These mysterious black monoliths, now known to have been created by the Necrons millions of standard years ago to hold back the psychic influence of the Warp that was so feared by their C'tan masters, dot the landscape of Cadia. Cadia Primus was half-drowned, its forested mountainsides now isolated islands scattered across a new ocean. The official teaser trailer for the 2019 family fantasy film Cadia: The World Within, starring Corbin Bernsen, James Phelps, Nicky Buggs, Rick Montgomery Jr, John Wells, and many more. Unfortunately, the Despoiler had barely begun to fight. The great killing fields of Tyrok, site of Creed's ascension to the rank of Lord Castellan, split asunder and vanished into magma-lit gloom, swallowed by the world's torment. They blew over a world forever altered. Early in the 32nd Millennium, soon after the planet's resettlement, during the first of the Black Crusades, most of the Cadian kasrs were destroyed by the Chaos invasion. Thus Cadia had an odd mix of dense urban areas and vast open tundras and other natural landscapes unspoiled by the hand of Humanity. Cadia: The World Within (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Big Tex Trailer World carries great trailer brands including Big Tex Trailers, CM Trailers, CM Truck Beds, Commander Trailers, Look Trailers, Pace Trailers, Master Tow Dollies, Wells Cargo and many more. Orbiting at a distance of 1.32AU from its sun, Cadia was the fourth planet of the Cadian System. Cadia, officially known as Cadia Prime, was a terrestrial, Earth-like planet originally classified as the Imperium of Man's most important Fortress World by the Administratum before its destruction and consumption by the Immaterium in 999.M41. Cadia was known to have at least three major landmasses, the continents of Cadia Primus, Cadia Secundus and Cadia Tertius. The landing party, led by Lorgar, was greeted by a large number of barbaric human tribes, tribes described as "dressed in rags and wielding spears tipped by flint blades...yet they showed little fear." Those beneath the vast impact site perished first, super-heated wind roaring in their ears before it seared flesh from bone, and reduced bone to scattered ash. God’s World, God’s Rules is a documentary that presses those questions by showing how godless ideologies are influencing evangelical thought and life. (2019) 80 min | Family, Fantasy. Last Defence of Cadia (13th Black Crusade). Trailer announcing the 6/30/19 World Premiere of Cadia: The World Within. Cadian regiments are consistently on average the most well-disciplined and most effective in the entire Astra Militarum. The world's dangerous proximity to the Eye of Terror made it necessary for the people of Cadia to heavily fortify the planet. Affiliation Population Cadia: The World Within Indie fantasy film starring Corbin Bernsen, James Phelps, and more. During their journey through Cadia and fight to get home, the three teenagers learn about “grace, love, doubt, and the nature of good versus evil” values that Potter fans will surely find familiar. The birth rate and the military recruitment rate are synonymous. Within the Eye time flows differently than in realspace. See the official release trailer and see Cadia: The World Within on Amazon Prime, Vudu, and more starting September 15, 2020 across the United States. Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 38 – The 13th Black Crusade, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 39 – Resurrection. A woman emerged from the crowd and addressed the Primarch directly, calling him Lorgar Aurelian and welcoming him to Cadia. Rival warlords, both mortal and daemonic, clashed over the spoils of victories not yet won. Ursarkar E. Creed was discovered as a young, orphaned boy in the burning ruins of Kasr Gallan by soldiers of the 8th Cadian Regiment following the horrors of a Chaos attack upon Cadia. Cadia: The World Within has been in the works for a number of years. The troops of the Interior Guard were amongst the most skilled fighting men in the Imperium, the equal of many other worlds' Imperial Guard regiments. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Added to Watchlist. Perhaps as a result of the Eye of Terror's proximity, this later population of Cadians also soon developed the unusual violet-coloured eyes that had marked the first human inhabitants of the planet. Prompted by the so-called Pilgrimage of the Primarch Lorgar of the Word Bearers Legion to discover whether or not the Gods once worshipped by adherents of the Old Faith of the Word Bearers' homeworld of Colchis actually existed, Lorgar journeyed with his Word Bearers Legion's Chapter of the Serrated Sun to what was then the fringes of known Imperial space as part of the 1301st Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade. Urkanthos led a massive horde of Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Cultists and daemons against Kasr Kraf, the Cadian fortress-city that represented the primary centre of Imperial resistance. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Their leader was the indomitable Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed, the saviour of Cadia and a hero of the 13th Black Crusade. After this humiliation Lorgar, on the advice of his First Captain Kor Phaeron and the Word Bearers First Chaplain Erebus, decided to undertake a Pilgrimage to discover if the Gods worshipped by the ancient Old Faith of Colchis were real and worthy of the Word Bearers' faith and allegiance. Imperial fortifications on Cadia keep a very vigilant watch on the Eye of Terror. Cadia: The World Within Official Release Trailer. Whatever the reason, the defenders of the Cadian Gate resolved to uphold the virtues of its lost lynchpin world come what may. Temperature / Climate Cadian Sector [1a] The planet's surface played host to a variety of terrain types, from frozen tundras and wind-swept moorlands to axel-tree forests. Cadia's earliest kasrs had been built in the High Terran Style, with the wide streets laid out on a grid system. Right in the heart of everything! Available on Amazon Prime, Vudu, and Dish across the US on September 15. Many notable Imperial Navy battlefleets protected the surrounding systems of the Cadian Gate by constantly patrolling the space lanes around the Eye of Terror, always vigilant for Chaos raiders or another approaching Black Crusade. Even the identity of the pylons' creators was shrouded in mystery. Cadia was always the first target of the Warmaster of Chaos Abaddon the Despoiler's Black Crusades. The broad, ordered avenues of the kasrs had proven impossible to hold or defend. Clutching only a service pistol and a tattered copy of "De Gloria Macharius," that hard-eyed boy refused to speak of the atrocities he had witnessed at the time, and even now almost never speaks of it. Writer and director Cedric Gegel first got the idea for the movie while backstage at a musical, and after two years of writing, he had a completed story to tell.After a year of debuting the movie at film festivals across the United States, Gegel revealed just how excited he is for a wider audience to see his passion project. Many of the surviving Traitors were put to the sword, but the majority of the Traitor Legions escaped into the great Warp rift known as the Eye of Terror in the Segmentum Obscurus, a region of space where reality and the insanity of Chaos collide as the raw psychic energy of the Immaterium pours into real space-time. After some initial distrust, the Celestinians were ultimately taken by the Ultramarines who called Ultramar home to the rea… In the wake of the kinetic strike by the ruins of the Blackstone Fortress Will of Eternity the Eye of Terror envelops Cadia as the planet rips itself apart. This place breeds recidivists like a pond breeds scum. Fundraiser for a fantasy-feature film that will be produced in Columbus, OH. English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体) Some 40 standard years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Cadia was a world inhabited by a primitive race of violet-eyed humans who worshipped the four Chaos Gods, probably a remnant of Mankind that had turned to the Ruinous Powers during the hardships of the Age of Strife. Cadia: The World Within - Devastated by the loss of their mother, three teenagers discover a mystical realm ruled by unseen forces. These RVs range from small lightweight units under 20 feet weighing less than 2,500 pounds to large travel trailers of more than 40 feet. Cold winds howled across wide, sundered plains where armies trained with live ammunition and every solar day not spent training was believed to be a day wasted. Phelps stars as Tanion, a character … English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体) Following the Siege of Terra that ended the Horus Heresy with Horus' death and the interment of the Emperor of Mankind in the Golden Throne, the defeated Traitor Legions and their allied forces among the Imperial Army and the Dark Mechanicum fled from Terra. The pylon field's beam of dark light cast outwards into the void flickered as the monoliths fell. Devastated by the loss of their mother, three teenagers discover a mystical realm ruled by unseen forces. Within the Eye of Terror, the Chaos Gods rule over uncounted numbers of planets, all warped to reflect their own dark aspects. This society was encountered by the then-still-Loyalist Word Bearers Legion 40 Terran years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, and the prevalence of violet eyes amongst the populace was seen as a mark of mutation caused by the proximity of the Eye of Terror, which also appears violet in the visible light spectrum. They must attempt to work together and overcome evil to return home. This is the Gate of the Eye! For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Some of our favorites stars share the women's stories that they turn to for inspiration and motivation during Women's History Month and beyond. Once Cawl successfully activated the pylon network and cut off the access of the assaulting Chaos forces to the Warp -- even the Eye of Terror began to shrink as it was struck by the pylons' anti-psychic emissions -- Abaddon abandoned his desire to crush Cadia's defenders personally. Food offers simple pleasures and we believe in taking joy in each meal. The Chaos Space Marines regrouped and nurtured their hatred of the Imperium, planning for the day when they would wreak a terrible vengeance on those who had defied them and their foul masters. The continent of Cadia Tertius was gone, obliterated by fire and drowned beneath howling seas. Later, Ingethel of Cadia would lead the 1301st Fleet's scout vessel Orfeo's Lament into the Eye of Terror and thus change the Word Bearers forever as they were exposed to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos and slowly corrupted, the first of the Legiones Astartes to worship the Chaos Gods and become Traitors to the Emperor. The crimson maelstrom of the Eye of Terror pulsed anew, and reached out to embrace sundered Cadia. The fall of Cadia represented a once-unimaginable triumph for the servants of the Dark Gods, and the Eye of Terror began to slowly expand without limit, opening Abaddon the Despoiler's coveted Crimson Path to Terra and creating the Great Rift that soon divided the Imperium in half. Some of the exhausted Loyalists rallied and gave chase, but most remained on Terra to consolidate their great victory over the forces of Chaos. He made His displeasure known to Lorgar about the Word Bearers spreading the religion of Emperor-worship to every world they brought into the Imperium, in direct contravention of the rationalist, atheist philosophy of the Imperial Truth. This formed the one and only predictable passage between the Chaos-infested Daemon Worlds of the Eye of Terror and Terra. The storm raged for solar minutes that seemed eternities, and then fell away into hurricane winds. Their origins remained mysterious to the Imperium until the time of the 13th Black Crusade. The planet was slightly cooler than most human-settled worlds but not to the point that it adversely affected growing conditions. None (Currently) Ursarkar E. Creed (Formerly; currently MIA) Cadia! Forests that had been old when Humanity first settled Cadia burned away in the briefest of moments. Several of the extras in the high school scenes are actually film students at Johnstown-Monroe High School, where filming took place. Film trailers are excluded here. The landing force was comprised of Imperial Army, Word Bearers, Adeptus Custodes and Legiones Cybernetica elements. The seepage of evil is so great, I have a hundred active cults to subdue every month! Abaddon the Despoiler led the final assault force against Cadia in person. Dead World (Currently) Daemon World (Currently) Fortress World (Formerly) When Urkanthos was slain in the wake of the Living Saint Celestine's arrival and Kasr Kraf was saved, she bought the Imperials enough time to move their defence to the Elysion Fields, the largest grouping of Cadian Pylons on the planet. The island of Ran Storn vanished entirely, its shell-ravaged landing fields drowned beneath the waves. The Emperor had come to Khur personally with Malcador the Sigillite after ordering the Ultramarines to destroy the Khurian city of Monarchia, where the Emperor was worshipped as a god as a result of the teachings of the Word Bearers. Cadia was later resettled by Imperial Humans of all creeds and genetic stock. It held a breathable atmosphere conducive to human life, with an average temperature of 20°C and surface gravity of 1.12G. It was always very easy to determine who was an outsider or local on Cadia simply by what they wore.   |  Produced by Warner Bros. 80 min Trailer announcing the 6/30/19 World Premiere of Cadia: The World Within. ActorAgeCheck is a free service that allows you to quickly view the age of an actor/actress along with their age in a specific movie (it's important to note that the age of a person in a particular movie is based on the movies release date, and may not represent the actual filming date). It was this network which had indeed kept open the Cadian Gate for millennia, and the sudden failure of which allowed the Eye of Terror to begin to expand across the galaxy, providing an anchor point for the eventual development of the Great Rift that cut the Imperium in half after the end of the 13th Black Crusade. The Cadians, primitive as they were, used a language which was akin to the Word Bearers' own Colchisan tongue. Cadia: The World Within. But even then, there was worse to come. The Imperial defenders were quick to capitalise on each strategic misstep,for many were veterans of the wars upon Cadia, and they knew how to goad a fractious enemy into overextending its reach. The winds grew, hurling tanks across the pylon fields, crushing those who had sought shelter beneath them. Some amongst the Cult Mechanicus believed the spires to be the work of the Necrons, or their mortal antecedents the Necrontyr, but then there were those on Mars equally convinced that the pylons were constructed by the Old Ones for the sole purpose of destroying the Necrons and their former C'tan overlords. The campaign was kicked off by the unexpected betrayal of the Volscani Cataphracts of the Astra Militarum, whose regiments successfully assassinated the Cadian High Command, including the Lord Castellan, the Cadian Planetary Governor. Open year-round. It was there that the Traitor Legions found refuge, isolated from the rest of the galaxy by potent Warp Storms. The Krian Fault, bane of Cadia Tertius since the Age of Strife, had ruptured one last, fateful time, and the planetary crust split apart. Any recovered data was fragmentary at best, and contradictory at worst. "This is Cadia, you silly fool! From lightweight single-axle utility trailers to dual-axle haulers that increase deck size and payload, Big Tex Trailer World has affordable and versatile Big Tex utility trailer solutions for your jobs. Together, these Imperials -- the so-called Celestinian Crusade -- would forge an uneasy alliance with the enigmatic xenos that would offer a new hope for the servants of the Emperor in their fight against the waxing power of the Archenemy -- the resurrection of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. N/A (Currently) Aptus Non (Formerly). As the Warp and its foul denizens claimed the remains of the Fortress World, Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed arranged an evacuation of the planet that saved 3 million of its citizens before the planet finally ripped itself apart -- though not before Creed himself mysteriously disappeared. Cadia stands upon the only known reliable route out of the Eye of Terror and thus is one of the most strategically vital worlds in the entire Imperium of Man. The survivors clinging to the ruined fortresses of the continent of Cadia Tertius barely had time to scream. Directed by Cedric Gegel. Led by the skilled strategist Ursarkar E. Creed, the Colonel of the 8th Cadian Regiment who was suddenly vaulted to the position of Lord Castellan, the Imperial forces were able to contain the initial Chaos assault and hunt down most of the occupying forces after the defeat of the initial Chaos armada in orbit. English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体) As the Warp and its foul denizens claimed the remains of the Fortress World, Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed arranged an evacuation of the planet that saved 3 million of its citizens before the planet finally ripped itself apart -- though not before Creed himself mysteriously disappeared. The official teaser trailer for the 2019 family fantasy film Cadia: The World Within, starring Corbin Bernsen, James Phelps, Nicky Buggs, Rick Montgomery Jr, John Wells, and many more. Before the later Imperial re-colonisation of the world in the 32nd Millennium, Cadia was the home of a lost fragment of Humanity that worshiped the four Chaos Gods, probably since the onset of the Age of Strife. At Camping World, we want you to enjoy RV living with your significant other in a couples-only travel trailer or with your whole family in family friendly travel trailers, such as bunkhouse travel trailers. As the pylons fell, the nodal web stuttered, and then withered entirely. The exact reasons for the existence of this unusual region of stability is unknown, though many Magi of the Adeptus Mechanicus believe it is due to the presence of the famous Cadian Pylons. The psychic shock of the birth was so great that it could not wholly be contained within the Warp but spilt out into reality through the minds of the Aeldari who died on th… This mystery was finally solved during the 13th Black Crusade by Archamgos Dominus Belisarius Cawl with the aid of the Necron Lord Trazyn the Infinite, who had been present when the pylons were first constructed eons ago, proving those Adepts who had long believed the pylons to be Necron creations correct. The combined forces fled through a Webway gate found on the ice moon of Klaisus in the Cadian System. Since Cadia was the capital world of the Cadian Sector and was often raided by various alien civilisations like the Aeldari and Orks as well as the Forces of Chaos, the planet was heavily fortified. Cadia's natural environment was much like Terra's millennia ago, with a large ocean that covered 70 percent of the planet's surface. 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