The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is a Russia-led military alliance of seven former Soviet states that was created in 2002. C) The realist idea of deterrence requires the existence of a hegemon,while liberal ideas of collective security do not. NEWS ANALYSIS: President Biden and his administration plan a leftward shift in U.S. national security strategy while adopting some America … The guarantee of protection is unequivocal and is not limited to a specific enemy. . The theory behind establishing the U.S. alliance system was that building the capabilities of like-minded states and creating a network of collective defense arrangements would more … Outline of Lecture 10: Security Dilemma 1. . B) Collective security requires a balance of power,while realist ideas of deterrence do not. Balance of Power Alliances are Definite, Collective Security Cooperation is General: The alliances which go with the balance of power are aimed at a specific potential enemy. Collective security arrangements have always been conceived as being global in scope; this is in fact a defining characteristic, distinguishing them from regional alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.Both the League of Nations and the United Nations were founded on the principle of collective security.. In effect, the alliance now needed to manage not one but two core missions: collective defense and “out of area” security tasks ranging from crisis response to … Reassurance and other states a) friendly satisfied powers (Europe, Canada) b) implacable enemies (al Qaeda) c) potential revisionists (USSR, China) 2. D) There are no similarities at all between the liberal theory of collective security … 4. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY. The CSTO’s purpose is to ensure the collective defence of any member that faces external aggression. The end of the Cold War provided hope, in the context of a “new world order,” of a revitalisation of the UN and the rebirth of collective security, as witnessed during the First Gulf War (1990-1991) where the use of force against Iraq was legitimized by a resolution adopted by the Security Council. . As Glenn Snyder explains, “alliances are formal associations of states for the use (or nonuse) of military force, in specified circumstances, against states outside their own membership . 47 This distinguishes collective security from alliances. Collective Security system is aimed at any aggressor state that may be in any part of the world. The Collective Security Treaty Organization, formed under the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, serves as a mutual defense alliance among Russia, Belarus, Armenia and … THE THEORY OF COLLECTIVE SECURITY AND ITS LIMITATIONS IN EXPLAINING INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS BY LAWRENCE MWAGWABI MA DIPLOMACY Claude Jr., notes that the idea that a peaceful and stable world order can be maintained without the benefit of a collective security system has been seen by most persons concerned with international organization … It is a system of general agreement and cooperation. Set forth below is a list of U.S. collective defense arrangements and the parties thereto:.