English speakers borrowed the word from Middle French, which in turn acquired it from Latin proximitat-, proximitas, forms of the adjective proximus, meaning "nearest" or "next." Near majority. nondum : not yet nonnisi : not? What does the South African term foefie slide mean? nos : we / WE live and die by that creed. Minors who were near the age of majority had difficulty arguing that a contracting party had taken advantage of their age and inexperience. Original Description: Say, T. 1823. in Edwin James, Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains…under the command of Major Stephen H. Long. It competes with Mobistar, owned by Orange S.A., and BASE, a subsidiary of Dutch KPN. si taedio viarum ac maris finem cupiant, hac acie parari: Illis vero haud paucis clericis, qui, usque Romam commigrare nequeant, vos itidem in praeclara, But since in many cases it has been impossible to send your students to Rome, you have worked solicitously to find an asylum in the hospitality of a great, Nero trepidus et interficiendae matris avidus non prius differri potuit, quam Burrus necem eius promitteret, si facinoris coargueretur; sed cuicumque, nedum parenti defensionem tribuendam; nec accusatores adesse, sed vocem unius [et] ex inimica domo adferri: reputare[t] tenebras et vigilatam convivio noctem omniaque temeritati et inscitiae, "Nero, in his bewilderment and impatience to destroy his mother, could not be put off till Burrus answered for her death, should she be convicted of the crime, but ""any one,"" he said, ""much more a parent, must be allowed a defence. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, Cum iam non longe a castris Scipionis abesset, quae eum necesse erat praetergredi, Labienus Afraniusque cum omni equitatu levique armatura ex insidiis adorti agmini eius extremo se offerunt atque ex collibus, As he drew near Scipio's camp, by which he was obliged to pass, Labienus and Afranius, who lay in ambuscade among the, He directed that the territories of the Ubii and, Hoc proelio trans Rhenum nuntiato, Suebi, qui ad ripas Rheni venerant, domum reverti coeperunt; quos ubi qui, This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine, the Suevi, who had come to the banks of that river, began to return home, when the Ubii, who dwelt. The terms proximal from latin proximus meaning nearest and distal from latin distare meaning to stand away from are used to describe parts of a feature that are close to or distant from the main mass of the body respectively. There are also several similar words to Proximal in our dictionary, which are Adjacent, Close, Contiguous, Direct, Firsthand, Nearby, Nearest, Nigh, Recent, Primary and Proximate. During the Roman Republic, dux could refer to anyone who commanded troops including foreign leaders, but was not a formal military rank. Six months after launch, 5G is available at 110 different sites in 62 cities and municipalities, mainly in Flanders, with a … proximus (feminine proxima, neuter proximum, positive prope); first/second declension. [prox from “proximus”, latin adjective for near, “vir” from masculine latin … • ETYMOLOGY. 1 : situated close to : proximate. See also -issimus. (obsolete) Next; immediately preceding or following. In geology, usage dates from the 1940s. Define proximo. Carey and Lea, Philadelphia. proxumus; Origin & history From Proto-Indo-European *prokʷism̥mos‎, from *prokʷe (whence prope). Found 0 sentences matching phrase "proximis".Found in 0 ms. proximus sum egomet mihi I am my nearest neighbor (or nearest of kin); also, I am my own best friend (Terence) qui se ultro morti offerant, facilius reperiuntur, quam qui dolorem patienter ferant Dux (/ dʌks, dʊks /; plural: ducēs) is Latin for "leader" (from the noun dux, ducis, "leader, general") and later for duke and its variant forms (doge, duce, etc.). proximus: from the Latin proximus, meaning ‘nearest, next’. a piece of flavoured ice or ice cream on a stick; a rope with a suspended handle or pulley enabling a person to slide between two points; a dance move popular in the sixties The website aims to publish all wordlists, big and small, on the internet, making it much easier to … 2 : next to or nearest the point of attachment or origin, a central point, or the point of view especially : located toward the center of the body — compare … Comperi quid Thomas proxima nocte fecisset. 34. nonnullus : some / pl. proximal: proximal (English) Origin & history From Latin proximus‎, superlative form of prope‎ ("near, nigh"). The sub specific names are derived as follows: oraTius, from the Latin oraTius, of the coast; rubTilineatus, from the Latin ruber, red, and the Latin lineatus, marked with lines; diabolicus, from the Greek diabolikos, devilish, an allusion to the forked pattern of the Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License majorennitati proximus (may-j[schwa]r-en-[schwa]-tay-tIprok-s[schwa]-m[ schwa]s). From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, … Eng.) Latin → English  Legal definition for PROXIMITY: Kindred between two persons. According to a user from California, U.S., the name Proximus is of Latin origin and means "The next". Proxvir is a gender identity created by Tumblr user wulfgendur in 2016. 442 pp. Etymology: Thamnophis – thamnos (Greek) meaning shrub, bush; ophio (Greek) meaning serpent, reptile; proximus – (Latin) meaning nearest. Latin–English dictionary English translation of the Latin word proximus. See also -issimus. This page provides all possible translations of the word Proximus in the Latin language. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Proximus, also known as Belgacom Mobile, is the largest of Belgium's three mobile telecommunications companies. Proximus is the first and only operator in Belgium to have launched a public 5G network. I found out what Tom was doing last night. What does proxime mean? Herimann, cap. latin-ancient Asinius quoque, quamquam propioribus temporibus natus sit, videtur mihi inter Menenios et Appios studuisse. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. proximo synonyms, proximo pronunciation, proximo translation, English dictionary definition of proximo. Encyclo.co.uk, online since 2007, is a search engine for English meanings and definitions. nonnumquam : sometimes. proximus (feminine proxima, neuter proximum, positive prope); first/second declension, proximus m (genitive proximī); second declension, Second-declension noun..mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .corner-header,.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .number-header,.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .case-header{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .corner-header,.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .number-header{background-color:#549EA0}.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .case-header{background-color:#40E0D0}.mw-parser-output .inflection-table-la .form-cell{background-color:#F8F8FF}, Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=proximus&oldid=59121061, Latin terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European, Latin terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Latin terms with Ecclesiastical IPA pronunciation, Latin masculine nouns in the second declension, Latin words in Meissner and Auden's phrasebook, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894). Thus the upper arm in humans is proximal and the hand is distal. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, ... Word Origin late 15th cent. several. [Law Latin] Scots law. Children who are four years of age on or before March 1 of that year, may register in Kindergarten for the upcoming school year. See more. First/second-declension adjective. Archaic Of or in the following month. From proximus (“closest, nearest”) and egomet (“myself, I”) and mihi (“to me”) the dative of ego (“I”). Accusers there were none, Sabinus quos in praesentia tribunos militum circum se habebat et primorum ordinum centuriones se sequi iubet et, cum, Sabinus orders those tribunes of the soldiers whom he had at the time around him, and the centurions of the first ranks, to follow him, and when he had approached, Haec experimenta protrahi possunt usque ad, These experiments can be prolonged until the, Hoc itaque considerationum nostrarum loco decet, At this point of our considerations, we shall have to draw, Quod fratres a senatu Haeduos appellatos diceret, non se tam barbarum neque tam imperitum esse rerum ut non sciret neque bello Allobrogum, As for Caesar's saying that the Aedui had been styled 'brethren' by the senate, he was not so uncivilized nor so ignorant of affairs, as not to know that the Aedui in the very, Ratio est haec institutionalis – dici potest etiam politica – caritatis, quae non minus est praestabilis efficaxque quam caritas quae ipsum, This is the institutional path — we might also call it the political path — of charity, no less excellent and effective than the kind of charity which encounters the, Cardinalis Camerarius atque tres Cardinales pro tempore Assistentes obligatione tenentur ut vigilent diligenter, ne de omnibus in Sacello Sixtino peractis silentium ullo pacto violetur, ubi suffragia feruntur, nec non, The Cardinal Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants pro tempore are obliged to be especially vigilant in ensuring that there is abso- lutely no violation of secrecy with regard to the events occurring in the Sistine Chapel, where the voting takes place, and in the, It was with the Second Vatican Council that, in the broadest sense of the term, the, nec mora proelio: sed acies ita instructa ut pars classicorum mixtis paganis in collis mari. non : not. adv. My sister will be thirteen years old next summer. From Proto-Indo-European *prokʷism̥mos, from *prokʷe (whence prope). nearest, next; adjoining; Declension . Soror mea proxima aestate tredecim annos nata erit. Asinius too, though born in a time nearer our own, seems to have studied with the Menenii and Appii. (adjective) proximis translation in Latin-English dictionary. In the blog post, they describe proxvir as “a gender relative to male, but is something separate and entirely on it’s own. Search for more names by meaning. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Proximus to us below Strengthening Proximus’ leading position in mobile networks. ? Showing page 1. The conflict commenced without delay, the enemy's line of battle being so arranged, that part of the levies from the fleet, who had a number of rustics among their ranks, were posted on the slope of the hills which border on the coast, the Praetorians fully occupying the level ground between the hills and the shore, while on the sea was the fleet, moored to the land and ready for action, drawn up in line so as to present a formidable front. Literally meaning "the closest one to me is me myself", "I am the one who is closest to myself" or "I myself am closest to myself". pursuing, following, subsequent, next in … Pronunciation (Brit. Proximus est sui nemo antecedit, supremus est quem nemo sequitur. sequens adjective. The specific name proximus is Latin, mean­ ing nearest or next. The one spoke of the greatness of Rome, the resources of Caesar, the dreadful punishment in store for the vanquished, the ready mercy for him who surrenders, and the fact that neither Arminius's wife nor his son were treated as enemies; the other, of the claims of fatherland, of ancestral freedom, of the gods of the homes of Germany, of the mother who shared his prayers, that Flavus might not choose to be the deserter and betrayer rather than the ruler of his, ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris, fictions meant to please should approximate the truth. English words for proximus include nearest, next, near, past and ensuing. : from French proximité, from Latin proximitas, from proximus ‘nearest’. proximus Latin Discuss this Proximus English translation with the community: Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com! 38, 16, 8. Definition of proximity noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Latin English; quisque sibi proximus: everyone is nearest to himself: a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult: no one likes to be surpassed by those of his own level (Livy) ad mala quisque animum referat sua: let each recall his own woes (Ovid) adhuc neminem cognovi poëtam, qui sibi non optimus videretur A number of other languages, including Catalan, Portuguese, and Italian, derived similar words from Latin proximus. This page was last edited on 10 April 2020, at 12:40. Magister per parabolam boni Samaritani respondet; quae parabola cardo est ad intellegendum, The Teacher replies with the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is critical for fully understanding the commandment of love of, Amor inter virum et mulierem in matrimonio et, ratione inde manante et amplificata, am or inter ipsius familiae participes — inter parentes ac filios, inter fratres et sorores, inter, The love between husband and wife and, in a derivatory and broader way, the love between members of the same family-between parents and children, brothers and sisters and, Puer quinque annos natus praeceptum ex patre accipere coepit, atque. This is the meaning of proximus: proximus (Latin) Alternative forms. Dig. Ecclesia vivendo recolit eius mysterium indeque sine ulla fatigatione haurit; immo assidue quaerit vias, quibus idem sui Magistri et Domini mysterium, The Church lives his mystery, draws unwearyingly from it and continually seeks ways of bringing this mystery of her Master and Lord, Exim diversi ordiantur, hic magnitudinem Romanam, opes Caesaris et victis gravis poenas, in deditionem venienti paratam clementiam; neque coniugem et filium eius hostiliter haberi: ille fas patriae, libertatem avitam, penetralis Germaniae deos, matrem precum sociam; ne, Then began a controversy.