So in astrophotography, aperture size needs to be balanced with focal length. I didn’t need to worry about creating a mosaic to fit the entire object in the frame. In my experience, a compact, wide-field refractor offers an improved user experience over the other telescope types during the acquisition stages of astrophotography. This versatile and reliable rig does not come at the expense of performance either. However, you will easily notice the large jump in the number of celestial objects you can now see. The best long focal length telescopes to capture deep-sky objects (to capture even the smallest details of small objects like planetary nebulae and galaxies) are Ritchey-Chretien. I started out about two years ago with an 8″ Newtonian reflector (f=1000mm) and HEQ5-Pro, which is close to being maxed out if I use auto guiding gear. Required fields are marked *. Orion EON Triplet APO Refractor Telescope. The sturdy build, low maintenance design and it’s relatively affordable pricing at around $350 – $400 makes its a solid scope for anyone looking to take images of the deep sky whilst retaining the benefits of a refractor telescope. It is light, small, and has a relatively fast focal ratio of f/6. Thanks, Jeffrey. However, its design does mean that it still delivers a reasonably low level of chromatic aberration. For starters, it was rather heavy and difficult to balance. The Sky-Watcher Esprit line of refractors is a step up, with the Esprit 100 Super APO (Triplet) being my most used refractor of all time. Telescope(OTA) For Budget Astrophotography. It can, however, be a very rewarding one. The build quality is excellent and includes a robust and smooth focuser. Will be using with an un- modified canon 80D . The double lenses do mean that you will get much less chromatic aberration than you would with other comparable achromatic reflectors. The mount is an Alt-Az model. This creates a challenging situation in terms of balance, especially when using a heavy, full-frame DSLR camera. This normally requires a third lens element in the objective. “The Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia using a William Optics RedCat 51 APO.” Astrophotography is just a posh name for taking pictures of the night sky. A 1.25-inch adapter is also included along with it. Given the ASI294 camera has 4/3 sensor it would seem to me that a lot of light would be wasted falling outside the sensor footprint? That’s a pretty good speed for this type of telescope. This is one sweet telescope for astrophotography or visual use. This is a good second option if you are looking for a budget scope for wide-field deep-sky astrophotography. There is an extra challenge with balancing a newtonian, as I have to rotate the telescope within the mounting rings. It does not take up very much space in my vehicle and can be re-assembled quickly. I eventually upgraded to a 200mm/8″ newtonian reflector, a huge tube with mirrors on a wooden tripod with heavy equatorial mount & manual controls. This glass reduces the spread of light as it passes through it. Every telescope lens has a serial number represented on the optical test report - your guarantee of top optical quality. If you’re looking to photograph the planets, a compact refractor is not for you. They are also easier to focus and tend to be lighter and more portable. Perfect For Astrophotography. It is fully coated, so you get maximum light transmission for the aperture size. Explore Scientific FirstLight AR102 EXOS Refractor Telescope. However, Newtonians require regular collimation and adjustments to avoid coma and perform at their best. The generally agreed-upon best option is a DSLR camera. The Sky-Watcher Esprit 80mm ED Triplet APO is a superior, average price, wide-field refractor; false color is absolutely removed, accommodates irregular variation and better sharpness for astrophotography. It is the perfect size to serve as a grab and go scope. DSLR Astrophotography Tracking Mounts. Even if the pointing accuracy of my computerized equatorial telescope mount was off, I could usually find my intended deep-sky target within the field-of-view of my first slew. It doesn’t come with many accessories, so every cent is going towards the quality of this high-quality telescope. There is hardly any chromatic aberration. The weight of my camera would put stress on the objective end of the optical tube. I also go out with the telescope, but I spent most of the time on the balcony. This telescope comes with everything you need to get started in astrophotography; it’s an ideal telescope for a beginner. This is not at all surprising as it’s an achromatic refractor. This works well as a scope for beginners because it comes loaded with 4 hours of audio commentary. Dose a doublet allow more light then a triplet for a quad? An Alt-Az mount does not have a fixed field. If you’re planning to take pictures of brighter objects, like the sun and moon, then you get by with a larger f/ratio. The telescope is about the same size as a telephoto camera lens (39cm / 2.85kg) with dew-shield retracted, so it will easily fit in your camera bag. If I plan to shoot HAlpha, O3, etc, independently, using a monochrome camera, a low cost achromatic refractor should perform just as well as an expensive APO. The scope doesn’t come with a finderscope, but there is a dovetail bracket for easy attachment of a scope of your choice. For beginners who are looking for their first telescope, it may not be worth getting anything more than a standard telescope. This is a behind-the-scenes look at the latest AstroBackyard Podcast. This results in a fixed field. This telescope is suited for viewing both planetary and deep-sky objects as well as for astrophotography. The downside is that it’s hard to get a precise focus. ED APO doublet and triplet refractors from 80mm to 150mm apertures including Evostar, Evolux and Esprit ranges. I often see newcomers to deep-sky astrophotography starting with a telescope that will make an already-challenging hobby even more difficult. Like a traditional Newtonian telescope, the focuser is placed near the front of the optical tube to collect light from the secondary mirror. An apochromatic refractor will perform much better in terms of photography than its less expensive achromat counterpart. Hi Trevor, Starting to worry now, having purchased a Skywatcher Mak 127, 1500fl as I already have a full sensor DSLR 20K ish pixels and it may have taken me down the wrong path. The reason I call this an “investment” is that not only did this telescope reward with me with my best images to date, but quality glass hold their value quite well. The focal ratio of a telescope is found by dividing the focal length by the aperture size. (I think I would have given up!). Sky-Watcher EvoStar 72 APO refractor telescope is a tube-only system with a finder shoe bracket, tube rings and a small Vixen-style mounting bar, along with a dual-speed Crayford anti-backlash focuser. This allows you to get the focusing knobs in whichever alignment you find the most comfortable. It comes with split hinged tube rings and a Vixen-style dovetail plate. If you’re going to get into astrophotography, then you want to know you’re using the right kit. By adding the extra layers of glass, you are able to decrease the amount of chromatic aberration. “The strict definition of apochromatism is having three wavelengths of light focusing to the same point. Owning a 6″ Newtonian and a 71mm APO, I fully agree with your views. It’s not the best you can find at only 1.39 arcseconds. Excellent color correction. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afb9ed57c7da4d8a5b4e7660318ba89d" );document.getElementById("e68c03f586").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); William Optics Zenithstar 73 F/5.9 Doublet APO (FPL-53). When choosing a refractor telescope for astrophotography, ensure that it is an apochromatic optical design, not an achromat. This is a large aperture, fast telescope that excels at wide field photography. From the beginning, my goal was to capture deep-sky images of nebulae and galaxies. The quality is a big factor as well. “The Pleiades in Taurus using a William Optics RedCat 51 APO.” It’s a great mid-range option. If you are looking for a combination of a large aperture and quality optics, then this is going to be the best telescope on our list for you. She is so passionate about science that one science degree wasn’t enough and she decided to complete a second part-time, while working. Currently I use a Canon 550D with Tamron zoom and HEQ5Pro. Because of the ED glass used, it also performs really well when you push the magnification. That means that the native focal length of the telescope decides the field-of-view (FOV) and scale of the objects you shoot. Essentially it’s a catadioptric telescope that combines elements from both the Schmidt camera and the Newtonian reflector. How come this fact is not mentioned more often? The scope features an ED Schott glass, which is rare in many professional telescopes. I am searching for a great scope to do a bit of both – without having to purchase two separate scopes for a ton of money. This will then have an impact on your pictures. Looking back, a compact refractor telescope would have made my life a lot easier at the time. This telescope is a doublet and contains one ED lens. If I have the telescope pointing at Polaris and I am behind the telescope looking at Polaris, I can’t have the weight of the camera, guide camera, etc. It is a lot cheaper than an apochromatic. This means you will have a much better final result. If you want to image the planets and have fine resolution on the moon, you will want a telescope with a large aperture and long focal length. If you’re hunting for a telescope with the best quality image and the minimal amount of chromatic aberration, then this is the best telescope for astrophotography for your needs. A portable deep-sky imaging setup with a 73mm refractor telescope. Great post as always! The Orion 9895 Refractor Telescope is, in essence, a well-made yet basic doublet. Orion Sirius 8 EQ-G GoTo. For most astrophotographers, a good quality doublet will tread the line between the cost and quality of the image. It has to move with all your kit attached, so it’s worth checking it can carry the weight you need it to. Haha I mounted the Meade LXD55 SN6 to a Celestron CG-5 (Advanced Series GT) computerized telescope mount. The best type of telescope for astrophotography will vary greatly depending on the type of imaging you want to do. The Evoguide 72 is a great beginner refracting astrophotography telescope. This high-end amateur scope offers great deep-sky views as well as crystal clear views of solar system objects. Extra magnification can be great for pulling in small targets, but it’s also more demanding on aspects such as pointing accuracy, tracking, and focus. The Sky Watcher EvoStar 100 APO Doublet Refractor is not the right choice for a very first telescope. My first successful image of the Andromeda Galaxy (July, 2012). This is a really nice telescope for any astrophotographer who wants to have the choice of taking deep sky images as well as getting great high magnification shots of more local celestial bodies, like the moon and the planets. If you’re new to astronomy, you can ask the telescope to suggest objects to view and learn about them as you do. https://nineplanets.org/guide/best-telescope-for-astrophotography I see that my earlier message needed some time to progress. A recent photo of NGC 7822 captured using a color camera and a 100mm refractor. However, this comes with a much steeper price tag. There is a lot of factors involved in telescope's image quality: design (achro/apo/petzval, with/wo flattener, etc. However, it’s a great scope for wide field deep-sky astrophotography. The focal ratio is the number that highlights this balance. The Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia using a William Optics RedCat 51 APO. This 110mm aperture telescope is made with an ED glass lens, offering fantastic true-color views of the night sky. Being a beginner, I had my heart set on capturing some of the most iconic deep-sky objects like the Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy, and the Pleiades star cluster. You’ll also need to confirm that the mounting hardware will allow you to mount the telescope to your equatorial mount, and add additional accessories such as a guide scope and camera for autoguiding. The Sky-Watcher EvoStar 80ED has been an extremely popular choice for amateur astrophotography enthusiasts for years. In these devices, the main objective lens is made from more than one piece of glass. There is a rack and pinion style. Astrophotography is not an easy or low-cost hobby. Hey Trevor, this was a nice article (as always) and very welcome at the moment. There are a large number of accessories that can come with a telescope that can be beneficial for astrophotography. The Orion 09565 EON is an apochromatic refractor telescope. I’ve had wonderful experiences using apochromatic refractors from Explore Scientific, William Optics, Meade, and Sky-Watcher. From my first experiences with the Explore Scientific ED80 to the massive Sky-Watcher Esprit 150 Super APO, refractors are my number one choice for astrophotography. In the Orion ED80 Apo Refractor, images appear extremely sharp with no false color. A computerized mount will allow you to automatically track stars.